Brother is too evil

Chapter 547 Breaking Through

Chapter 547 Breaking Through (1)
Not to mention those strange formations, it is this ten-thousand-year-old ice, such a big piece, it is extremely difficult to find, it contains abundant spiritual power and star power, only a small piece is taken out, and it is found on the Xuantian Continent. It is also priceless.

Feng Feili inadvertently raised her eyes from the ice coffin, but happened to see Qin Luoyi looking at Duanmu Changying with a smile, her pitch-black phoenix eyes were astonishingly bright.

Although the defense in this mountain was good, Duanmu Jinyu decided to take Yuhaitang back. After the father and son discussed it, Duanmu Changying did not object.

Without Jin Dongyan's threat, Duanmu Jinyu's soul-hunting technique was successfully removed again. Naturally, it would be better to pray back to Dragon City.

Back in Qilong City, Duanmu Jinyu knew that the three of Duanmu Changqing and the others were seriously injured, and the injury could not be delayed any longer, so she directly ordered them to heal their injuries, and took Yu Haitang to resettle them alone.

Before leaving, he carefully put a rectangular two-inch jade tablet into Qin Luoyi's hand, with the word Duanmu on it.

Although Qin Luoyi has never seen this tablet, he has heard of it. It is like the Qingmu Token of Piaomiao Sect. With this jade tablet, he can ask the Duanmu family to do something for him, and the Duanmu family will definitely fall. The whole family did it for her.

Qin Luoyi didn't make any excuses, and accepted it. Although he got along with him not long ago, he had already seen that Duanmu Jinyu was the kind of person who wouldn't receive favors for nothing. If she didn't take it, he would feel uneasy instead. It's just the jade slip, just keep it, anyway, she never thought about taking this jade slip and asking the Duanmu family to do something for her.

The guards in the mansion were much stricter than the previous few days. Qin Luoyi came out of Duanmu Jinyu's courtyard, and did not leave in a hurry. After thinking for a while, he turned to the courtyard where Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili lived for healing. .

Compared with Duanmu Changying, the two of them suffered more serious injuries, and they didn't know what happened to them, but they just used the Baiyutai to go out, and didn't use much spiritual power. On the contrary, the injury became more serious. When she probed with her spiritual sense, she found that the spiritual power in their bodies showed signs of being out of control. If she didn't take a look, she was really worried.

Feng Feili also lived in Duanmu Changqing's courtyard. One of them lived on the left side of the courtyard, and the other lived on the right side of the courtyard. Qin Luoyi didn't hide his whereabouts, and went straight in.

Song Wuhen led people to guard outside the courtyard.

Mo Yu is also there.

Mo Han and the other guards of Duanmu Changqing, like other monks in the Duanmu family, took people to find the assassin.

Both Duanmu Jinyu and Duanmu Changqing issued a ruthless order that the assassin must be caught and punished severely, otherwise everyone would run to the Duanmu family to play wild in the future, so what's the face of the Duanmu family?

Seeing Qin Luoyi coming, Song Wuhen was a little surprised at first, but then he was happy for his master. These days, Qin Luoyi's indifference towards the Young Master, Young Master Feng, and even His Highness Chu, he saw in his eyes.

The master was anxious, but he saw Miss Qin's helplessness, he also saw it, just now he was still yelling in his heart at those bastards from the Liu family and the Shangguan family, who actually despicably murdered the young master in the city of Shu Han, fortunately, the young master The Lord's life was not in danger. Seeing Qin Luoyi approaching at this moment, he suddenly felt that this might be a turning point.

After Qin Luoyi entered the courtyard, he waved away the other people, and only stood guard outside the courtyard himself, not allowing other idlers to approach.

After entering the courtyard, Qin Luoyi noticed something was wrong. Feng Feili in the room on the left was honestly practicing to heal his injuries, while Duanmu Changqing in the room on the right did not meditate at all.

Qin Luoyi let out a cold snort, and walked over quickly, without pushing the door, kicked the door open with his feet, and walked in heavily.

Duanmu Changqing sat cross-legged in the room with a futon under her body, her complexion was a little paler than when they broke up just now, she couldn't help feeling more angry in her heart, but her phoenix eyes were terrifyingly calm.

Seeing Qin Luoyi coming in, Duanmu Changqing was a little surprised, stood up and said, "Yi'er, you are here." The coldness on his body dissipated instantly, and a dazzling brilliance flashed in his dark eyes.

"Hmm." Qin Luoyi's eyes were so calm, he looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I gave you the healing pill in the morning, but I forgot to tell you, it's an eleventh-order healing pill, a market price At least ten million taels of silver, for the sake of our brothers and sisters, I won’t charge you too much, and it’s not considered the cost of alchemy, just your capital, just give me 500 million taels of silver.”

After finishing speaking, he stretched out a palm towards Duanmu Changying, asking them for money in a serious manner.

Duanmu Changqing looked at her fingers, those fingers were white and slender, delicate and smooth like jade, exuding a lustrous luster... His eyes dimmed, and there was a strange fire flickering at the bottom of his eyes, and he wanted to hold her in his heart. The impulse of the hand.

Qin Luoyi naturally didn't miss the fire in his eyes. After all, we have been together for a long time. Looking at him, she immediately knew what he wanted to do. The corners of her eyes twitched fiercely, but her face remained calm. Withdrew her hand, raised her chin slightly, looked at him with a sneer and said, "Yinzi, hurry up."

Duanmu Changqing looked at the green and white jade-like fingers she withdrew, and couldn't help being very disappointed, but he also consciously touched the silver.

In other words, this is the first time that Qin Luoyi gave him the elixir and then collected money from him. He and Feng Feili never gave money before, and took the elixir as soon as they took it. Of course, they were reluctant to let her suffer. Lingzhi spar, as long as it is what she needs, it will be given to her without hesitation.

At this time, her brother seemed to have to settle accounts, which made his already depressed heart even more depressed.

Could it be that from now on it is really just brothers and sisters?how is this possible!Regarding Qin Luoyi, he and his senior brother never thought of letting go.

Qin Luoyi took the silver and turned around to leave.

Duanmu Changqing naturally couldn't just let her go like this, he moved his feet and successfully blocked her body.

"Yi'er, are you just here to get the money?" Duanmu Changqing stared straight at her with gentle eyes, warm and bewitching.

"Of course." Qin Luoyi answered simply.

"I don't believe it, Yi'er, if you're just here to ask for money, why didn't I hear you mention it when you brought the pill?" He didn't believe that Yi'er really came to get the money, because she was no different from those few. silver.

A look of anticipation flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't say it before, but I thought you would practice immediately to heal your injuries. Your injuries are not fatal, but it will be fine if you retreat for a few days. It will be the same when I ask you to get money. Anyway, we are brothers and sisters. We I can't ask you to give money after I gave you the pill, that would be too unreasonable. I also trust your character and won't rely on my money. But when I went out just now, I found that you After taking the elixir, the injury was not only not cured, but even worse. I think I was wrong this time. Your injury may not heal in a few days. Well, maybe your life is in danger, I will not accept it There are so many of you, no matter what, I have to get my money back, right? I’m afraid I won’t even be able to get my money back if it’s too late.”

(End of this chapter)

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