Chapter 575
Qin Luoyi looked at his dark eyes, but misunderstood him, patted his shoulder, and comforted him with kind words: "Don't lose your mind, you will grow up in your life, maybe you will remember it someday."

Bai Yi's expression softened a lot. "Just now you gave Dahei the thing on that piece of paper. I got it by chance a few days ago."

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up.Opening his mouth, he looked at him expectantly with hot eyes: "What is it?"

Bai Yi's heart beat faster from her eyes, and he spread his palms, and several ice lotuses appeared in his palms, each one was not big, but they were all crystal clear, exuding majestic spiritual power.

Qin Luoyi's eyes were instantly filled with bright fire, and he looked at Bai Yi with joy in his eyes, with a dazzling smile on his lips, took the ice lotus from Bai Yi's hand, and resisted the urge to give him a big hug.

"Bai Yi, you are really my lucky star. I thought that this ice lotus should be the most difficult to find, but I didn't expect you to get it."

Haha, she really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh wildly.

Now it's only three.

She knew that there were those three things in the ice field, but she just didn't know if her luck was good or not. If it was good, she might get a mature spiritual plant as soon as she entered it. Think of other ways, but none of these will affect her current good mood.

It took Jin Dongyan thousands of years to get things together, but she only spent a few months, dozens of materials for refining spiritual water, she has already got only three of them together, how could it make her unhappy abnormal.

Looking at the white clothes with a smile, black hair like clouds, and smooth and white skin like fine porcelain on her pretty face, she is as delicate as creamy fat, which can be broken by blowing bullets, reflecting the fiery red light of the magma in the cave, making her look even more charming and charming.

"What else do you need, I'll help you find it." Bai Yi looked at her, his heart was turbulent, every time he could make her happy and smile at him with bright eyes, he felt very comfortable in his heart.

Bai Yi's words hit Qin Luoyi's heart.

It's just that she hasn't met Bai Yi before, she is going to the ice region, and having one more person will increase her confidence in entering the ice region.

The moon is as bright as jade, and the silver glow is extraordinarily bright against the night sky.The breeze blows gently, bringing bursts of fragrance.A few stars are scattered in the corner of the sky.

It was late at night, and the soft chirping of insects was very clear in the silent night.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the jade stone. There was a pool of transparent liquid in front of him. Under the pool was a dazzling flame. The liquid in the pool was churning non-stop. surge.

The puppet in Tsing Yi stood quietly on one side, staring at the pool indifferently without blinking.

Compared with when he first entered the ice domain for more than a month, Qin Luoyi's aura was stronger, his whole body was shrouded in a faint white mist, his skin was snow-white, his face was elegant and beautiful, like a nine-day fairy coming to the dust.

"In a few more days, the spiritual water should be ready." Smelling the fragrance in the air, the person who was practicing with his eyes closed stood up from the jade stone, and a happy smile appeared on the corners of his delicate lips.

As she expected before, with Bai Yi here, there was no suspense in entering the Ice Domain. The barrier of the Ice Domain and the powerful formations set up on it were useless to Bai Yi. After leaving Death Valley, they entered the Ice Domain smoothly.

What made her even more delighted was that the three kinds of spiritual plants that were missing were all found in the ice area, and they were all mature. After picking them off, she immediately began to refine the spiritual water without delay.

Refining the spirit water is not easy, nor can it be refined overnight. It has been nearly a month and a half since she started refining the spirit water, and the spirit water is only halfway through.

Fortunately, apart from being a little troublesome at the beginning, as long as the refining process is maintained at a certain temperature, these puppets in green clothes can do it, so she keeps on the sidelines and continues to practice.

Half a month ago, she survived the thunder tribulation and successfully cultivated the Golden Spirit Flower.

There is a puppet in Tsing Yi who can help her absorb the power of the thunder calamity, and her thunder calamity survived without any danger. The puppet in Tsing Yi has changed from the bronze color to silver, and its strength has greatly increased.

Because of Xie Luo's incident, for more than a month, she didn't go anywhere except when she was promoted, and only practiced hard in the ice field, trying to improve her strength.

Walking lightly to the window, he accidentally found a figure hidden by the window in a room not far away, his eyes lit up, and the smile on his lips grew stronger. Unexpectedly, Bai Yi came back.

For more than a month, she was refining spirit water and alchemy at the same time, but Bai Yi didn't stay here all the time, and would go out every one or two days. Although he didn't say anything, Qin Luoyi also guessed that he was looking for Chaos source.

Bai Yi's obsession with the source of chaos seems to have been integrated into his flesh and blood.

The source of chaos obtained from the fire domain was used up in the misty valley last time, and this time she used up some of the spirit water refining, leaving nearly half, which she gave to Bai Yi.

After refining this spiritual water, it will not be easy to refine it again. Most of the items for refining the spiritual water this time come from the blessed land of the cave. If you want to get some things together, it will be impossible without thousands of years .

Looking back at the bubbling spiritual water in the pool, she pretended not to notice the figure in white, and left the window again, confessed a few words to the puppet in Tsing Yi, then opened the door and walked out. After a few steps, she paused. Paused, and continued to move forward.

A few miles away from where she lived, there was a small lake with clear and emerald green water, the moonlight was shining on the lake water, and the lake water was rippling when the breeze blew.

Qin Luoyi walked all the way to the edge of the lake, and then stopped. There was a dazzling light like glass flashing in her eyes. In the moonlight, she looked at her fair and beautiful face, and the smile on her face grew stronger.

There are fish swimming in the water.

Looking at the fish, Qin Luoyi squatted down, and easily caught a fish in her palm, then stood up, grabbed the lively fish with one hand, and gently stroked it with the other. He held it, and suddenly pinched the fish's mouth and gills with great force.

The fish, who was uncomfortable leaving the water, quickly rolled its eyes, and was about to suffocate, Qin Luoyi suddenly let go of his hand, squatted down and gently put the fish into the water.

The escaped fish swam away quickly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye. Qin Luoyi giggled when he saw this.

A white shadow flashed in the distance, looking at the person in front of him who could laugh so happily alone, his eyes softened, and the perfect thin lips couldn't help but evoke a smile. Just as he was about to walk over, he suddenly He paused, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Qin Luoyi, who was originally standing on the shore, unbuttoned his belt, revealing his white jade-like skin. The clothes slipped off his body quickly, and in the blink of an eye, all that remained was an attractive bellyband and a pair of obscene trousers that could not hide much of the alluring scenery. .Half naked and walked towards the lake.

(End of this chapter)

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