Brother is too evil

Chapter 574 Love

Chapter 574 Love (3)
"The things on this list, besides the green flood dragon, there is also a kind of nine-tailed nightshade flower in Death Valley." Hei Di looked towards the southeast direction of Death Valley, his eyes were dark and deep.

Qin Luoyi wants these things, each of which is extremely rare, and those things are things that money can't buy, and some of them are highly poisonous, even the top monks of the Zifu dare not touch it easily, it is very curious about Qin Luoyi What exactly are these things going to be used for.

But if you want to get the Nine-tailed Nightshade, I'm afraid it's not easy. The place where the Nine-tailed Nightshade grows is a place in Death Valley that even the former Saint King dared not set foot in.If not, how could such a good thing remain until now.

When Qin Luoyi heard that there was another kind here, the light in her eyes suddenly became even more dazzling. If she got one more kind, she would only be short of four kinds, and go to the ice field again... If she is lucky, maybe she has recently It will take a few years to refine a piece of spiritual water again.

The more I think about it, the more excited I get.

However, she naturally did not miss the solemnity in Hei Di's eyes, the rarer the thing, the more dangerous it was grown in, she was already mentally prepared.

What's more, there are still white clothes.

For the nine-tailed nightshade flower, she is determined to win it.

Heidi led the way, Dahei followed closely beside it, and flew away through the clouds and fog. Qin Luoyi and Baiyi walked together. The speed of both of them was not fast, like strolling in a pavilion, but they always kept close to Dahei and Heidi. A stone's throw away.

The monkey looked at the ground, his eyes straightened.

Soon we arrived at the place where the Nine-Tailed Nightshade grew.

The Nine-Tailed Nightshade does not grow on the ground, but grows underground. It passes through a long cave and walks towards the ground. The temperature at the entrance of the cave is not much, but the further you go down, the hotter it gets. After half an hour, a group of people came to the deepest part of the cave, where there was a stream of hot magma rolling and jumping in front of their eyes.

Not a single blade of grass grows around, and on the rock wall, there are actually quite a few Huo Dazzling Stones, which are crystal clear, fiery red and gorgeous, and each one is the best.

When Qin Luoyi arrived here, he didn't care to look at those incomparably bright Huo Dazzling Stones, and only stared at the center of the magma.

The temperature there was extremely high, Gulu Gulu was bubbling with magma, and in the center of the magma, there was a dark blue flower shadow looming.

That is the Nine-Tailed Nightshade.

The blue flower is the size of two palms, and the center of the flower is blue and sparkling. From the bottom of the flower, there are nine slender tail-like things hanging down, so it is named Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower. The nine tails are rooted Inside the magma, with the tumbling magma constantly sinking and floating.

Qin Luoyi stood on the edge of the cliff, the scorching magma made her originally fair cheeks glow bright red, but she felt cool and sweatless.

Qin Luoyi estimates that the temperature here is at least a thousand degrees.

Standing beside her, Bai Yi seemed completely unaffected by the scorching magma. Those dark eyes were as dark as the night, calm and calm, with a leisurely expression, but in the leisurely leisure, there was a hint of deepness Unpredictable.

Dahei and Heidi had not recovered from their serious injuries, and they were poisoned again. The spiritual energy in their bodies was overdrawn.

Qin Luoyi let them go out.

Dahei and Heidi didn't try to be brave, they nodded and retreated, but they didn't exit the cave completely, they just stood still in a place where the temperature was slightly lower, watching them intently.

Qin Luoyi saw that the Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower did not actually grow on the top of the magma, it was just a phantom, and the flower actually grew under the magma, at a depth of hundreds of meters, or hundreds of meters.

And the magma under her feet was no different than ordinary magma, she even felt that this magma was more powerful than the ten layers of sky fire in the fire domain.I couldn't help but wonder to myself, I don't know if she can go down safely in the space of the bracelet.

Seeing her take off the bracelet, Bai Yi immediately understood what she wanted to do, and a deep smile appeared in his glazed eyes: "Do you want to go down and get it?"

"If I don't go down, is it possible that it can still fly to me?" Qin Luoyi looked away from the nine-tailed nightshade flower, looked at the handsome pet in white, and laughed jokingly, those pitch-black phoenix eyes, Under the reflection of the fiery red magma, it is extremely bright, like a phoenix.

"It's not difficult to fly to you." Bai Yi smiled, his eyes were watery and soft, then he looked away, gently raised his hand, revealing his jade-colored slender fingers, and pinched out the seal. A powerful force was condensing, and after a while he waved his hand lightly, that majestic force surged towards the magma.

The hot and tumbling magma was split in two by that powerful force, separated from the middle, forming a channel in the middle, approaching the Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower in the depths.

Because the magma was forcibly separated from the middle, there was a gap in the middle, and it rose rapidly. However, Qin Luoyi and Baiyi were standing at a high position, and no matter how high they rose, they would not be able to reach her feet. Dressed in white, he looked under the magma again.

She didn't expect Bai Yi to be able to forcibly separate the magma so easily. It's not that she hasn't thought about this method, but with her cultivation base, she is not sure.

Originally at the bottom of the magma, the nine-tailed nightshade flower hidden on a cliff wall showed its original shape and was exposed to the air, but the nine-tailed nightshade flower had grown here for countless years, and it had already had spirituality and felt the danger. The colorful flowers were suddenly gathered up and rolled into a ball, and the nine tail-like things seemed to have turned into nine legs, trying to slip away quickly.

Qin Luoyi couldn't bear it to slip away like this, and was about to trap it, the nine-tailed nightshade flower wrapped in a ball was already caught by the white clothes, there was no escape, it flew up from the magma channel, and fell into it in the blink of an eye. In the hands of Bai Yi.

After the Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower was caught, the boiling magma that split into two streams roared together again.

Bai Yi handed the blue flowers to Qin Luoyi's hand.

The Nine-Tailed Nightshade Flower stayed in Qin Luoyi's palm, after a few struggles, it stopped moving.It grows in the scorching hot magma, but it is not scorching hot when you touch it, but contains a cold air, and the aura is extremely rich. It really is something born of heaven and earth.

At the beginning, seeing that it wanted to run away when it was in danger, Qin Luoyi thought that this Nine-tailed Nightshade Flower had cultivated its soul, but when he looked carefully, he realized that it was not. It was just its instinctive reaction. Time, it is really possible to cultivate a soul.

"Bai Yi, haven't you remembered the past?" Qin Luoyi blinked after putting away the Nine-Tailed Nightshade, and asked Bai Yi who was standing beside him.She became more and more curious about Bai Yi's identity before he lost his memory.

"I'm afraid I won't remember it for the rest of my life." Thinking of how Ouyang Ling tormented him in those few months, his eyes dimmed, and his anger couldn't be concealed.Fortunately, Qin Luoyi was fine, otherwise he would definitely not be able to spare him.

(End of this chapter)

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