Chapter 535
Duanmu Jinyu's eyes flickered.

This large area already has formations, and it is a secret killing formation.It is a formation set up by an ancestor of the Duanmu family a long time ago to protect the Duanmu family in times of crisis.

Moreover, there is not only formations here, but also an ancient and secret secret path below, which is difficult for even the top cultivators of the Zifu to detect. The killing formation above is used to trap invading enemies, and the core disciples of the clan can take advantage of this opportunity Evacuate from the secret passage.

The people who came to kill Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi were obviously very familiar with his Duanmu family, so familiar that it shocked him!Because the formation of concealing the breath was temporarily transformed from the killing formation, and only a few tiny places were moved to change the entire formation.

"Young master, you are finally awake."

When everyone rushed over, two of Shangguan Nanqi's servants also rushed over. Seeing Shangguan Nanqi who was injured in the chest and unconscious, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly fed him a high-grade healing pill.

Shangguan Nanqi was wounded in his chest, and the sword barely passed by the side of his heart, almost... even the best healing pills would be useless.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was a little dazed. When he saw the crowd watching, as well as Liu Patriarch with a cold and angry face, and Liu Qingcheng who was being supported by someone and covered in blood, a flash of pain flashed in his eyes. Feeling flustered, struggling to stand up, he said eagerly to Liu Qingcheng: "Miss Liu, how are you doing?"

"I was stabbed with a sword, but fortunately, my life is safe. Thank you, Young Master Shangguan, for saving me." Liu Qingcheng looked at Shangguan Nanqi with genuine gratitude in his eyes, and looked at Qin Luoyi from the corner of his eyes But with a vicious look, in her opinion, she must be the one who wants to harm herself.

Qin Luoyi stood expressionless, completely out of the way, as long as no one jumped out to accuse her, she would not deny anything, otherwise in the eyes of others, there would be no silver 300 taels here.

In fact, to put it bluntly, this matter really has something to do with her.

However, Shangguan Nanqi was the one who designed this play of heroes saving the beauty. In order to win the hearts of the beauties and successfully obtain the Dragon Shocking Art, Shangguan Nanqi acted in this play.

According to his previous thinking, with the hero saving the beauty, if he pursues Liu Qingcheng diligently in the future, the possibility of marriage between the Shangguan family and the Liu family will be the greatest. After all, Liu Qingcheng and Ye Feifei's debauched bed on the flying boat Many people have seen the performance with their own eyes, and now it is rumored that it is extremely unbearable. Although the ancestor of the Liu family went to kill Ye Feifei himself, he also personally refuted the rumor that Liu Qingcheng was killed by Ye Feifei. How much Liu Qingcheng's damaged reputation has been restored.

In Shangguan Nanqi's original plan, he would never be injured by the sword, and the palm he received on his back was his limit. Caring and pity, he is very transparent about women's minds.

He calculated that the power from the seal on his body could break through the formation, attract everyone, and even scare away the assassins without making Liu Qingcheng suspect anything.What he couldn't figure out was that the light of the seal was a high-ranking cultivator in the Zifu, and he couldn't pierce it with a sword in an instant, and the two swords shouldn't have pierced him.

But of course Qin Luoyi, a theatergoer, would not let the two of them relax so easily. None of this is a good thing. She quietly injected some power into the two swords, and easily broke the silver seal formed by the seal. The defensive cover successfully pierced the two swords into Shangguan Nanqi and Liu Qingcheng.

She didn't want their lives, it's not that she was soft-hearted, these two people deserve to die, but they can't die here, this is the Duanmu family in Qilong City, not to mention that she still needs these two people to continue playing tricks, they started, as for When to stop is up to her to decide.

Old Master Qin looked at the wound on Shangguan Nanqi's chest with wise eyes, and his half-smile eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body. Surprised, she blinked, and moved away inadvertently.

His heartbeat couldn't help but speed up, and Mr. Qin's eyes looked... as if he already knew something.Thinking of the unpredictable aura in him that was not weaker than hers when she met him before, she felt that this old man Qin was unfathomable. Compared with the ancestor of the Liu family, old man Qin obviously made her more afraid.

Fortunately, she probably won't be his enemy in this life. Such a powerful person can't be a friend or an enemy.

"I still hurt you." Shangguan Nanqi's complexion was very bad because of the serious injury, and his voice seemed lack of energy, but he looked at Liu Qingcheng with guilt in his eyes.

Shangguan Wuyou looked at the two people who were seriously injured and still did not forget to express their love. A coldness flashed in his eyes, but he quickly covered it up. He went up to support Shangguan Nan Qi himself, and asked him what happened with concern. That's it.

Brothers Duanmu Changqing and Duanmu Changying came back from a distance, and their younger sister Duanmuyun, after discovering something strange here, the three of them quickly led people to chase them out.

"Someone caught it?" Duanmu Jinyu asked in a deep voice.

"No...they had someone to meet them, and quickly ran away with the white jade platform." Duanmu Changqing said, his already cold expression became even colder, his eyes were cold and quiet, and his handsome face was very gloomy.

Duanmu Changying and Duanmuyun didn't catch up either, and they both looked annoyed and angry.

Hearing this, Old Ancestor Liu sneered sarcastically, looked at the two brothers, and then his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi again, with a blood-thirsty haze: "Can someone run away from Qilong City if someone responds? No I don't know if it's really gone, or... Hehe, I don't know, but the impenetrable Qilong City has become a place where assassins can come and go freely."

The implication is that the Duanmu family is hiding the murderer. Duanmu Jinyu, who was originally upset that her family's powerful formations were known to others, felt very upset when she heard the insinuation of Liu Patriarch.

His Duanmu family wants to kill Liu Qingcheng, so do they need to do it in their own mansion?It's just a Qingfu monk, he can pinch her to death even if he moves his fingers.

"I pray for Dragon City, of course, people can't come and go freely." With a cold face, he called out several strong men from the Duanmu family who were hiding in the Dragon City, and said to them and their two sons: "Those two people must be found out. I want to see who is so courageous and dares to kill people here."

The injured people were Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi. If something happened to these two... The people behind the scenes had a lot of ambitions. They obviously wanted to fight with these two families. Some people wanted to be orioles.

Shangguan Nan Qi lowered his eyes slightly, and in the eyes of others, he only thought that he was mentally ill after being injured.

He planned carefully this time, they couldn't catch them, and he found a very powerful Yi Rong master to change their faces, and there was a face towel to cover them, that is, they will come back immediately after pulling off the towel, standing in front of Liu Qingcheng, Liu Qingcheng didn't recognize them at all.

(End of this chapter)

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