Brother is too evil

Chapter 544 Compassion. Protecting each other

Chapter 544 Compassion. Protecting each other (2)
Thinking that he had always blamed his elder son for his hints before, and felt that the elder son could not tolerate the younger son, the anger in his heart became even hotter.No wonder Changqing has become more and more alienated from himself in the past two years. In his heart, he must be a fool who doesn't distinguish between right and wrong, regardless of his safety, and completely turns to his younger brother.

Duanmu Changying smiled bitterly.

Of course he knew that it was his own brother, but he killed his brother time and time again, and drove him to desperation time and time again. I am afraid that in his heart, he would no longer consider himself a brother, and would have hated himself so much Alright.

The words he wanted to explain reached his lips and swallowed again.

"Why? Father, do you need to ask? I am also your son. I was only born a few years later than him. In terms of talent in cultivation and ability to deal with things, how can I not be as good as him? Just because I am better than me. Born a few years earlier, he naturally became the young master of the Duanmu family, the heir of the entire family... I naturally don't want him to live, as long as he dies, I will be the young master, and the entire Duanmu family will be mine from now on." Duanmu Changying raised her brows, looked at the angry father in front of her, and said with an unscrupulous smile.

Qin Luoyi was so startled that he almost fell from the invisible tree.

Pursing her red lips, she looked at Duanmu Changying with extremely complicated eyes, her surprise was only fleeting, and soon she understood the reason for Duanmu Changying's actions.

He knew that his life was not long, and he would rather let people misunderstand that he joined forces with outsiders to attack his father and even his brother because of his ambition. He didn't want them to know that he was poisoned, and that he had to bear the tremendous pressure alone. .

Duanmu Jinyu looked at him with a stern look on his face, and swung his palm fiercely towards him, Duanmu Changying moved his feet, avoiding it in a very dangerous way.

Seeing that he dared to dodge something he did wrong, Duanmu Jinyu became even more angry.Originally, he just wanted to teach him a lesson. After all, no matter what he did before, this time he asked Qin Luoyi to undo the soul-hunting technique for himself. He knew his own son, and he was afraid that he would also realize that he had done something wrong. This is why he didn't get angry in front of so many people in Shu Han City, otherwise he would have slapped him to death.

Seeing him dodging at this time, he was very angry, the clothes on his body were windless, and a wave of powerful spiritual attacks hit Duanmu Changying in succession. The guards had already been alarmed, but they had received Duanmu Jinyu's order before, no matter how loud the movement was at this time, no one dared to violate the order and rushed in to see what was going on.

Duanmu Jinyu is a peak monk in the Zifu, and Duanmu Changying is only a junior monk in the Yufu. The difference in cultivation is not 01:30. He was very embarrassed and struggling, and wanted to take the opportunity to run out of the house, how could Duanmu Jinyu give him a chance?A moment later, Duanmu Changying slapped her father several times, and a trace of blood escaped from the corner of her lips.

Qin Luoyi frowned.

I sighed secretly in my heart, thinking whether I should jump out and explain it to him, but with this explanation, Duanmu Changying's poisoning will definitely be exposed, if I don't say it... According to Duanmu Jinyu's behavior, today is not a good day. Beat him down hard, I'm afraid he won't give up.

Fortunately, Duanmu Jinyu knew how to act properly.

Just when she was slightly hesitant, Duanmu Jinyu finally stopped. Duanmu Changying's clothes were in a mess, and he raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his face.

"Where's your mother?"

Duanmu Changying, who wiped off her sweat and was arranging her clothes, froze, her eyes flickered, then she raised her eyebrows and looked at him with a smile: "Didn't she go to practice? You told me this, father, why are you doing this now?" Are you asking about me?"

"Before she went to practice, you were the last person she saw." Duanmu Jinyu looked at him coldly: "Tell me, where did she go to practice?"

He didn't think anything before, but after being relieved by Qin Luoyi, he realized that something was wrong. Before his wife left, she looked at him with reluctant eyes, as if they were not separated temporarily. It's life and death.

"When she comes back from cultivation, let her tell you... how do I know where she went?" Duanmu Changying shrugged, still insisting that she didn't know where her mother went.

"Did something happen to her?" Seeing Duanmu Changying's unshape appearance, Duanmu Jinyu had a bad premonition, he asked in a deep voice, looking at him without blinking his deep dark eyes. "You used the soul-stirring technique on me, and what did you do to your mother... She has also protected you very well this year, did you also use the soul-stirring technique on her? You rebellious son!"

"I don't." Duanmu Changying said helplessly: "Father, don't worry, mother is fine, she really went to practice, and she will come back when she is finished."

"You really know where she went, take me to find her, even if it is cultivation, I still want to know where she is practicing!" Duanmu Jinyu said in a deep voice, feeling extremely disappointed in her son.

Unexpectedly, his son, who is so proud of him, would attach so much importance to power, that he would even hurt his closest relatives for the sake of power. With his cultivation talent and brains, he will definitely be able to advance to the peak of the ninth rank of the Purple Mansion in the future. At that time, he and the two brothers Changqing will be of the same mind, who else in Xuantian Continent would dare to spy on his Duanmu family?

Unexpectedly, he was so short-sighted that he was jealous of his elder brother, and wanted to trap his elder brother to death... His eyes darkened, and he sighed in his heart, after all, he was still too young. Qing has protected him since he was a child, so will he still be at a disadvantage?
Duanmu Jinyu approached again.

"Where is your mother?"

Seeing his father's swearing that he will not give up until he reaches his goal, Duanmu Changying's thoughts of keeping him a secret are shaken. He knows his father's temperament. Now that he has doubts, he will not give up until he sees his mother. .

It's good to tell him, although he has already arranged everything properly, her mother's life is safe before detoxification, but it's good to have one more person to take care of her. The reason why he kept it from his father at first was because he didn't know if he could take care of her mother. If you can kill Jin Dongyan, the second is that even if you succeed in killing Jin Dongyan, your father will lose his memory after he dies, telling him that it was just to make him worry in vain for more than a year.

"Mother is in a very secret place, she was poisoned..."


Before Duanmu Changqing could finish his words, Duanmu Jinyu interrupted him. He felt that the blood in his heart was surging, his eyes were red, and he stared at the little son fiercely, and said angrily: "You unite with outsiders to give me Performing soul-stirring techniques, mercilessly killing your brother, that’s all, you didn’t even spare the mother who gave birth to you and raised you, and even poisoned her, I’ll beat you to death!”

(End of this chapter)

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