Brother is too evil

Chapter 552 It's Jian Yuyan

Chapter 552 It's Jian Yuyan
Unexpectedly...all of this was planned by Shangguan Nanqi!

It's nothing more than a calculation, but what she can't bear the most is that she has to be exposed to the world in front of so many monks, which makes her lose face, and the pity and disdain of the people around her make her even more excited to the point of madness.

If it wasn't for his father Liu Hanqing to pull her, how could she have held back the anger in her heart, and would have rushed forward to tear Shangguan Nanqi into pieces.

Qin Luoyi naturally also saw Liu Qingcheng coming, and also saw Liu Hanqing following her. When she looked over, Liu Hanqing did not look at Liu Ziyu and Shangguanzhan who were fighting inextricably in the air. Instead, her eyes fell on Her body, and there was a strange look in that gaze, which made her very uncomfortable.

She frowned slightly.

Jian Yuyan sensed something was wrong with her, followed her gaze, and saw Liu Hanqing, her eyes flashed, and she lowered her head and asked her softly: "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Qin Luoyi smiled at him and shook his head. When he left the Duanmu mansion today, he ran into Jian Yuyan. Hearing that they were going to catch the assassin, he followed them. I don't know if it was her illusion. After not seeing Jian Yuyan for a few days, she always felt that Jian Yuyan looked at her differently.

Liu Hanqing met Jian Yuyan's gaze, and couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart, so he turned away casually. He had been in Qilong City for two days, and Jian Yuyan waved his hand in the other courtyard of Duanmu's house in Shuhan City. He also heard about the battle between the ancestors of the Liu family and Shangguan.

He didn't believe it at first, but just now Jian Yuyan set up a barrier around him, letting them hide outside the barrier and listen to Shangguan Nanqi's conspiracy. Didn't notice their approach.

As soon as Shangguan Zhan saw his son, he sensed that something was wrong. He wanted to rush in, but he couldn't break the barrier. He wanted someone to sound a warning, but the strange barrier could only let the voice inside come out, and could not break the barrier at all. When the voice came in, it was obvious that Jian Yuyan had done something wrong.Such a terrifying cultivation and means really shocked him.

The corners of Qin Tian's lips were smiling, and his cold and sharp eyes shot towards Liu Qingcheng. It was rumored that Luoyi and Jian Yuyan assassinated her and Shangguan Nanqi. He had already found out that the message was released by the Liu family and Shangguan's family together Among them, Liu Qingcheng contributed a lot. Although she never said that Luoyi and Jian Yuyan were assassins, the hidden meaning in her words pointed directly at them.

Shangguanzhan and Liu Ziyu had a big fight, both of them were the top cultivators of the Zifu, but in the blink of an eye, they razed the nearby hills to the ground. Come on, the straight battle was like flying sand and rocks, and the situation changed, but in the end there was no winner.

Liu Ziyu hated Shangguan Nanqi for being so bold that he dared to design his own descendants, conspired to startle the dragon, and even seriously injured Liu Hanqing, but Shangguan Zhan wanted to protect his son, so it was impossible to abolish his son's cultivation.

The two fought fiercely, but they were both elites who had lived for thousands of years. They knew that they were on someone else's territory at this time. It will definitely end up as a lose-lose situation, which is not good.

Especially Liu Ziyu, although he has the truth in this matter, but the Liu family now has the Dragon Shocking Jue, and Liu Hanqing has also come to Qilong City. There were quite a few people, and he didn't dare to take it lightly. If he was really going to be seriously injured here, the Liu Zi family would be in big trouble.

So as soon as the two of them fought, they actually regretted it a bit, but the arrow was on the string, and in front of so many monks, they had to continue fighting. Shangguan Jinyu waited for the two of them to fight, so she pretended to go forward After some persuasion, the two old foxes finally breathed a sigh of relief, and they descended the donkey. After throwing harsh words at each other, they changed their hands and walked away.

Before Shangguan Zhan left, he didn't forget to take away Shangguan Nanqi who was pale and ashamed. Originally, he wanted to take away those two assassins, but those two assassins had long since disappeared. Presumably they ran away during the chaotic battle just now. gone.

All the monks originally thought that there would be a great battle to watch, but they didn't expect it to be nothing in the end. They were very disappointed. They came here in high spirits and returned in disappointment. However, this matter quickly spread throughout Qilong City and Xuantian Continent. Shangguan The hero of the Southern Qi Dynasty tried to save the beauty and plot to startle the dragon, but it came to nothing. Liu Qingcheng became the laughing stock of Xuantian Continent, and the matter between her and Ye Feifei was also revealed and discussed.

A few days ago, Liu Qingcheng was vainly enjoying Shangguan Nanqi's courteous pursuit. Shangguan's family and Liu's family were about to get married. I don't know how many girls she envied. However, within a few days, she was thrown from heaven to hell and became a laughing stock. Where can she swallow it?After returning to the other courtyard, she could no longer suppress the resentment in her heart, and destroyed most of the entire courtyard. If Liu Ziyu hadn't stopped her, she might not be able to keep the entire courtyard.

Not long after, the descendants of the Shangguan family on the Xuantian Continent began to be attacked by unknown persons, causing heavy casualties. Just when people were speculating whether this was the revenge of the Liu family, the descendants of the Liu family were also frequently attacked. The casualties were not light, some people were captured, and those who tried to do it were all members of the Shangguan family. The Liu family and the Shangguan family soon became incompatible. From the very beginning, the battle was just a battle between Xuanfu and Qingfu monks. , Soon even the monks of Yufu were mobilized, and finally even the monks of Zifu participated.

Of course, these are all things to follow.

Back in Duanmu Mansion, Duanmu Jinyu could no longer suppress the excitement in her heart, patted her son on the shoulder vigorously, laughed loudly, and then asked him how he suspected Shangguan Nanqi.

Duanmuyun was also very curious. Because her mother was poisoned, she was in a very low mood, but now she took his arm and kept asking. Seeing Liu Qingcheng's shocked and angry look, her depressed mood finally healed Some.

Although she and Liu Qingcheng are similar in age and have extraordinary family backgrounds, she has never been used to Liu Qingcheng's charming and arrogant look.

Duanmu Changqing turned his head to look at Qin Luoyi beside him, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, and his cold eyes became warm: "It's not me who suspects Shangguan Nanqi, but my little junior sister."

Duanmuyun's eyes lit up, he quickly let go of his brother's hand, and quickly ran to Qin Luoyi's side: "Tell me, tell me, what's going on?"

"It's really nothing. When the two assassins came to assassinate them, I was actually nearby." Qin Luoyi blinked and explained to her with a smile: "When they escaped, I sent someone to follow them. Master Zong followed afterward."

The person she sent was naturally the Tsing Yi puppet.

The puppet in Tsing Yi absorbed the energy of thunder calamity when she was promoted in Yanbo Valley, and his cultivation level increased greatly. However, because he was a puppet, he didn't show his breath, so he followed the two Zifu monks for a few days. She didn't notice it at all, which really made her a little overjoyed.

(End of this chapter)

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