Brother is too evil

Chapter 537 Falling from the Sky

Chapter 537 Falling from the Sky (2)
At this moment, being stared at by his burning and worried eyes, and last night he risked his life to save him, I really thought about him, and felt that Shangguan Nanqi was actually a good-looking type. Xi Shi is in the eye of the beholder.

When Old Ancestor Liu came in, he happened to see the two of them staring at each other with affection in their eyes, his heart suddenly moved, and he couldn't help but also carefully looked at Shangguan Nanqi.

If Shangguan Nanqi can double cultivate with Qingcheng, it is a very good choice. In the future... If he chooses Qin Tian, ​​he is afraid that it will be bad for the Liu family to confront Qin Ao too early. Qin Yanzhi's son and granddaughter have accidents one after another. Years ago, Ke was so strong that he almost ransacked the entire territory of Xuantian Continent, making everyone in the aristocratic family in Xuantian Continent feel insecure and dare not touch his edge.

Now that the Liu family has the Dragon Shocking Art now, he hopes that the Qin Family will be the last to face each other on Xuantian Continent, and when someone from his Liu Family has practiced the Dragon Shocking Art to perfection, he will no longer be afraid of the Qin Family.

Qin Luoyi, who borrowed a knife to commit murder, slept soundly until the next day when the sky was bright. When he woke up, someone sent a message saying that Duanmu Changying and Duanmu Jinyu had set off hundreds of thousands of miles away. Shuhan city courtyard.

She didn't waste any time, and rushed over after freshening up. Master Qin came. Qin Tian didn't come back last night. Originally, she was going to tell him that she was going to perform the Soul Constipation Technique on Duanmu Jinyu today. Yes, Qin Tian is not here, she decided to go alone.

After leaving the other courtyard, I saw Jian Yuyan, whom I hadn't seen for a few days, standing there in a blue dress, with a tall and slender figure, looking at her with a smile, although he tried his best to control her, his gaze contained uncontrollable passion and affection .

Qin Luoyi paused, then walked over with a smile.

"Yi'er, you want to go out?" A soft color flashed in Jian Yuyan's eyes, and a gentle smile appeared on his face.

"Yeah." Qin Luoyi nodded, looking at Jian Yuyan's face, but after not seeing him for a few days, she found that his face had softened a lot.

There was a sudden throbbing pain in my heart.

She looked away, didn't look at him, just stood side by side with him, after a few words, she said that she had something to leave first, and after staying by his side for a long time, the astringent throbbing feeling in her heart came It will be strong, Jian Yuyan hides the hotness in his eyes, let her know that the reason why he will clear up is because of himself.

"Where are you going? It just so happens that I'm fine today, so I'll go with you." Jian Yuyan didn't let her leave, and looked at her with a smile.

Qin Luoyi hesitated for a moment.

Seeing the hesitant look on her face, Jian Yuyan's eyes darkened, but the smile on her lips did not diminish, but the smile was a bit bitter no matter how you looked at it: "Is it inconvenient, are you... going to find him? In this case, I just don’t want to go, but now Qilong City is not peaceful, so be careful when you go out.”

Hearing his concerned expression, there was a little gleam in his black eyes, like a cloudless night, with a hint of melancholy, which made the throbbing pain in Qin Luoyi's heart more obvious.

"No, I'm going to Shuhan City." She explained, telling the reason why she and Duanmu Changying came to pray for Dragon City without any concealment, and finally said: "Duanmu Changying has brought Duanmu Jinyu to Shuhan today. City, I'm going to try to see if I can undo Jin Dongyan's soul-hunting technique for him now."

Hearing her explanation, Jian Yuyan's dim eyes suddenly lit up. He didn't blame her for hiding herself before, but was very happy that she would tell herself the reason now.

"Although the other courtyard in Shuhan City, I'd better go with you. It's not too far from Qilong City. Yesterday, there was such a big incident here. Many hidden strongmen from the Duanmu Family were dispatched. What's more, What's more, Liu Ziyu came here and attracted a lot of powerful monks, and the other courtyard doesn't know if it's safe or not, so you have to perform the soul-stirring spell for him at that time, don't be distracted, I'll protect you."

What's more, although he didn't go last night, he listened to the people from the other hospital explain what happened last night in detail. The incident happened strangely. Liu Qingcheng looked at her several times, clearly suspicious of her actions, her every move. If he moves, I'm afraid Liu Ziyu will pay special attention, and there will be some people with ulterior motives.

Duanmu Jinyu is the Patriarch of the Duanmu Family, if someone suddenly makes a move when he is using his kung fu to remove the soul-hunting technique, not only Duanmu Jinyu is in danger, but Qin Luoyi is also in danger... The more he thinks about it, the more determined he should go with her He can't let her fall into danger.

Qin Luoyi saw the worry in his eyes, understood his concerns in his heart, and agreed after thinking about it.Jian Yuyan has cultivated the spirit flower, and with him guarding it, it is more effective than countless guards and other powerful formations.

The journey of hundreds of thousands of miles would not take much time for the two of them, but at this time, dragons and crouching tigers were hidden in the city of Qilong. In order not to attract attention, they controlled their speed, and only accelerated after they were far enough away from the city of Qilong. Speed, it took more than an hour to arrive at the other courtyard that Duanmu Changying said.

There were not many people in the other courtyard, and Duanmu Changying arranged it very carefully. Not only Zong Wuying followed, but also other cultivators from the Purple Mansion of Tiandaozong, but they all scattered far away and were on guard. Always pay attention to the surroundings for abnormalities.

The reason for getting Duanmu Jinyu out was originally prepared by Duanmu Changying, but it was useless. Because of the assassination last night, Duanmu Changying used the soul-hunting technique to hint at it, and brought him to Shuhan City smoothly.

When he arrived in Shuhan City, Duanmu Jinyu took people to check around, and was respectfully invited by Duanmu Changying to drink tea in the other courtyard, and ordered other people to continue to inquire, and he accompanied his father to continue waiting in the other courtyard. information.

Seeing Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan coming, Duanmu Jinyu was very happy. He thought she was also following the assassin, but he looked at Jian Yuyan more. It was the first time he saw Jian Yuyan. She was slender and her eyes were dark. With a calm and scorching light shining, he could tell at a glance that this man was not simple. After knowing that he was actually Wu Shanshou's disciple, he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The Piaomiao Sect has Feng Feili, Qin Luoyi, and now Jian Yuyan, plus his son Duanmu Changqing. I heard that there are a few other disciples who are also very unusual. Continue to dominate Penglai Xiandao.

And this time he also heard from his son that the ancestor Luo actually refined an ancient warship, which is very powerful... Penglai Xiandao with the ancient warship is on the Xuantian Continent. I can bid farewell to their Seven Great Aristocratic Families.

If you want to undo the Soul Conjuring Technique, you can't undo it when the person who has been affected by the Soul Conjuring technique loses consciousness, so Qin Luoyi can't try to save Duanmu Jinyu into a coma.

The place where they sat and rested, Duanmu Changying had already made preparations, Qin Luoyi only said a few words to Duanmu Jinyu, then looked into his eyes with a smile, and quietly released his powerful soul power, Duanmu Jinyu I just felt a trance in front of my eyes, and my consciousness was sucked in by a powerful vortex.

(End of this chapter)

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