Brother is too evil

Chapter 568 Reunion in white clothes

Chapter 568 Reunion in white clothes (2)

After being shocked, he looked at Qin Luoyi again, and couldn't help laughing wildly, the excitement and excitement in his eyes couldn't be concealed.

Ignoring the injuries on his body, he swung his jade whip again, jumped out from the stone wall, and stood on the altar.The hair loose behind him vibrated and flew with his laughter.

In order to prevent Xie Luo from forcibly cultivating a chaotic body, he had already made up his mind that even if he couldn't go out, he would choose to blew himself up and refused to let him succeed even if he couldn't go out. It is still possible to live here.

"Girl, I misjudged you." After a while, the old man in Tsing Yi stopped laughing and only looked at her with a smile: "You just said that I look like your friend, is it true? Tell me , who is he?"

"Senior is from the Feng family, right? How many years have you been stuck here?" Qin Luoyi curled the corners of his lips, his fair and pretty face was bright and beautiful.

The smile in the eyes of the old man in Tsing Yi grew stronger, and he looked at her with radiant eyes: "The old man is indeed from the Feng family." I thought she said that she was very similar to one of her friends, and she was just talking nonsense to save herself. I didn't expect it to be true.

Qin Luoyi smiled, revealing a look that was as expected.

"As for how many days I've been stuck here... I also forgot. I don't think it will be 1000 years, but 800 years." The old man in Tsing Yi mused, with a sense of sadness in his words, his eyes looked around, and fell on those layers of On top of the killing formation, the deep murderous aura could not be concealed in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi was shocked.

Can't hide the sympathy in the eyes.

The peak cultivator of the Zifu can only live for thousands of years, but he was trapped here by ghost cultivators for nearly a thousand years, wasting his thousand years of life in vain.

Since he has been stuck here for so long, he probably doesn't know Feng Feili, who is only a hundred years old now.

She looked at the altar under her feet again. It was not the first time she had seen this kind of altar. In the cave of the ancient holy master, the altar was also very similar to this altar, but the altar that What the altar forcibly absorbs is the surrounding aura, that's why the surrounding mountains are so barren, not a single blade of grass grows in many places, and even the surrounding aura is not strong.

And this altar can refine and absorb the power in the monk's body.After all the monks who broke into this Luocha Mountain were killed, their power would be absorbed and refined bit by bit.

The skeleton puppets summoned by the red-clothed ghost cultivator just now were all living monks and spirit beasts before. They were killed by the ghost cultivator and plundered the spiritual power in their bodies. The dead bones were refined into skeleton puppets by ghost techniques.

Qin Luoyi didn't speak, and the old man in Tsing Yi asked her friend's name again. In fact, what he wanted to know more was how old was this seemingly young woman in front of him. She looked so young, but her cultivation base was so powerful and terrifying. However, given his age and status, it was not easy to ask directly, so he wanted to inquire about it.

"Speaking of which, senior, I'm afraid you don't even know him." Qin Luoyi smiled slightly, and a purple light flew out from her body, bombarding the surrounding formations indiscriminately.

As for formations, she is not as proficient as Dahei. Apart from forcibly destroying them, there is no other way to solve them quickly. This is the place chosen by ghost cultivators, and it is only suitable for ghost cultivators. These harmful things cannot be left behind.

The formation collapsed like a ruin, and the entire cave was immediately devastated. The old man in blue raised his brows, his eyes glistened, the purple light seemed to be transformed into a purple mansion, but it didn't look like it, but she quickly moved the inside The things he smashed so happily, it suits his appetite, just like the way he was when he was rampant in the world when he was young, without any atmosphere.

"Say it quickly, say it quickly." Seeing Qin Luoyi destroying everything that Xie Luo worked so hard to create in an instant, the old man in Tsing Yi was in a great mood, and the more he looked at Qin Luoyi, the more pleasing it was to his eyes , waved his hand impatiently, urging her to say.

"Flying Phoenix."

The cave was completely destroyed, Qin Luoyi glanced at him, and then lightly dropped a name.

The old man in Tsing Yi narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. "Sure enough, I don't know him." A faint light flashed in his dark and deep eyes, and he didn't have the slightest impression of the name.

Qin Luoyi twitched the corners of his lips, and a look of narrowness flashed in his eyes.Feng Feili is only a hundred years old, if he really said he knew each other, she would be really surprised.

This old man has lived for hundreds of thousands of years under Guixiu's nose, and his cultivation level is naturally not low. He must not have been an unknown person before. I don't know if he is a direct branch or a side branch of the Feng family, but at this time she still has more The important thing is that he did not continue this topic, but asked about the appearance of the ghost monk who trapped him here.

She wanted to find out how many people knew that she had the Hunyuan Dzi, and moreover, she had to find out how many ghost monks there were. He had stayed here for nearly a thousand years, so these things should be very clear.

The old man in Tsing Yi described Xie Luo's appearance.

Qin Luoyi sketched it in his mind, and soon realized that Xie Luo was not the two ghost monks in her hand space, and knew that there were only three ghost monks here, and Xie Luo was the most unfathomable among them. One.

Moreover, Xie Luo was injured a few days ago, and the injury was not serious, so he left here to go out to heal his injuries.She had to find him as soon as possible.It's a pity that the old man in Tsing Yi didn't know the exact location of Xie Luo's healing.

The two rushed towards the entrance of the cave. Of course, before leaving, the old man in blue didn't forget to take back his Sha of the Underworld. Without that thing to stop Xie Luo, his life would have died early.

His injury did not affect his speed, and when he came all the way just now, Qin Luoyi had already cleaned up the formations and skeleton puppets on the road, but after a while, the two came to the entrance of the cave and saw the guards at the entrance of the cave. several people.

"Miss Qin." Long Jin was the first to jump over, seeing that she was unharmed and even rescued a person, he breathed a sigh of relief.

As soon as Zhou Tian saw the old man who came out with Qin Luoyi, he became more and more familiar with him. Although his clothes were a little old, his hair was only draped behind his back, and his face was a little older, he still quickly put him Recognizing it, he whispered: "You are...Senior Feng Jin."

Feng Jin?

Qin Luoyi blinked, and looked back... That name is familiar to her, isn't that Feng Feili's own grandfather?
Feng Feili told her that his grandfather lived for more than 6000 years, but there has been no news for nearly a thousand years. The soul jade slip left in Feng's family has not been broken, presumably he went to a closed-door training somewhere.

The higher the level of cultivation, the people in Xuantian Continent who practice retreat for decades, hundreds of years or even longer are not uncommon. Because of the soul jade slip, the people of the Feng family never thought that he was dead, but unexpectedly he was trapped. Being here, and being trapped for thousands of years, today she strayed into the ghost cultivator's land, unexpectedly saved him.

(End of this chapter)

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