Brother is too evil

Chapter 573 Love

Chapter 573 Love (2)
After being poisoned, they can only display [-]% of their strength. After killing the former holy queen, their injuries worsened, and the toxin that could not be cleared has also worsened. Yue, I just woke up last night.

Qin Luoyi also knew that there was a poison barrier in this Death Valley, but the poison was not a big threat to her now, and it could not penetrate her body at all.

The water in the pool has the effect of healing and detoxification. If Dahei and Heidi stay here for another ten days and a half months, the poison will naturally be cured.After Qin Luoyi looked at them, he didn't give them any detoxification pills.

The monkey brought the best spiritual tea, and there was only one piece of tea in the water, which was Xianyuan tea that was only produced in Death Valley, and it was specially ordered by Dahei.

White cup.

Qin Luoyi took a cup.

Xianyuan tea doesn't have any fragrance, but taking a sip seems to make people's heart strangely calm down and enter an inexplicable state.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

This is also the first time she has seen this Xianyuan tea. She has only heard of it before. Xianyuan tea only grows in Death Valley, and idlers dare not come in. Occasionally, there are powerful monks outside Death Valley who can get a few pieces. Blown outside.

Bai Yi's face was light.

When he only looked at Qin Luoyi, his eyes would become deep and hot, and the corners of his lips would be slightly raised.

Dahei and Heidi are no longer surprised.

From their point of view, no matter how powerful Bai Yi is, he is just like the men in reality. He has long been fascinated by Qin Luoyi. Otherwise, why would he never forget to find something Qin Luoyi likes every time he goes out?

The only strange thing is that he only cares about Qin Luoyi's favor, and hasn't gone any further... Presumably it has something to do with his amnesia.

Looking at such a smart and handsome person, maybe because of amnesia, he can't turn around that point, and he doesn't know that he likes him. Of course, Dahei and Heidi won't bother to remind him.

"This Xianyuan tea really lives up to its reputation." Qin Luoyi drank a cup and closed his eyes. After a while, he withdrew from the strange state and said with a smile, signaling Bai Yi to drink the tea as well.

Bai Yi directly pushed his cup in front of her, and the faint sunlight fell on his face, outlining his handsome and flawless outline.

"This cup is for you to drink."

Naturally, Qin Luoyi couldn't drink white clothes, and sighed in her heart, except for the source of chaos, she really didn't see any other things he liked to eat very much, and she didn't expect that even Xianyuan tea would not arouse his interest.

Having seen the domineering scene of Bai Yi devouring the source of chaos, Xianyuan tea did not arouse his interest, and Dahei was not too surprised, but Qin Luoyi still liked it.Dahei directly took out a big bag and handed it to Qin Luoyi, and said with a smile: "All of these are for you, and you can soak them slowly in the future."

There were hundreds of pieces in that pack.

Qin Luoyi was surprised.

If she remembers correctly, Xianyuan tea is not available every year. Even in Death Valley, Xianyuan tea trees are not everywhere. There is only one piece. I didn't expect Dahei to give her so much at once. .

It seems that the holy king should have a lot of stock in the past.

Thinking of the strange feeling when he drank it just now, Qin Luoyi took out a piece, brewed another cup, and put away the rest. This is indeed a good thing.

The monkey who was not far away saw this scene, opened his mouth wide in shock, and then looked at Qin Luoyi with very hot eyes.

Hei Di gave Da Hei a half-smile.

Almost all the Xianyuan tea in Death Valley's inventory is in this bag, and he only has dozens of pieces. I saw it in the treasure house before, and thought it was Dahei who wanted to drink it himself, but I didn't expect... Qin Luoyi said That's right, it changed hands and gave it all to Qin Luoyi.

Under Qin Luoyi's strong recommendation, and with expectant eyes, Bai Yi reached out to pick up the teacup and drank the tea with extremely elegant movements.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered, and he guessed that the white clothes before amnesia must be from some kind of aristocratic family. The elegance and nobility that comes from the bones cannot be imitated casually.

Thinking that even though Xie Luo died, someone might guess that there was a Hunyuan Dzi in her body. After finding Dahei and Heidi, Qin Luoyi didn't plan to stay in Death Valley for a long time.

She was planning to go to the Ice Realm for a try, but without the jade slip, with her current cultivation, she didn't know if she could enter the Ice Realm.

Maybe she needs something to refine spirit water, and Bingyu has it.

No matter what, let's go to the ice field first, no matter whether she can gather all the spiritual plants for refining the spiritual water, she will start to retreat and practice.

So what if people know about the Hunyuan Dzi Bead?
As long as her cultivation is high enough, those who want to kill her and take away the Hunyuan Dzi will have to worry about themselves. If they want to take her things, they have to see if they have the life to take them.

Dahei and Heidi were seriously injured. She didn't want them to follow her at this time and continue to practice in the Death Valley. Hei is a partner she can always trust.

And Hei Di.

Unexpectedly, Heidi, in order to be with Dahei, actually formed a natal contract with Dahei. If Dahei dies, it can't live alone, and because of the relationship between Dahei and her, the lives of the three of them are different. If they are tied together, she can trust Hei Di with all her heart, instead of just taking what she needs like before.

Spirit beasts have a long lifespan, and it was really beyond her expectation that Hei Di would make such a decision.

Hearing what Qin Luoyi said about Xie Luo, both Dahei and Heidi became extremely dignified. With Baiyi by her side, she should not be in any danger for a while, and they also sensed that they were separated for a few months. At that time, Qin Luoyi's cultivation base has improved so much that he can't even see through them. Maybe he is already above them. The most urgent thing is that they should take advantage of this opportunity to heal and practice well.

Neither of them had any objections to Qin Luoyi leaving them in Death Valley.

Qin Luoyi gave Chu Yifeng and the others the list, and gave Dahei another one: "I need the items on it urgently. If you see them, no matter what price you pay, you must get them." The cultivation base of him has improved rapidly, and it is necessary to improve the cultivation bases of the people around him.

Dahei took the list and looked it over. They were all extremely rare things on this continent, and some of them had never even been heard of before, but there were several kinds in Death Valley.

So he took Qin Luoyi to the treasure house to look.

A total of seven were found in the treasury, among which there was one green jellyfish that Qin Luoyi had never had before. Holding that piece of green jellyfish, Qin Luoyi's eyes were full of splendor... There were only five kinds of green jellyfish that she could make by herself. Spiritual water is coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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