Brother is too evil

Chapter 543 Compassion. Protecting each other

Chapter 543 Compassion. Protecting each other (1)
"To tell you the truth, Brother Shangguan, some time ago I went wrong in my cultivation, and when I came here today, it suddenly flared up again. Fortunately, Miss Qin helped me heal my injuries." Duanmu Jinyu explained with a smile.

"What went wrong in your cultivation?" Not only Shangguan Zhan didn't believe it, but Liu Ziyu didn't believe it either, but the doubts were just hidden in their hearts. Miss, help you heal your wounds, but this healing method is very strange, it seems that brother Duanmu is well?"

"Of course." Duanmu Jinyulang laughed.

Liu Ziyu stared at Qin Luoyi, with a cold light flickering at the bottom of his eyes, and Jian Yuyan was looking at him from the corner of his eyes, he couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, a surge of anger suffocated in his heart, almost made him bleed out.

A group of people left Shu Han City very quickly. After they left, a blue figure appeared around the other courtyard, standing where Qin Luoyi had stayed, before sighing and leaving with a light smile after a long time.

"Miss Qin's younger brother is that Mr. Jian. You didn't see him at the time. With just a slight wave of his hand, he waved the ancestors of the Liu family and the head of the Shangguan family hundreds of meters away. Tsk, that aura is so domineering." Ah! Throwing down a sentence lightly, saying that whoever dares to disturb Senior Duanmu and his senior sister, he will never forgive anyone lightly, haha, the heads of the two families dare not let their own people act rashly again. "

"No way? Since Ms. Qin's younger brother should be younger than Ms. Qin, how could it be possible for one person to fight against two peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion... You brag too much."

"What bragging, when did you see me bragging? Let me tell you, not only I saw it, but many people also saw it. So many monks from the Liu family and the Shangguan family were all exerting force on the barrier set up by Young Master Jian. , no monk can break through."

"Last night, Miss Liu and Mr. Shangguan were also injured very strangely. I heard that the assassin has not been seen until now. Mr. Jian doesn't seem to have gone to the mansion. It would be great if he went. Where is the assassin yesterday?" Can run away."

"I heard that Miss Qin and Miss Liu have always been at odds. Now everyone knows that Miss Liu will be expelled from the Piaomiao Sect. It has something to do with Miss Qin. I heard that both the Liu family and the Shangguan family suspect that Miss Qin sent someone to move Miss Liu. I was still thinking, how dare someone do it under the eyes of the top cultivator in the Zifu, if it is Mr. Jian..."

"You can't talk nonsense about this. Mr. Jian's cultivation is unpredictable. If he hears it, you still have your life."

"Hey, I'm not the only one talking, there are many people who are doubting, I'm just talking to you in private."

"If Mr. Jian really did it, the Liu family and the Shangguan family may suffer from being dumb this time. They are two top cultivators in the Purple Mansion and they didn't pay attention."

Not long after Qin Luoyi and his party returned to Qilong City, the news of what happened outside the other courtyard of Shuhan City quickly spread. After all, besides the members of a few big families, there were also some Zifu monks who were casual cultivators. After rushing over, the fight in the other courtyard of Shuhan City was too exciting, which alarmed many monks around.

When Qin Luoyi heard those rumors, she sneered, but she didn't take it to heart. She actually suspected Jian Yuyan. She quickly knew who spread these rumors.

Jian Yuyan also had a look of indifference.

Liu Qingcheng's expression was much better than last night's, and she was even able to walk freely on the ground, but when she saw Qin Luoyi, her eyes couldn't hide the viciousness that flashed across her eyes.

Shangguan Nanqi's injuries were much worse than hers, not to mention that he had too little time to heal his injuries in order to win the hearts of beauties, and dragged his painful body to show courteousness. At first glance, his expression was as pale as yesterday.

Shangguan Zhan looked at his son's face, his face was so dark that ink could be wrung out, he went to the mansion to see where the assassin appeared for a long time, and after getting Duanmu Jinyu's promise that he would definitely find the murderer, he took his son out of the mansion , Lived in a courtyard of Shangguan's family in Qilong City.

The seven great families are all the top powerful families in the Xuantian Continent, and they are masters who are not short of money. Many families have bought mansions in some extremely prosperous cities as their occasional residences.

Liu Ziyu and Duanmu Jinyu went to the study alone for a while, and then left with Liu Qingcheng. Before leaving, they took a deep look at Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan. Liu Qingcheng wanted to say something to her with a cold face , but was directly stopped by Old Ancestor Liu.

Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were seriously injured, Duanmu Jinyu arranged for them to heal their injuries.Duanmu Changying and Duanmu Jinyu father and son were the only ones left in the courtyard. Duanmu Jinyu sent people to guard the courtyard far away, and ordered that no matter what happened in the courtyard, no one was allowed to enter or let anyone in.

Qin Luoyi followed Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili to the past, seeing that although Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili were seriously injured, they were not injured at all, but they had to start healing as soon as possible, so they each gave them a healing pill, The two looked at her with burning eyes, and seemed to have something to say to her, but Qin Luoyi pretended not to see it, and soon left the Duanmu family's mansion, but just as she walked out of the gate, her footsteps slowed down again.

Looking back at the majestic mansion, she thought of Duanmu Changying, pondered for a moment, motioned for Jian Yuyan to go back first, then fell back to the mansion, and came to the main courtyard where Duanmu Jinyu was, avoiding the guards outside, It quickly swept in and hid aside.

Duanmu Jinyu stood in the room, his originally elegant and handsome face was gloomy, the smile that was often hanging on his lips had long since disappeared, the eyes looking at Duanmu Changying were filled with coldness, there was something in it The raging storm gathers.

Duanmu Changying stood not far in front of him with his hands down, his eyes slightly closed, his handsome face was against the light, and it was impossible to tell what he was thinking at this moment.

"Why?" After a long time, Duanmu Jinyu spoke, but her voice was low and hoarse, filled with indescribable disappointment and suppressed pain.

Duanmu Changying raised her head, there was a glimmer of light in her eyes, but she didn't speak.He knew that his father who had solved the dementia technique remembered everything, including the hints he had given to him time and time again in the past, those things he had forgotten, and even Jin Dongyan who hinted with him back then. remember.

"I'm sorry, father."

Except for this sentence, he didn't say anything, instead he looked out of the window. It was just after noon, the sun was shining brightly outside the window, cicadas kept screaming, the trees were shaded, flowers were in full bloom, and there was a lot of vitality everywhere. .

"Evil!" Duanmu Jinyu was so angry that he stared at the little son he had always loved so much, his chest was heaving violently, and he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sorry? Is one sorry enough? Tell me, why, why did you agree?" Let outsiders plot against your father, why do you want to kill your brother again and again? That is your brother, the only real brother, you beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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