Brother is too evil

Chapter 524 The Rage of the White Clothes

Chapter 524 The Rage of the White Clothes (1)
Back at the opposite restaurant, Duanmu Changying was pouring herself a drink, her expression was a little lonely, when she saw her coming in, her eyes lit up, and the silence all over her body disappeared in an instant like ice and snow meeting the sun.

Back in the other courtyard, Duanmu Changying only sat for a while, and then left. Her brother hadn't come back yet, and Jian Yuyan was not in the other courtyard. Thinking of Jian Yuyan, she felt a little complicated, so she went back to the room early, and took the letter Xie Ruyan gave her again. Take it out.

Xie Ruyan's handwriting, graceful and elegant, mostly told her not to patronize cultivation, but to take good care of herself, and said that she and the prince were fine, so she didn't have to worry about it... Although the letter He didn't mention asking her to go back, but Qin Luoyi could feel the hidden longing.

After reading and looking at the letter paper, she folded it with a smile and put it away. The urge to go back became more and more obvious. She must go back in a year at the latest. With her current cultivation base, she has to cross the tens of thousands of miles of sea , and will no longer encounter any danger.

Taking out the bodhi seed, she began to cultivate the power of the soul. One reason was that Duanmu Jinyu needed to undo the soul-stealing technique, and the other important reason was that after the demon owl left, she had been told to let her practice slowly. , spending more time on cultivating the power of the soul will be of great benefit to her in the future. Mo Xiao's cultivation is abnormal, and the relationship between the two is unusual, so his words naturally make sense.

The spirit water prepared by Jin Dongyan, she and her elder brother Qin Tian practiced in it for three months, she cultivated a spirit flower, and her elder brother jumped from the first level of the Jade Mansion to the third level of the Purple Mansion, the spiritual power in the spirit water is still very strong. Enough, she discussed it with her brother, after the business here is over, and Mr. Qin's birthday is over, they will find a place to retreat.

Duanmu Changying and Zong Wuying felt that their lives were short, and they hadn't even touched a single bit of spiritual water. She quietly put half a bowl of blood from Duanmu Changying's body into a pill bottle, and took it out to study when she was free. It's a pity that until now, it is impossible to see what kind of poison he has.

She has estimated the rest of the spirit water. She has the source of chaos. Now that she has cultivated the spirit flower, even the top cultivators of the Zifu are not afraid. The power of protection.

Those spiritual waters were more than enough for Qin Tian to cultivate to the peak of the Zifu. Although she was angry with Duanmu Changqing and the others, she still left a lot of spiritual water for them. With research, all the ingredients in it have been identified.

What made her even more delighted was that there were a lot of things in her storage space, and some things were still on Hei Di's body, but they were usually treasured by him as treasures, and he was reluctant to take them out easily.

I haven't seen Dahei and Heidi for several months. She really missed them. Before she left, she let them follow Feng Feili and the other three. She didn't know where they followed. Fortunately, she and Dahei are souls. The contract, although I don't know where it is, but I also know that it is safe and sound.

Among the ten or so samples that are still poor, there are some ice fields, which should grow in places she has not been to last time. When the ice fields are opened next time, she can go to the ice fields to find them, and the rest will have to wait It's a slow search, but she has plenty of time, there are still nearly a hundred years before the opening of the Ice Realm, maybe she will be able to collect all the things in this hundred years, she only used half of the source of chaos she got from the Fire Realm. Getting some scattered sources of chaos from Jin Dongyan's body is enough for her to make a portion of spiritual water by herself.

The Territory of the Far North.

In the vast and boundless land of the extreme north, there are huge towering snow-capped mountains. The wind howling on the snow-capped peaks is majestic. The wind is like a sharp blade. Here, it is definitely a dead end.

There are few people here. Besides the harsh environment, the space here is extremely unstable, and there are space gaps everywhere. If you are not careful, you will fall into the space gap and be torn into pieces by the twisted space. live.And the closer it gets to the depths, the bigger and towering snow mountains there are, the thicker the snow cover, and the more ruthless the wind is.

In the deepest part of the snow-capped mountain, a very faint fragrance suddenly emanates from the snow and spreads quickly.A moment later, a silver figure suddenly emerged from the snow, roared wildly, and stared at the snow-covered place tens of miles ahead with excited eyes.

There was a small tree about a foot high, the leaves were oval, small and crystal clear, and there were nearly ten pea-sized white fruits on it, and the fragrance emanated from the fruits.

The silver figure emerging from under the snow-capped mountain is the Demon Emperor. It is covered with silver hairs, shining brightly one by one. Its head is like a unicorn, its body is like a lion, and its limbs are like dragon claws. breath.Looking at the small tree shaking in the wind and snow, the Demon Emperor really wanted to rush over, but seeing the ubiquitous and unpredictable space cracks around him, he shrank his neck again, and deep annoyance flashed in his eyes, The claws scratched anxiously on the ground.

"Oh my god, I'm not mistaken, it's actually the lotus of the extreme ice, and it also bears lotus seeds. It's something that can only be found in legends. It's the essence of the land of extreme ice. If we can eat a lotus One, the cultivation level will definitely be promoted to several levels." Another fat red figure emerged from the snow, it was the Tianwu monk who had been following Ouyang Ling for the past two years, and the Tianwu monk looked at the snow-covered little girl in the distance. Tree, the eyes are also amazingly bright.

Just like the Demon Emperor, even if there is something extremely attractive in front of him, he dare not leave the ground under his feet and take a step forward, fearing from the bottom of his heart the ubiquitous cracks in space.

The lotus of the extreme ice contains powerful spiritual power, and the spiritual power is extremely pure. It is the only rare spiritual plant on the entire continent that can be absorbed by the body without refining, and because it only grows in In this extremely cold place, the lotus tree can also automatically absorb the power of the stars between the heaven and the earth, so the lotus seeds not only contain powerful spiritual power, but also extremely pure power of the stars.

Both the Yaohuang and the Tianwu monk wanted to rush over, but looking at the gap in the space, they both gave up their thoughts, and they didn't dare to use their spiritual power to pick it up. The distance is too far, and there are too many gaps in the space. It would be a pity to be in the space gap.

One person and one beast stared fiercely at the mature ice lotus, and very reluctantly went under the snow mountain again.

There is an ice cave under the snow-capped mountain. The ice cave is white and crystal-clear. It is very cold inside. It gets colder as it goes down. The Demon Emperor's cultivation base is strong so that he can withstand the severe cold here, and the monk Tianwu is not frozen. It's because he was lucky in the early years and got a rare treasure - the Fire Spirit Orb. If it wasn't for the Fire Spirit Orb, with his cultivation base that just entered the Jade Mansion, he wouldn't be able to stay where he has already formed. Inside the cold ice cave of the year.

(End of this chapter)

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