Brother is too evil

Chapter 569 Reunion in white clothes

Chapter 569 Reunion in white clothes (3)
The others were also shocked.

Unexpectedly, the famous senior Feng Jin was also trapped here.Zhou Tianyi is the oldest in the group, and he is the only one who recognized Feng Jin. When the others were trapped here, Feng Jin was either too young or had a baby.

Sadness appeared on Long Jin's face.

Holding tightly the jade pendant he picked up in the cave before, Li Mei also looked sad.

Regarding Zhou Tianyi's guess, Feng Jin did not deny it, and Qin Luoyi was sure that this was really Feng Feili's grandfather, the ancestor of the Feng family.

Feng Jin stared at Li Mei, but recognized him. The Li family is also a powerful family in Xuantian Continent. Before he was trapped here, the Li family still had a [-]-year-old ancestor alive.

So he greeted his ancestor a few words.

Knowing that the ancestor of his family had passed away a few years ago, Feng Jin's eyes dimmed, and he disappeared for nearly a thousand years, and he didn't know how many of his old friends remained.

Looking out from the hole with deep eyes, the surrounding blue sky and white clouds, there is no blood mist from before, and there is no skeleton puppet, and even the formation is destroyed, so he can't help but look at Qin Luoyi clearly, The first jumped out of the hole.

With the cultivation bases of the others, he could tell at a glance that even if they joined forces, they might not be able to destroy the formation, not to mention the blood mist and the skeleton puppets that were almost all over the ground.Unexpectedly, this seemingly young woman has a powerful cultivation base.

After leaving the entrance of the cave, Qin Luoyi carefully searched for ghost cultivator Xie Luo. This is a treasured place for ghost cultivators to practice. If Xie Luo was injured, he would definitely not leave here.

"I remember hearing him mention to another ghost cultivator before that there is a black water pool in it, which is extremely hidden, and healing injuries can be done with half the effort." Feng Jin also wanted to catch Xie Luo and tear him to pieces.

Qin Luoyi's cultivation base is strong, and with him, this is the best time to kill Xie Luo, not to mention his injuries are not healed yet.

He never sticks to trivial matters, and he doesn't have the pedantic idea of ​​waiting for himself to heal his wounds before taking revenge in person. That Xie Luo's cultivation base is unpredictable, his ghost skills are extremely good, and he is vicious. If he delays time, he will wait He recuperated and regained his vitality, and then changed to another place to continue his practice. With his own cultivation, it might not be easy to find him, even if he gathered all the monks from all over the world to find him, it would be difficult. Xie Luo is too good at hiding...he can't let him continue Disastrous.

When Qin Luoyi was searching, he paid special attention to some water pools.

Where ghost monks are, even the water pool is very gloomy, but no matter how gloomy the water pool is, Qin Luoyi can get to the bottom of the pool with just a sweep of his consciousness, and he can clearly see what's inside.

There are fifteen water pools in the entire mountain range. None of the pools are very big, but they are very deep. Qin Luoyi checked back and forth twice, and finally found something strange. Fourteen of the pools were very deep, but one of them was It is shallower, and the bottom is pitch black. At first glance, it looks like the bottom of a pool but not at a closer look. It seems that some formation is hidden below, creating the illusion of the bottom of the pool.

She skimmed directly towards the water pool.

The others also followed her and jumped over to the edge of the pool. Seeing that the pool water was very muddy with a strong fishy smell, Qin Luoyi recognized at a glance that it was not pool water at all, but bloody water.The blood was so thick and it took so long that it all turned black.


Long Jin also recognized it, his expression changed, and he vomited violently while supporting the big tree on one side, almost vomited bile.

The other people's faces were also very ugly, and their expressions were extremely angry. How much monk's blood would it take to condense such a big pool?

Qin Luoyi probed his consciousness to the bottom of the pool again.

With Qin Luoyi doing it, Feng Jin was happy and relaxed. He asked several people to stand behind him, farther away from the pool than Qin Luoyi, fearing that there would be a sudden change. Seeing that Long Jin stopped vomiting, he asked her with a smile: "Feng Feili who is it?"

With a pale face, Long Jin tried not to look at the pool of blood. He was a little flattered that Feng Jin would ask her, blinked and immediately said without reservation: "Oh, that is your grandson, senior, from the Feng family. Young master..." He glanced at Qin Luoyi who was getting closer and closer to the blood pool, and his eyes were fiery: "He is also Miss Qin's senior brother."

"Brother?" Feng Jin's eyes lit up, and he narrowed his eyes with a smile: "So that girl is a disciple of my Feng family."

Their voices were not low, and everyone present heard them. Yang Lian and the others turned their eyes away from Qin Luoyi's body and looked at the ancestor of the Feng family with strange expressions.

"Miss Qin is not a disciple of the Feng family..." Looking at the extremely happy expression of the ancestor of the Feng family, Long Jin blinked again, unable to bear his misunderstanding, so he explained: "Senior, I'm afraid you don't know, Young Master Feng and the Duanmu family All the young masters have worshiped the head of the Piaomiao Sect of Penglai Xiandao as their teacher, and Miss Qin is also a disciple of the Piaomiao Sect."

Feng Jin was a little disappointed.

Such an outstanding person is actually not a disciple of the Feng family, grandson should be pretty good after all, the old man Ge Hong is very strict in accepting disciples, and he has lived for thousands of years without accepting a single disciple. Unexpectedly, he accepted his grandson.

And this girl.

When she knew that Qin Luoyi was only in her 20s, not yet 30, Feng Jin's jaw almost dropped from shock.

Thinking that he has lived for thousands of years, he has seen perverted people, but he has never seen such perverted ones. Qin Yanzhi from the Qin family probably wasn't so perverted back then.

However, in a few years, from the Venerable's cultivation base to singing all the way, she actually cultivated to the Zifu, and if he was not wrong, her cultivation base is not the third level of the Zifu that Long Jin said, and must have reached the peak of the Zifu.

An hour ago, he killed two ghost monks in seconds!How powerful is it to be able to do this?

Qin Luoyi hit the black pool heavily with his palm, and the black pool of blood splashed from the pool. Fortunately, she had strengthened her defense in advance, so the blood did not splash on her body.

Yang Lian and the others on the shore also strengthened their defense and protected themselves, looking at the pool of blood with knife-like eyes.

With a palm down, there was no movement at the bottom of the pool. Qin Luoyi snorted coldly, and the strength in her hand became more intense. The powerful coercion directly pressed towards the bottom of the pool, and the black blood pool boiled like boiling water. try best.

There was a strange sound from the bottom of the pool.A gleam flashed in the phoenix eyes, and she smiled slightly. She knew that the formation was directly crushed by her. Originally, she could just enter the blood pool and catch that Xieluo out. Thinking of entering this blood pool with a strong fishy smell, she felt very conflicted in her heart.

A black figure shot out from the pool of blood, with the same red eyes and weird eyes. The face was quite upright, but the corners of the mouth were too red, and the expression was dark and cold. Looking at the clear sky around, there was no longer a skeleton puppet. Underground, and Feng Jin, who was standing not far away and looked at him with eyes like knives, his expression changed suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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