Brother is too evil

Chapter 536 Falling from the Sky

Chapter 536 Falling from the Sky (1)
What shocked him now was how those two knives were inserted into his body. Even now that the incident was over, he felt chills all over when he thought of that scene. He had chosen his life.

Thinking of the weird scene on Qiantong Mountain again.

Someone sneaked up on him and killed two of his subordinates. If he hadn't had a seal to protect his body, his life would have been lost last time. However, after he reported his identity, the people hiding in the dark let him leave safely. Obviously Fear of his identity.

He slightly mentioned his plan to his subordinates, but he only said that he was going to get close to Liu Qingcheng, and he didn't reveal anything else. The strong power of the seal in his body didn't block the two swords. I can attribute this to the last time I was in Qiantong Mountain, the sealing power was activated once, and the time interval was too short, so it became weaker, so that I couldn't protect myself.

After thinking about this, he immediately felt relieved.

If Duanmu Jinyu wants to investigate, let him investigate. Anyway, he can't catch people, but he has to wait for the Duanmu family to give him an explanation. So many people saw him injured, and Duanmu Jinyu couldn't get rid of the responsibility.

Thinking of how Duanmu Jinyu would be jumping in a hurry when someone carried his back, he was in a great mood, but his face didn't show any expression, he closed his eyes and pretended to faint.

Duanmu Jinyu summoned the alchemist who was the most proficient in medicine in the Duanmu family, and then moved Shangguan Nanqi and Liu Qingcheng into the Bixiao Palace where the Duanmu family used to entertain distinguished guests. Seeing what happened, the others all helped Duanmu Changqing He and Duanmu Changying led people to search for traces of assassins in Qilong City and even outside the city.

Mr. Qin was about to leave, and Duanmu Jinyu finally had this opportunity to talk to Mr. Qin, so he naturally didn't want to just let him go, not to mention that the people who assassinated Liu Qingcheng and Shangguan Nanqi had bad intentions and wanted to plot against his Duanmu family.

Back then, Old Master Qin's talent for cultivation was absolutely abnormal in Xuantian Continent. If he could give a few words of advice, some barriers that could not be broken for hundreds of thousands of years might be overcome.

Old Ancestor Liu hadn't seen him for many years. After Liu Qingcheng was settled, he asked with concern: "You're still looking for your granddaughter all these years? Is there any news?"

Mr. Qin is old, but he is the youngest among the group of people, especially Mr. Liu, who is about the same age as him. Mr. Liu has many wrinkles on his face, and even has white hair on his head. Mr. Liu looked like he was only in his 30s or [-]s.

Not only did Old Ancestor Liu think that this is a pervert, but Tuoba Xiaoyao and Duanmu Jinyu were also envious. Just by looking at his appearance, you can tell how perverted Mr. Qin's cultivation is.Duanmu Jinyu and Tuoba Xiaoyao also expressed concern when Liu Patriarch mentioned Grandpa Liu's granddaughter. Duanmu Jinyu originally wanted to ask around in the Huashou Hall just now, but she realized it before she asked. Something went wrong.

"No." Old Master Qin's face darkened, and an unconcealable feeling of bleakness floated on his body.

"Three years ago, when I went to the Tianlong Mountains, I met a young woman who looked a bit like Qin Lin's nephew. I was a little happy when I thought that you had been looking for your missing granddaughter. I thought that she would be so similar. It's your granddaughter, and I found out after inquiring about it later, the age doesn't match." Old Ancestor Liu sighed a little sadly.

"Well, you have a heart." Mr. Liu glanced at him, and nodded lightly, but apart from this sentence, there is not much else. His hot face is on someone else's cold ass, which made Mr. Liu feel stagnant .

Couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart, this old man looks so evil, he deserves to die, his son still can't find his granddaughter, I think when he knew the news, he drank three altars of spiritual wine happily and got drunk for two God, then hurried to comfort him with a sad look.

They were born in the same era, and Qin Yanzhi's radiance covered that entire era. As the future young master of the seven great families, his cultivation talent was extremely perverted. I can only see him, and regard him as the lover of my dreams, and even the woman I like finally formed a double cultivation with him.

Every time he thought of this, he wished that this pervert would die early, otherwise the whole world would only know about him, Qin Ao, but not Liu Ziyu.Unexpectedly, Qin Yanzhi didn't die, but his son died early, haha, even his granddaughter didn't protect him, and he didn't even meet anyone, so he disappeared. Every time he thought of this, his heart would stop Happy to live.

Now his Liu family has the Dragon Shocking Jue, Qin Yanzhi came to Qilong City again today, in his opinion, Qin Yanzhi must also be planning to start the Dragon Shocking Jue, he has been waiting for him to speak, hehe, the wind has already been let out, I don't know if he wants his two disciples, or whether he wants Qin Mo to marry Qingcheng.

He remembered that Liu Qingcheng seemed a little moved by Qin Tian.

Mr. Qin was impatient to talk to them again. He came to see Qin Luoyi today. Now that people have seen him, Qin Luoyi even left the Duanmu family a long time ago. There is no need for him to stay here again. Soon Take Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng to leave.

This night, the entire Qilong City was not peaceful. Early the next morning, there were more than twice as many guards patrolling the gate of Qilong City than usual. There were also guards from the Duanmu family patrolling everywhere in the city. It's too big, in just one night, the whole Qilong City has already spread the news that an assassin has sneaked into the Duanmu family and wants to take Liu Qingcheng's life. Spread the word.

Shangguan Nanqi set up this bitter plan, he was also hit on the back and a sword in the chest, the price he paid was not insignificant, naturally he didn't want his blood to be shed in vain, and he didn't care about himself early in the morning Before her body recovered, she ran to Liu Qingcheng's room.

Liu Qingcheng's life was saved by him, and the disciples of the Liu family who were guarding him would naturally not stop him. Seeing him rushing over with a pale face and a bad spirit, he felt a little strange. Unexpectedly, that woman Liu Qingcheng was indeed killed. Well, there was a scandal, and the young master Shangguan was able to protect her with his life.

Liu Qingcheng was meditating to heal his injuries.

The injury she suffered was actually not serious. In addition, she took Patriarch Liu's Healing Pill, and last night, Patriarch used his spiritual power to help her dissolve the medicinal properties of the Healing Pill, so her injury has already healed a lot.

Not long after Shangguan Nanqi arrived, she withdrew from her cultivation. When she opened her eyes, she saw Shangguan Nanqi sitting not far away, looking at her worriedly, and her heart beat a little faster.

As Shangguan Nanqi said last night, before, her eyes were all on Feng Feili, and then she paid attention to Qin Tian. She really didn't think about Shangguan Nanqi. A handsome man, she has never looked at him properly.

(End of this chapter)

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