Brother is too evil

Chapter 548 Breaking Through

Chapter 548 Breaking Through (2)
She was actually afraid that they would not give her money if they died!
Duanmu Changqing stared at her blankly.His face turned from white to red, and then from red to purple. He didn't speak for a long time, and then began to cough violently.

His injuries were heavier than Feng Feili's, because those who attacked him all went for him, and his body was injured, and he just learned that his mother was also poisoned, even if Ling Zhi finished training, If you don't have a few decades, you won't be able to wake up.

Although the younger brother Duanmu Changying didn't say anything, he knew in his heart that Jin Dongyan's poison was unusual, and he needed a elixir of the fourteenth order to detoxify it... There is only one alchemy in the Xuantian Continent that can refine the elixir of the fourteenth order He is not a master, and he is only refining the fourteenth-level primary pill, and the success rate of the pill is still very low. Even if he has all the spiritual plants, it is still a matter of whether he can refine the antidote.

Too many things happened today, and these things have been suppressed in my heart. At this time, when I was stimulated by Qin Luoyi's words, the blood churning in my heart could no longer be suppressed, and I kept coughing, and my pale handsome face turned red. He couldn't stop it, and the blood gushed out along his lips, but although he was depressed in his heart, he immediately covered his lips with his sleeve to prevent Qin Luoyi from seeing it, before he realized something was wrong. But Qin Luoyi still saw it.

She panicked in her heart, regretted immediately, and cursed herself for being so unscrupulous, unexpectedly stimulating Duanmu Changqing like this.

She clearly knew that he was not feeling well today, but she was also very angry. He and Feng Feili had suffered such serious injuries. They were such grown-ups that they didn't know how to take good care of their bodies, even if he was anxious to see him Mother, after getting Yu Haitang back, he should hurry up and heal his injuries, but when she came, he was still in the room in a daze.

"Didn't you take the healing pill? Let me did this happen." She had long forgotten that she was going out, so she pulled him to sit on the soft couch beside her, suppressing the anxiety in her heart, and wanted to pull him open his hand.

Duanmu Changqing only felt the pain in his body at this time, but he avoided her fingers, still covered his lips with his sleeves, so as not to let her see that he was vomiting blood, and said in a hoarse voice intermittently: "I...cough ...I'm fine."

"It's all like this, and you still say it's okay." Qin Luoyi was so distressed, he gritted his teeth and said, "Why don't you heal your wounds sooner, don't you really want to..."

But the dead word is also unable to utter.

"Yi'er, I'm really fine." Duanmu Changqing looked at her anxious look, his eyes lit up, stroked her pretty face with the other hand, and laughed hoarsely: "Yi'er, I know You didn't come to me to get the money, you were worried about me and came to see me, didn't you?"

He knew in his heart that most of what she said was angry.But even when he was angry, he felt as if someone had cut his flesh with a knife, and the pain was severe. In the past few months, he often couldn't meditate when he was practicing, and when he fell asleep, he was often awakened by nightmares. Yi'er was getting farther and farther away from him, but he couldn't catch up anyway.

The cold look she had when she spoke just now was just like what she saw in a dream, and the panic in her heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

Qin Luoyi narrowed his eyes, pursed his red lips, and looked annoyed.

Duanmu Changqing, who had been staring at her, knew that she was really worried about him, that's why he came to his courtyard, he was so happy that he wanted to laugh, before the corners of his lips were parted, an overwhelming pain hit again, and the pain in his throat The fishy sweetness became more intense, and he coughed violently again.

Qin Luoyi's heart twisted from his cough.Patting his back lightly with one hand, with the other hand he quickly took out a healing pill of the highest grade on his body and asked him to eat it.

"No need, I've already eaten one before, too much is a waste." Duanmu Changqing suppressed the discomfort in his heart, smiled and shook his head.

"Although they are all healing pills, this one is different from the previous one. Don't worry, I won't take your money for this one..." Qin Luoyi persuaded him to take it, but when he mentioned the money, Duanmu Changqing's eyes sparkled. In the dark, my heart froze suddenly, regretting why I mentioned money again.

Duanmu Changqing took two deep breaths and forcibly swallowed the gushing blood. He wanted to calm down the turbulent and out-of-control Qi and blood in his heart, but he felt that he had more energy than energy. He knew that he was in a very bad state and had to meditate immediately. I'm afraid it won't be good if I delay it any longer.

Shaking his head at Qin Luoyi: "It's really not necessary." He still didn't take the pill, sat cross-legged, picked up the Supreme Sutra, closed his eyes and began to heal his wounds.

Before closing his eyes, he was afraid that Qin Luoyi would be worried, so he had quietly wiped off all the blood from the corners of his lips, and then used the cleansing technique to clean up the blood on his body.

Qin Luoyi looked at him closely.

Seeing that he finally stopped coughing and vomiting blood, he breathed a sigh of relief. Even a monk has limited blood in his body. If he vomits too much blood, Da Luo Jinxian can't save his life.

But she was too happy too early. After a while, Duanmu Changqing, who was sitting cross-legged, not only didn't get better, but became paler. With a puff, he spurted out a mouthful of blood again, and fell down violently. Turn livid.

"Duanmu Changqing!" Qin Luoyi's complexion changed, he quickly jumped up to support him, looked at him anxiously, and asked repeatedly: "Duanmu Changqing, what's wrong with you?"

His fingers quickly pinched his wrist, and he probed into his body with his spiritual sense, and found that the spiritual power in Duanmu Changqing's body was completely out of control, running wildly in the meridians, and the meridians were even more affected by the frantic spiritual power in his body. , The impact is riddled with holes, that is a sign of madness!

Qin Luoyi's fingers trembled, and there was a loud buzzing in his head, and then his heart and mind went blank.


He went crazy.

She never thought it would be like this.

It's really crazy, no matter how high the level of healing pill is, it won't work.Qin Luoyi stared blankly at Duanmu Changqing, a crystal tear fell from the corner of her eye.

"Yi'er, don't cry!" Duanmu Changqing was very weak at this time, and with some difficulty reached out to caress the corners of her eyes, wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, pulled the corners of her lips, and said with a smile: "Come here, let me May I hug you?"

A look of longing flashed in the dark eyes.

Maybe this is the last time I hug her.

Qin Luoyi recovered from his trance, stared at Duanmu Changqing with a livid face, but did not go over, pursing her thin lips, she grabbed his hands vigorously, their palms faced each other, and the supreme meridian was activated in their bodies , Two soft forces penetrated from her palm, she said hoarsely: "Don't talk, I'll help you... Let's work hard together, you will be fine."

"It's useless." Duanmu Changqing shook his head, his own body knew it, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, he thought he could accompany her till the end of his life, they would be together for a long time.Even if she was still angry with him and ignored him before, but he will definitely ask for her forgiveness, no matter how much time it takes.

(End of this chapter)

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