Brother is too evil

Chapter 570 Death Valley Holy King

Chapter 570 Death Valley Holy King (1)
Turn around and run.

Qin Luoyi didn't even think that the Ghost Cultivator, whom Feng Jin had spoken of so badly, would be so useless. After being slightly stunned, he immediately chased after him.

"Xie Luo, where else do you want to go?" Feng Jin also chased after her, her voice was extremely cold and filled with endless murderous aura.

Qin Luoyi thought of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, and didn't want Xie Luo to fall on Feng Jin's body, so he chased Feng Jin and said to Feng Jin, "Senior Feng, you have injuries on your body, so leave him to me. Don't worry, you won't be hurt." Let him run away."

While she was speaking, Xie Luo had already torn the restraint and ran out, Qin Luoyi quickly followed, Feng Jin also jumped out, followed by Yang Lian and others.

Feng Jin, who has been trapped by Xie Luo for thousands of years, did not stop, but in the end the injury was a bit serious, unlike Xie Luo who hid in the black water pool and used ghost magic to heal his injuries. Some strenuous.

Unable to get rid of the two of them, Xie Luo violently tore apart the space, and jumped in from the crack in the space. Qin Luoyi jumped in without hesitation, and Feng Jin took out the white jade platform to catch up, and suddenly found the crystal on his body. The stones have been used up all these years. When enough crystals are obtained from Yang Lian and the others, where can we find those two people?
Had to give up.

Qin Luoyi chased Xie Luo in the void, but didn't see Feng Jin chasing from behind, so he stopped retaining his strength and accelerated to chase forward.

The distance between the two quickly shortened.

Xie Luo was anxious and angry, but he didn't dare to stop and fight recklessly. The site he had been running for countless years was completely destroyed by others, and his body was still injured. This is not the time to fight recklessly. firewood.


He only paid attention to what was behind him, and when he was distracted, he bumped into a soft place. He was startled, he was actually trapped in a transparent barrier, and standing in front of him was a man in white, fluttering in white, Extraordinary handsome, like a fairy, looking behind him with a smile.

"White clothes!"

Qin Luoyi looked at the white figure standing in the void, his eyes lit up, and he greeted him with a smile: "What a coincidence, why are you here?"

She hadn't seen him since he and Ouyang Ling attacked Mo Xiao's enchantment in the Tianlong Mountains.

Naturally, Bai Yi didn't appear here for no reason.

After Ouyang Ling disappeared inexplicably, it took Bai Yi a lot of effort to break the barrier he had set up.

After leaving the extreme north, he didn't care to find the source of chaos that he wanted most, so he began to look for Qin Luoyi's whereabouts. Even Ouyang Ling was afraid of that demon owl, and his strength was indeed very strong.

He stared at Qin Luoyi, but he didn't know what he was thinking. He was very worried if he couldn't find her soon.Qin Luoyi didn't have the jade slip he left on him, and Bai Yi spent several days trying to find her.

At this time, seeing her safe and sound, her spirit flying, and her cultivation base much stronger, the heart that had been worrying about her was finally let go, and her mood suddenly improved a lot. Seeing Qin Luoyi smiling brightly at him as soon as she saw him, her mood It's even better.

Regardless of being trapped in the barrier by him, Xie Luo, a ghost monk with an extremely shocked expression, walked up to Qin Luoyi's side and handed her a jade slip: "This is for you."

The jade slip is milky white, crystal clear, lying in the palm of his slender jade-like shape, reflecting each other beautifully.

Qin Luoyi recognized it as a soul jade slip.

He took it with a smile.

The piece on his body was smashed by the demon owl, he should have sensed it.His eyes fell on the jade slip. This piece of jade slip was different from the one that he asked him to refine, and it was almost the same as the one that Ouyang Ling gave him.

The piece I asked him to practice at the beginning can only feel whether his life is safe in this world, but this piece, if she needs it, she can crush it at any time, no matter where it is, Bai Yi can quickly come.

It takes a lot of effort to practice this thing.

The dark phoenix eyes were shining like glass, and she smiled and said a few words, feeling a little doubtful that Ouyang Ling and Yaohuang were not by his side, but this was not the time to ask these questions, she did not forget Trapped evil Luo.

Standing in front of the barrier, the smile on his face was still there, but his phoenix eyes were cold and sharp, and he didn't go around, and said straight to the point: "Where did you know about the Hunyuan Dzi on my body?"

Hearing the Hunyuan Dzi, a faint light flashed in the dark eyes of the white clothes.

Xie Luo naturally recognized Qin Luoyi.

He has seen her portrait.

It was his order to let people bring her back to Luocha Mountain, but he didn't expect that if she was brought back, his own Luocha Mountain would be destroyed, and the other two disappeared, even Feng Jinna was taken away. The person who had been trapped for nearly a thousand years was also rescued... When he came out of the black water pool, he felt something was wrong, and immediately ran for his life regardless of other things.

Unexpectedly, she was still caught up.

His eyes fell on the man in white beside Qin Luoyi, and his heart was even more bewildered. There was a strange light in his red eyes, and his mind was spinning rapidly.

"Your cultivation speed is too fast. If you don't have Hunyuan Dzi, how could you have such a fast cultivation speed?" His voice was gloomy and hoarse, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes kept staring at him.

Naturally, she didn't believe what he said, and said with a sneer, "Just because I practice too just guess that the Hunyuan Dzi is on me, do you think I'm easy to fool?"

On the Xuantian Continent, Jian Yuyan is more famous than her in terms of abnormal cultivation speed, especially after the two peak cultivators of the Purple Mansion from the Liu family and the Shangguan family were vulnerable to him, why didn't he guess that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was On Jian Yuyan?

It's a pity that the soul-hunting technique is useless, otherwise it wouldn't be so troublesome.

Xie Luo's eyes flickered, and he snorted and said, "People who get Hunyuan Dzi Beads practice very fast. What I'm saying is the truth. If you don't believe me, I can't help it."

Taking advantage of their unpreparedness, they moved their fingers, and a dazzling black light turned into a long sword, and shot fiercely at the barrier, trying to take advantage of the situation to break through.

Even if there is no Hunyuan Dzi Bead, he can't fall into the hands of these two people. Ghost monks practice against the sky, killing evil, and vowed to be incompatible with righteous monks in the world. Besides, he has to go to his other In a hiding place, the longer he stays outside, the more his life essence will be lost.

Bai Yi glanced at him, with a hint of indifference in his narrow and quiet eyes, then turned his head and smiled at Qin Luoyi: "He is a ghost monk, he has no soul, and he cannot search for souls, but I have a way to know his words. I met some people all the time."

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up, looking at the handsome brows in Bai Yi, he couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips upwards, making his already beautiful face even brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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