Brother is too evil

Chapter 545 Brothers and sisters, clear accounts

Chapter 545 Brothers and sisters, clear accounts (1)
Duanmu Jinyu was so angry that she swung her palm fiercely towards Duanmu Changying's body. Qin Luoyi, who had been hiding in the dark, could no longer just sit idly by. This palm was not like those attacks just now. Ying's cultivation is definitely not able to dodge this palm, if he receives this palm, he will be seriously injured if he does not die.

She jumped down from the tree, seemingly not moving fast, but she caught up with Duanmu Jinyu's attack on Duanmu Changying, and pulled him away.


Although Duanmu Changying avoided it, a large area of ​​the house in front of him was hit and fell down instantly.

Two figures quickly fled from the trees in the backyard.It was Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili who were supposed to be recovering from their wounds. Qin Luoyi was not surprised to see the two of them. She had already discovered that they were here long before. After all, with her current cultivation base and powerful Divine consciousness, any disturbance around her can't escape her perception at all.

Feng Feili had a solemn expression on his face.

Duanmu Changqing looked at Duanmu Changying who was pulled away by Qin Luoyi expressionlessly, with a cold light in his eyes, a terrifying storm was condensing, his hands in his sleeves clenched into fists angrily, his chest heaved violently with.

In fact, Duanmu Jinyu already knew that his eldest son and Feng Feili were here, only Qin Luoyi's appearance was unexpected to him, because he didn't feel her breath at all, and thought that it was her who unleashed the soul-stirring spell for him. Looking at her protecting Changying, Duanmu Jinyu temporarily suppressed his anger, and there was even a trace of fear in his heart. In his anger just now, he almost killed this son with his palm!
If Qin Luoyi hadn't appeared... He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, there was a trace of desolation in them.

Qin Luoyi resisted the urge to roll his eyes, and gave Duanmu Changying a hard look.

What a smart person he is usually, especially when he is doing bad things, the bad ideas come one after another, why did he become confused today?
He didn't speak clearly, and he only picked the main points. After hearing that, everyone would have misunderstood that his mother was poisoned by him. If he didn't come back by himself, well, he would have to peel off his skin today if he didn't die. .

Originally, life is not long, and courting death is not like this!

Duanmu Changying smiled bitterly.

He was so happy today, and he had expected to bear his father's anger.

"Yi'er, I thought you were gone, but I didn't expect you to come back here again." Duanmu Changying reached out and stroked her hair, and said with a low smile, a flash of expectation flashed in his eyes, could he guess, In fact, Yi'er still has her own in her heart?

Qin Luoyi originally wanted to slap his hand away, but couldn't bear it, so he turned his head slightly, and the hand that made him want to continue touching her head fell to nothing.

"Senior Duanmu, you misunderstood Changying. The poison...was not caused by Changying, because there is still an immature spiritual plant, and the poison has reached the time to attack, so Changying found the Wannian Frost Jade General She sealed it down, and just wait for the antidote to be refined, and then release the person." Qin Luoyi didn't want them to misunderstand Duanmu Changying again, so he opened his mouth to explain for him.

Hearing that there was an antidote, the chill in Duanmu Changqing's eyes subsided a little, and the anger in Duanmu Jinyu's eyes also faded a lot.

Feng Feili looked at her thoughtfully.

Qin Luoyi's defense of Duanmu Changying just now, and now she actually explained for Duanmu Changying, and even she looked at Duanmu Changying with a look of unbearable... He was really curious, these few days In just one month, what happened to cause De Yi'er's attitude towards him to suddenly change so drastically.

"Who is it?" Duanmu Changqing stared at his younger brother with dark eyes, with remorse, anger, and self-blame in his eyes: "Who poisoned mother? When did mother get poisoned?"

For the past two or three years, he has been staying on the Xuantian Continent. Although he has to cultivate and fight against that hidden force, there are many things to do every day, but he still spends a lot of time with his mother. He was annoyed that he had never found out that his mother had been poisoned.

Although the anger towards Duanmu Changying in Duanmu Jinyu's eyes faded, his expression was still not good-looking.He really didn't expect that someone would dare to poison his wife. When Duanmu Changqing asked, he really wanted to know, if he knew who poisoned his wife Yu Haitang, he would never forgive him lightly.

Duanmu Changying looked at her elder brother with mixed emotions in her heart. Seeing that he was in a daze but did not answer Duanmu Changqing's question, Qin Luoyi sighed softly and said again: "It is the suzerain of Tiandaozong. Jin Dongyan, Senior Yu has been poisoned for many years, and he has to take the antidote every two years. In fact, it is not an antidote, but a kind of poison. It can only temporarily suppress the poison in her body, so don't worry too much. Yes, Changying has already found the real detoxification method, just wait a few decades, get together Lingzhi, refine the antidote and take it, and you will be fine."

"Tiandaozong...Jin Dongyan? Could it be the one who came with you back then and cast the soul-stirring spell on me?" Duanmu Jinyu pondered for a while, and suddenly a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Feng Feili and Duanmu Changqing looked at each other, they had already faintly noticed that the person who had opposed them all these years was Tiandaozong.

"Tian Dao Zong poisoned your mother, why didn't you say it? But you still brought people to plot against me." Duanmu Jinyu's face darkened again when he thought of how he had been controlled by people all these years, and some things he couldn't help himself. Fortunately, it didn't make any big mistakes.It's just... He glanced at the elder son beside him who was exuding a cold air, and sighed secretly.

The palms of the hands and the backs of the hands are full of flesh. No matter what the reason is for Changying's pursuit of Changqing, he is afraid that the relationship between the two brothers will never return to the original state.

"Senior Duanmu, don't blame Changying." Qin Luoyi looked at Changying who didn't explain, thinking that just now he wanted to keep his father and brother misunderstood, just so that they would not be confused because of his death. It was too uncomfortable, and my heart was stuffy and panicked.

She opened her mouth again to help Duanmu Changying explain: "Senior Yu was poisoned, Jin Dongyan threatened to kill Senior Yu, that Jin Dongyan is a powerful pervert, and his ambition is in the Xuantian Continent, so Changying had to compromise temporarily Fortunately, his hard work was not in vain. He finally tested the poison and found an antidote that can cure the poison. Senior, your soul-hunting technique has also been solved. He is also thinking about the safety of Senior Yu , don't blame him anymore."

After all, Qin Luoyi didn't say anything about Duanmu Changying's own poisoning, and Duanmu Changying looked at her softly with a hint of gratitude.

"Then where is Jin Dongyan now?" In fact, Duanmu Jinyu's heart had already softened when he knew that his son was not really attacking him because of his power. The expression on Qing's face also softened a lot, and his heart immediately relaxed.

A sharp light flashed across Duanmu Changqing's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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