Brother is too evil

Chapter 529 Mirror-like magic weapon

Chapter 529 Mirror-like magic weapon (2)
A group of luxuriously dressed young men walked in from the entrance of Fangshi with high spirits. The leader was a monk from the Yufu——Feng Zian. As soon as he entered Fangshi, he saw Feng Feili and his party in front of him. Liu Qingcheng, who was surrounded by Shangguan Wuyou and a group of Liu family children like stars and moons, could not help but walk over quickly with his eyes brightening.

The anger in Liu Qingcheng's heart disappeared miraculously, and she smiled proudly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he quickly flicked across the group of men, gave Qin Luoyi a sneaky and triumphant glance, then did not continue to move forward, and picked up a mirror-like magic weapon from the booth beside him.

The magic weapon is silver, and its light can tell others. She seems to be looking at the magic weapon carefully, but in fact, she pays close attention to the movement of the group of people behind her from the reflection of the magic weapon.

Those are direct descendants of some powerful families in Xuantian Continent or core disciples of powerful sects, whether it is aptitude or family background, they are all one in a hundred, although the background behind them is not as good as the powerful seven families, and their cultivation talent Shangfeng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are also very good, and if you just grab one, you can be regarded as the proud son of heaven who dominates one side.

These are the favored children of heaven. Since I came to Qilong City yesterday, they have all surrounded her enthusiastically. They are always attentive and careful to please. Every look and every action of mine can make them happy or happy. , or disappointed, and she... likes this feeling very much.

Slightly raising his chin, Liu Qingcheng waited confidently for the group of people to come.Surrounding her like yesterday, she wanted Feng Feili to know what he had lost by protecting Qin Luoyi, and Duanmu Changqing.

"I have seen Young Master Feng."

"I have met Young Master Duanmu."

"Master Chu, you've come to Fangshi too."

Liu Qingcheng, who was waiting for them to come and bow down to him, suddenly exerted force on his hand holding the magic weapon, his enchanting face became slightly distorted, these bastards actually greeted Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing first!

There is even that Mr. Chu whom he has never heard of.

If it wasn't for her having a semblance of reason, knowing that this is Fangshi, in public, or the magic weapon in her hand would have been thrown out viciously by her.

Taking a deep breath secretly, suppressing the anger in her heart, she simply put down the magic weapon in her hand and continued to walk forward, like a proud peacock, her eyes never glanced at the group of people beside her.

"Wrap this up."

Shangguan Wuyou, who followed closely behind her, asked the price of the magic weapon, and quickly said to the old man who set up the stall, and paid the money without hesitation.

A faint smugness flashed in his eyes.

He has been paying attention to Liu Qingcheng, so naturally he didn't miss the envy and jealousy in her eyes that were deeply hidden in her eyes when she saw Qin Luoyi just glanced at something, and Duanmu Changqing and others bought it for her.

Shangguan Wuyou took the magic weapon wrapped and handed over by the old man, and out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Feng Zian and the others who were excitedly talking to Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing, and gently pulled the corners of their lips, He knew that Liu Qingcheng was angry, and he was very angry, but with them at this time, he could better set off his kindness to Liu Qingcheng, and it was easier to achieve his goal.

"Give you."

When Shangguan Wuyou put the purchased magic weapon into Liu Qingcheng's hands, Liu Qingcheng smiled, and she was really in a good mood. She didn't like that magic weapon at all, but Shangguan Wuyou's performance in front of so many people greatly satisfied her of vanity.

Qin Luoyi took advantage of Feng Feili's three people being surrounded by people's enthusiasm, and quickened his pace to walk forward, but he lost the interest to continue wandering around, thinking of his own spiritual water, he was afraid of missing something, so quickly Letting go of his consciousness, he quickly looked through the square market and found nothing, so he walked towards the nearest side door of the square market.

Chu Yifeng followed quickly, and said with a smile: "I haven't walked halfway yet, don't you want to go shopping anymore?" He was even more annoyed at Liu Qingcheng in his heart, and he knew in his heart that it must be because of that woman that Yi'er's interest was disturbed.


Qin Luoyi hummed lightly, which was regarded as an answer.Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing watched Qin Luoyi's figure drift away, how could they be in the mood to deal with this group of people, they said, "I still have something to do, you walked slowly and followed quickly.

The quick departure of Duanmu Changqing and the others disappointed Feng Zian and the others who had finally found a chance and thought they could have a few more words with them. Some even looked at Qin Luoyi's direction with burning eyes, thoughtfully.

"Miss Liu."

Feng Zian came over to greet Liu Qingcheng with a smile.

Liu Qingcheng only glanced lightly at it, he was just in front of Feng Feili who took the lead.Feng Feili and the others left, they couldn't please anymore, and now they came to look for her again?Hmph, do you think Liu Qingcheng is a fool?
He hated so much in his heart, but smiled beautifully on his face, nodded at him, and continued to walk forward, talking to Shangguan Wuyou beside him with a smile, a group of disciples of the Liu family and the man in black with a gloomy expression Follow closely behind her.

Feng Zian, who was left out in the cold, quickly understood, and sneered disapprovingly in his heart, Liu Qingcheng thought he could compare with those two?
Although her father obtained the Dragon Shocking Art, powerful forces from all sides are peeping at the secret book. It is not certain whether the Liu family can keep the secret, let alone the Dragon Shocking Art that has been successfully practiced. Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing are two But Chu Yifeng, the young master of the Feng family and the Duanmu family in the Xuantian Continent, is said to be a disciple of the Qin family, both of whom have boundless futures, so who can say for sure what will happen in the Xuantian Continent in the future?

The forces on the Xuantian Continent, those who are capable, secretly try to seize the Dragon Shocking Art, and those who are incapable naturally have to establish a good relationship with the Liu family as soon as possible. Duanmu Changqing is related, but it is impossible to offend the other two powerful families because of the Liu family.

This Liu Qingcheng, he thought she was smart at first, but now it seems that she is nothing more than mediocre, she has a beautiful face, no wonder she has liked Young Master Feng for so many years, but she has never been able to fulfill her wish to form a double cultivation with Young Master Feng .

Qin Luoyi was about to leave through the side door, when a few proud old men walked in from the side door, followed by several young men in Tsing Yi.

"Miss Qin."

An old man in front of him saw Qin Luoyi, his eyes lit up, it was Liu Guanshi, the steward of the alchemy family of the Duanmu family.

The three old men who were with him were all alchemists of the alchemy room, and the man in Tsing Yi behind him was a disciple of the alchemy room. When they saw Qin Luoyi, their eyes became extremely hot.

"Young master, this is the girl Qin Luoyi next to you? Can you refine a twelfth-level pill in your 20s?" The pride on the faces of the three alchemy masters was completely suppressed, and they looked at Qin Luoyi with burning eyes.

Duanmu Changqing nodded with a smile. These three are all thirteenth-level alchemists. They were not in the mansion when Qin Luoyi made alchemy yesterday. They should have heard about Luoyi's alchemy yesterday after returning to the mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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