Brother is too evil

Chapter 554 Drunken Presumptuousness

Chapter 554 Drunken Presumptuousness (1)
At first, he was shocked beyond belief, and he was stunned on the beam for a long time, but after the shock, he was overwhelmed with unconcealable joy.

He thought she liked Chu Yifeng, so he wanted her to get what she wanted and make her happy, so he forced himself to suppress his feelings. Unexpectedly... After a few days of observation, he was even more sure The relationship between the three senior brothers and Qin Luoyi made the desire to stay by her side even stronger.

On the Xuantian Continent, there are several examples of a female cultivator having several dual cultivation partners. Although there are not many, it is not impossible.Although he was a little disappointed not being able to have her alone, he was also very satisfied to be able to stay by her side than to lose him completely.Who made his clothes so beautiful, even on the Holy Dragon Continent... It was too late when he met her, and she already had someone else in her heart.

Jian Yuyan was originally an extremely smart person, seemingly gentle, but in fact he was vigorous and resolute in his bones. He quickly and thoroughly thought about what he wanted, and then he would not hesitate again.

Although Qin Luoyi didn't cultivate the Taiyin nerve, even if he stayed by her side, he couldn't double cultivate with him, which would make his cultivation one step closer, but he was content to be with her for thousands of years.


After all, it is nothingness.

He even thought of it, if he can't be promoted, he should try his best to get Yi'er promoted, protect her well, love her well, and don't let anyone hurt her.

"Yi'er, let me stay by your side, I want to be with you for the rest of my life... I have to go back tomorrow, and I will come to you when I finish my work." Looking at Qin Luoyi's shiny and pretty face Jian Yuyan's eyes were shining brightly, and she cupped her cheeks with both palms, whispering intoxicatedly, affectionately.

Qin Luoyi looked at him silently.

He clearly knew that he was not alone by his side, but he still wanted to stay by her side, which was beyond his expectation. Her heart was sour and astringent, with mixed feelings.

"Jian Yuyan..."

Qin Luoyi's slender eyelashes trembled slightly, pursed his lips, looked at his handsome face, and considered what to say to him, when a rainbow suddenly fell from the sky.

It's Qin Tian.

Qin Tian looked expressionlessly at the two people who were close to each other, even Jian Yuyan stretched out his hands to hold his sister's face, his eyes were so dark that there seemed to be a fire in the bottom of his eyes, but it was only a flash in the pan, and soon darkened again. down.

Annoyed in his heart, Jian Yuyan reluctantly let go of the hand holding Qin Luoyi's face. Originally, he planned to find a good time to talk to Qin Luoyi, but if he didn't want to go back suddenly, he would not pick this time to talk.

Heart wry smile.

It's really not a good time.

Duanmu Changqing's other courtyard is not far from here, and Duanmu Changying's other courtyard is not far ahead. It's no wonder Qin Tianhan showed his face to him, but Meng Lang himself.

And the last time he was in the hot spring, he was bumped into by Qin Tian... In Qin Tian's heart, he must be a disciple who molested his sister, and his head throbbed.

"elder brother."

Qin Luoyi's dark pupils flickered, her eyes rolled, and she was embarrassed for a moment. She touched her nose and walked over with a smile: "Are you back?" After coming out of Duanmu Mansion in the afternoon, Mr. Qin Called Qin Tian away.

The moon is not dark, the wind is not high, and the moon is in the sky. The flowing stream in Duanmu Changying's courtyard is shining with white fragments, sparkling and beautiful.The sound of ding ding dong dong water was really pleasant to hear in the quiet night. Qin Luoyi stood in the pavilion, lying on the railing and looking at the water, occasionally raised his head and rubbed his forehead, and looked into the distance.

Nearly an hour and a half later, there were two soft sounds from the direction of the courtyard door, Qin Luoyi straightened up suddenly, his eyes lit up, his body turned into a puff of smoke, and shot out.

The two guards of the Qin family supported the other, and they were Qin Tian and Jian Yuyan who had been out for a long time.

The smell of alcohol on the two of them was very strong, Qin Luoyi moved his nose, and he could smell that what they were drinking was the Drunken Immortal sold by the very famous Tianxia Zuijiu Restaurant in Qilong City.

The Drunken Immortal is extremely powerful. It is said that since the introduction of the Drunken Immortal for thousands of years, no one has ever drank five glasses of alcohol in it. If the alcohol capacity is light, a small glass can be poured down. There is no one who can't wake up for ten or eight days. .There used to be someone with the best capacity for alcohol, who claimed that he would never get drunk after a thousand cups. He would be overwhelmed after drinking five cups of drunken gods. dispersed.

Although the Drunken Immortal is extremely powerful, the price is expensive. It is known as a cup of ten thousand gold, and the daily sales of wine are limited. Even so, there are many people who come to the Dragon City to get drunk. Direct enlightenment in sleep, the deeper the intoxication, the better the effect, and the greater the chance of enlightenment.

Cultivation is against the sky, and there are many people who are near the end of their lifespan. They have not been able to make progress for many years. They hold a glimmer of hope, wanting to be drunk and enlightened to the gods in their dreams. Another kind of direct enlightenment and immortality is successful.

Therefore, there is an unwritten rule in the drunken restaurant under the sky, write down the pros and cons of the drunk gods, and post them on a conspicuous place on the door, emphasizing that the drunken death has nothing to do with their restaurant.

Jian Yuyan was already too drunk to know anything.

Although Qin Tian was still conscious, but seeing his staggering appearance and his usually dark and clear eyes, he was drunk at this moment, obviously he was almost drunk.

Seeing Qin Luoyi, he put on a dazed smile on his handsome face, pushed away the person who was supporting him, and walked towards Qin Luoyi step by step.

"How many drunken gods have you guys drunk!" Qin Luoyi looked at him like that, really afraid that he would fall, so he hurriedly stepped forward and reached out to support him, resisting the urge to roll his eyes, only feeling that he was in pain His head hurt even more.

Qin Tian, ​​who was supported by her, pressed his whole body on her body, his hot and alcoholic breath was blowing in her ears, his drunken eyes looked at her, and the smile on his perfect thin lips became even more blurred , but didn't speak, as if he didn't hear her words.

Qin Tian has a slender figure. Although he is not fat, he is not thin either. His whole body is leaning on Qin Luoyi's body, and the weight is not light. Fortunately, Qin Luoyi's cultivation level is not low, and he can bear his weight. He was already crushed down.

She firmly supported Qin Tian, ​​but her eyes fell in the direction of Jian Yuyan who had been helped away.

He frowned slightly.

Compared to Qin Tian, ​​she was more worried about Jian Yuyan. She looked like that... she didn't know how much she drank. She was really afraid that he would also pass away drunk and directly realize Taoism and become a fairy.

"Don't make me dizzy..." Qin Tian squinted his eyes, looked at her face with shaking drunken eyes, but held her tighter in his arms.

Another arm was raised, and a white palm like jade fell on her face, fixing her head. The two of them looked at each other, eyes wide open, Qin Tian's body leaned on her, a Clinging to her with one hand, and fixing her head with the other hand, that funny look was as strange as it could be.

(End of this chapter)

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