Brother is too evil

Chapter 553 Not a Good Time

Chapter 553 Not a Good Time (1)
Moreover, he alone can defeat those two cultivators from the Purple Mansion. The two went to Shangguan Nanqi today. Of course, it was not accidental. They were restrained by Tsing Yi's puppet, and they had no choice but to eat Qin Luoyi's special poison. In order to survive, he only went here, and he was told in advance to smash Shangguan Nanqi's conspiracy.

Duanmu Jinyu suddenly realized.

It turned out that Zong Wuying also followed. No wonder the two assassins used the Baiyu Terrace, but they couldn't escape. Zong Wuying was able to tear apart space, and his cultivation base was also a peak cultivator in Zifu, although he was a little weaker than himself , but he is also a very powerful figure in Xuantian Continent.


Thinking of the altered formation, Duanmu Jinyu's heart sank again. The assassin was arranged by Shangguan Nanqi, and the formation was probably also arranged by Shangguan Nanqi, but he couldn't figure out how Shangguan Nanqi knew about Duanmu. The biggest secret of the family.

All along, the power of the Shangguan family is actually not as powerful as the Duanmu family. Among the seven great families, the Shangguan family is actually the weakest, so there is nothing to be afraid of. After this incident, he knew that he had to re-evaluate the power of the Shangguan family.

A sharp gleam flashed in his eyes.

His eyes inadvertently fell on Hanxiang and Song Wuhen who were guarding the courtyard, Hanxiang's expression changed, and he lowered his head, but Duanmu Jinyu didn't care, as a peak cultivator in the Zifu, he was used to seeing Many low-level monks in the mansion couldn't look directly at him, so he quickly looked away.

Duanmu Changqing looked at Hanxiang with his head down, his handsome face suddenly became cold, he gently pulled the corners of his lips, and quickly looked away.

The truth about the assassination of Shangguan Nanqi finally came to light, and all the monks in the mansion were also very excited, scolding Shangguan Nan for being despicable, and when they plotted against Liu Qingcheng, they actually included their Duanmu family.

After a few days of practice, Qin Luoyi's cultivation base, which was exhausted due to Duanmu Changqing's obsession, has recovered by [-]% to [-]%. According to her estimation, it will be completely recovered in a few days. On the railing of the pavilion in the Duanmu Changqing Bieyuan, Qin Luoyi smiled and was in a very happy mood.

Not long after the war ended, Liu Qingcheng left Qilong City, and Liu Ziyu and Liu Hanqing also left. Thinking that the Liu family and the Shangguan family would have many good shows to watch in the future, she couldn't help but take off a piece of paper next to her. The leaves are thrown into the clear water lightly and lightly, teasing the fish playing leisurely in it shaking their heads and tails.

Feng Feili leaned gracefully on the tree trunk next to her, her eyes sparkled, and she fell on Qin Luoyi's body from time to time. Seeing her teasing, she walked up to her and picked off a handful of leaves. Give half to her and keep the other half for yourself, and throw them into the water one by one, causing the fish in the water to splash left and right for a while.

"Duanmu got this fish by accident in the Northern Territory. He brought it back and raised it in another courtyard. It is both beautiful and delicious. The meat is delicate and refreshing. Do you want to try it, Yier?" He smiled at Qin Luo. Yi said: "This fish is the best when eaten grilled."

Duanmu Changqing, who was standing quietly at the side, glanced at the senior brother with a half-smile, there were originally a lot of fish in the pond, and the senior brother stayed with him in the past two years, more than half of them had already entered his stomach. Almost every few days, a few fish will be caught and brought up, tsk, senior brother's skill in grilling fish, even the best cook in Qilong City will be ashamed of himself.

So he nodded in agreement, and unreservedly praised Feng Feili's skill in grilling fish. Qin Luoyi was a little bit reluctant. The fish were really beautiful, and each one was not big, only the size of a palm.

Before he opened his mouth to speak, Chu Yifeng moved quickly, and directly struck, sucked a few up with spiritual power, and threw them into Feng Feili's hand, a playful flash of evil flashed in his eyes, the fish It doesn't matter whether he eats or not, but after listening to Duanmu Changqing's words, he really wants to see how the evil Feng Xili kills fish and grills fish.

Qin Luoyi's dark eyes also fell on Feng Feili's body, his pupils flickered, he propped his chin, looked at Feng Feili who was holding two fish in each hand, and then looked at Chu Yi who was full of teasing eyes. Feng, smiling.

Feng Feili raised her eyebrows, and directly called Mo Han.

Mo Han skillfully took the fish, opened the fish, dug out the internal organs, removed the fish scales, washed the fish, took out the special black iron, and put the fish on a skewer, Feng Feili took it , took out the rack for grilling fish, sat cross-legged on the side, and grilled it elegantly.

Mo Han backed out.

Chu Yifeng resisted the urge to roll his eyes and sneered.

Qin Luoyi pulled the corners of his lips, this is really grilled fish, only grilled... Duanmu Changqing is no stranger to seeing it, he took out a rug, carefully placed it on the floor, and then beckoned Qin Luoyi to sit down.

Qin Luoyi hesitated for a moment, then sat down.

Soon, a smell of fish wafted out. Feng Feili turned over the grilled fish while adding condiments on it. Those condiments were all taken from his storage space, and they were well prepared.

Soon the fish was roasted, golden and very attractive, Feng Feili handed the first skewer directly to Qin Luoyi, and then looked at her with some anticipation with his enchanting handsome face.

Qin Luoyi took a bite, but before he could speak, a cyan figure suddenly fell from the sky, it was actually Jian Yuyan.

"You came."

Qin Luoyi greeted him with a smile, seeing that there were only three fish left on the shelf, but now there were four of them, it was not good for Jian Yuyan, she stood up and stuffed the fish she was holding into Duanmu Chang In Qing's hand, let him hold it for him, and then said: "I'll catch a few more."

"I'm late. I didn't expect to catch up with senior brother grilling fish. It seems that I have a good fortune. Let me catch the fish." Jian Yuyan glanced at them and smiled.

The cyan robe was gently swaying with the wind, and because of the reflection of the fire, the smile on his handsome face seemed to be covered with a layer of brilliance, making him look even more elegant and dignified.

"Sit down and eat your fish." Feng Feili curled her lips lightly, glanced at Qin Luoyi, and smiled at Jian Yuyan: "The little brother came just in time, you should sit down too, it's rare that our brothers and sisters are all together today. If you can get together and talk, let Mo Han handle the matter of catching fish."

Duanmu Changqing directly pulled Qin Luoyi down, put the fish that she had gnawed into her hand when she stood up just now, and put it back in her hand, and echoed: "This fish tastes best when it's hot." , it won’t taste good when it’s cold.”

Mo Han quickly appeared, and caught several fish out of the water. Seeing Qin Luoyi eating the fish gracefully, he consciously took the fish away and disposed of it where she couldn't see it.

Jian Yuyan was not polite, and sat directly on the grass. Duanmu Changqing and Chu Yifeng sat next to Qin Luoyi, and on the opposite side was Feng Feili who was grilling fish. Jian Yuyan sat between Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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