Brother is too evil

Chapter 528 Mirror-like magic weapon

Chapter 528 Mirror-like magic weapon (1)
From the corner of her eye, she looked at Feng Feili and the three of them, but in the eyes of others, her eyes fell directly on a piece of green jade slips that were not very good in quality, which should be a training book. Gongfa.

Chu Yifeng walked over with a smile.

"I want this jade slip."

Before he could get the jade slip, a blue figure suddenly appeared in front of the booth where the jade slips were placed, and picked up the jade slip with his slender index finger as white as jade.A seductive smile bloomed on the delicately painted face: "How much is this jade slip?"

The jade slip belonged to a middle-aged man. He also saw Qin Luoyi's gaze on his jade slip, and he was expecting Young Master Duanmu and the others to come over. Jane took it.

"Girl, 5 taels of silver." The woman in blue looked very unusual, and she was followed by a man in black with a stern look. Apart from the man in black, there were several other men. Among them was a man in white. I have a little impression that it is Shangguan Wuyou of the Shangguan family.

He can't afford to mess with these people.

Qin Luoyi looked at the person who appeared suddenly, and couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

It turned out to be Liu Qingcheng.

Liu Qingcheng glanced at her sideways from the corner of his eyes, with a proud smile on his lips, Shangguan Wuyou grabbed the 5 taels of silver bills before everyone else.

Chu Yifeng's face darkened, and his evil phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously. This woman, he was sure that she did it on purpose, why not choose?But he chose the jade slip that Yi'er liked.

The smile on the corners of Duanmu Changqing's lips retracted, and the light in her eyes became cold, but Feng Feili smiled, but the cold evil spirit in her peach blossom eyes could not be concealed.

Shangguan Wuyou felt chills all over his body when these three people saw it. It must not be easy for Chu Yifeng to be able to walk with Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, and Duanmu Changqing, Feng Feili, he had met these two people before , which time did you not accompany enough to be careful?
Reflexively, she was about to salute to these two people, and opened her mouth to greet them. Liu Qingcheng raised her eyebrows, glanced at him, and let out a very faint hum of dissatisfaction.

Shangguan Wuyou's eyes flashed quickly, and he immediately gave up his plan to go up to greet them. Liu Qingcheng and Feng Feili Duanmu Changqing did not deal with each other. He knew better than anyone else that if it wasn't for these two people, why would Liu Qingcheng be in such a mess? What happened to being expelled from the Misty Sect?

Even he has always doubted the matter of Liu Qingcheng and Ye Feifei on the flying boat. Ninety-nine percent of it was Qin Luoyi's fault. The relationship between Qin Luoyi and these two people is not normal. If they knew that they had... The chill that came out became stronger.

Xiao Liang of Linghang City was killed on the flying boat. His parents tried their best to make the Xiao family no longer pursue it. The Tuoba family and the Shangguan family are also the top seven One of the aristocratic family, but not as easy to deal with as the Xiao family, with all the witnesses and material evidence, he insisted that he killed people on the flying boat, and trapped him in Xiaguang City for three full months. Get him out of the Tuoba family.

A hint of predation flashed quickly in Shangguan Wuyou's eyes.

He will be mistaken for the murderer, and Liu Qingcheng will be with Ye Feifei. No matter what he thinks, something is wrong. [-]% of this matter has something to do with Qin Luoyi. He hates Liu Qingcheng, and even more hates Qin Luoyi.

However, Liu Hanqing got the Dragon Shocking Art, he must win Liu Qingcheng's heart and practice that Dragon Shocking Art to call the wind and rain in the Xuantian Continent. At this time, he can't go against her at all. After nearly a month, he finally It was easy to coax her to slow down her attitude towards him.

Looking at the abnormal appearance of the three of Duanmu Changqing, and thinking that she seemed to be looking in the direction of the jade slip just now, Qin Luoyi's head was covered with black lines, she invaded the jade slip with her consciousness, and the corners of her lips couldn't help it. He pulled away a faint smile.

She is not as powerful as Bai Yi, she can see clearly whether there is a spar in the original stone, but there is no problem at all when looking at the jade slip that seems to be sealed badly. tactic.

It is not a practice of dual cultivation of men and women, but it is purely for people to study the love between men and women. I don’t know which monk who deceives people has sealed it with a powerful seal. Ordinary people can’t get in with their spiritual sense. A book of cultivation methods was put on the market.

Qin Luoyi was glad that Liu Qingcheng showed up in time, and spent 5 taels of silver to get that obscene jade slip, otherwise it would be fine if those three men really got it.

Too lazy to look at Liu Qingcheng again, she lifted her foot and continued walking forward, a sly look flashed in her eyes, wondering if Liu Qingcheng would buy everything if she deliberately looked at those things?

Qin Luoyi didn't care about it, but Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were extremely angry... Liu Qingcheng actually dared to come out and deliberately snatch things from Yi'er, her courage was really getting bigger and bigger.In the past two years, the two of them have been wholeheartedly dealing with that hidden dark force, and Duanmu Changying, unexpectedly, it made her linger on for a few more years.

After Chu Yifeng knew that the woman in front of him was Liu Qingcheng, his gaze became indifferent and profound.

Qin Luoyi continued to walk in, Liu Qingcheng also took the jade slip, brought Shangguan Wuyou and a group of Liu family's children, and walked forward with a smile: "This market is really lively, I want to have a good time today Strolling around inside, there may be some surprises and unexpected discoveries.”

You already have a surprise, okay?

Qin Luoyi glanced at her strangely, then looked at the jade slip in her hand, and twitched the corners of his lips again.

And the three men who followed her thought that she was reluctant to part with the jade slip, and were already thinking about how to get the jade slip back. This is Qilong City, and Liu Qingcheng's cultivation is not enough to be fearless, and the people she brought along are not enough either. It's just that she bought the things with silver, but she can't move them at this time.

It's a pity that Qin Luoyi didn't know what they were thinking at this time. If they wanted to grab the jade slip, they had to explain to them that they didn't like the jade slip at all, so as to completely dispel their idea.

Sure enough, Liu Qingcheng was very interested in everything that Qin Luoyi took a second look at later, but it was a pity that Feng Feili and the other three never gave her any chance to snatch it. After buying more than a dozen items for Qin Luoyi, Liu Qingcheng had nothing but the jade slip in his hands.

Qin Luoyi was speechless.

She no longer has the interest to go shopping.

There are a lot of people who sell or buy things in the hundreds of acres of square market, but apart from the voices of them and Liu Qingcheng, there is no other noise at this time. Originally, I wanted to fool Liu Qingcheng, she didn't expect that the three people around her were always being fooled.

Liu Qingcheng gritted her teeth with hatred.

It's just that the more I hate in my heart, the brighter the smile on my face, especially when I saw that there is another handsome man beside her, who loves Qin Luoyi as much as Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing. The meaning is almost gushing out.

(End of this chapter)

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