Brother is too evil

Chapter 635 The Hell on Earth

Chapter 635 The Hell on Earth (1)
Soon Liu Ziyu's soul was forced out, there were only two souls and five souls, Ming Luo had his one soul and two souls, and the souls that had been separated by force quickly fused together, and then slammed into Liu Ziyu's body .

Ming Luo disappeared, leaving only Liu Ziyu on the altar.

"Ming Luo, do you really think that I don't know what your plan is?" Liu Ziyu, whose soul had returned to his seat, laughed loudly, and sat on the altar again, with a proud and excited expression.

Bai Yi's feet paused slightly.

He looked at another kind of light that quietly emerged from the altar after Liu Ziyu sat down. It was also a silver light, but it was lighter than the light just now. Those lights quietly made his mood very happy. Liu Ziyu was surrounded, and then the silver light suddenly exploded and turned into a silver flame, Liu Ziyu screamed, trying to break free but couldn't break free at all.

The monks in the Liu Mansion were stunned by this scene, and their expressions were incredulous. With just this slight moment of stupefaction, many monks had their heads blown off and died instantly.

Qin Luoyi and Baiyi accelerated the speed, and the bad feeling in her heart became more and more intense. She always felt that something was going to happen. Seeing that countless formations were destroyed, she was about to approach the center , suddenly Liu Ziyu stopped screaming, stood up from the silver flames, raised her head and laughed.

The silver flame disappeared.

It's just that the laughter is obviously different from Liu Ziyu's just now, and the eyes are also different from before, except that the eyes are not red, the eyes are exactly the same as Ming Luo.

"Liu Ziyu was taken away by the ghost monk!" The monks in Xianyang City quickly understood: "The Liu family... unexpectedly cooperated with the ghost monk in a whimsical way. This is the result of self-destruction!"

Some people are excited, but more people are uneasy.

When the monks of the Liu family saw that Liu Ziyu had been taken away by the ghost monk, how could they have the morale to fight again?Turning around, they wanted to escape from Xianyang City, but found that the entire Xianyang City was covered by the huge light tripod on the forbidden ground of Xiantai, and they couldn't escape at all.

"Years of arrangements are finally coming in handy... The final victory belongs to me after all." Ming Luo whispered to himself, looking indifferently at the endless void.

With Ming Luo's words falling, overwhelming silver light beams suddenly shot out from the light tripod. These light beams were like spider webs, forming an extremely huge formation in the sky. After the formation was formed, another Dozens of beams of light burst out from the formation, and shot directly into the ground in various parts of the Xuantian Continent.

One of them is Xianyang City.


The beam of light fell on the ground, and the entire Xuantian Continent seemed to be shaken at this moment. Xianyang City trembled violently, and a huge crack suddenly spread from Xianyang City. However, before they could react, a silver beam of light burst out from the ground, covering the entire city.




Under the shroud of the silver beam of light, in the city, the bodies of one after another figures suddenly exploded, and their bodies instantly turned into blood mist. The sudden change made everyone stunned.

A deep fear and horror quickly surged out of their hearts like a tide.In fear, Xianyang City fell into riots, and it was impossible to get out of the city. The monks discovered it as early as when the disciples of the Liu family wanted to escape, and the only place that was not affected by that ray of light was the Qin Mansion.

Everyone frantically rushed towards the Qin residence.Some of the weaker ones were a bit slower, and before they had time to escape into the Qin Mansion, they exploded very quickly, and the whole city was filled with blood mist, and more than half of the city was submerged in thick blood.

A silver beam of light enveloped the sea of ​​blood in the city, and streams of blood-colored air slowly rose up, and finally turned into blood-colored beams of light, soaring into the sky, and swept into the huge formation that enveloped the sky above the Qin Mansion.

Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips tightly, and a sharp cold light shot out from his phoenix eyes. There was only one blood-colored beam of light formed in Xianyang City, and there were dozens of blood-colored beams of light in the entire formation, which is afraid that in other places in Xuantian Continent Places, and other places are being looted just like Xianyang City.

Looking at the formation in Bai Yi's eyes, a strange light shone in his eyes, and he was slightly dazed: "Heaven-devouring Blood Formation!" After entering the forbidden area of ​​Xiantai, the formations he encountered became more and more powerful, and the most powerful one belonged to This is the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

Qin Luoyi hit the formation above Ming Luo's head fiercely with his palm, but it seemed as if he had slapped it on cotton. Not only did he not hurt the formation at all, but the force he struck also disappeared strangely.

The skeleton puppet has been completely wiped out, Mr. Qin and others rushed over with solemn expressions, everyone attacked Liu Ziyu, but they couldn't break through the light of the altar, and they were just like Qin Luoyi, sensing the attack The power to go out disappeared strangely.

Everyone wanted to attack again, but the white clothes stopped them: "You can't use that formation, it can absorb all the power of our attack. The more people we attack, the more we can help him advance quickly!"

"Haha, yes, I didn't expect you to have some knowledge." Ming Luo in the air laughed and said loudly, seeing the people below standing but not attacking his own formation, he became more and more proud.

"There are formations underground in Xianyang City. You can't destroy the formations above him. If you destroy the formations below, he can no longer do evil!" Qin Luoyi said.

As more and more blood poured into the formation, Ming Luo's cultivation became stronger and stronger, and that domineering coercion became heavier and heavier.

"That's right, this is a way to crack the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation." Bai Yi nodded, he stomped his feet, a powerful force penetrated into the ground, and Xianyang City shook violently again after the previous big earthquake .

In just a few breaths of time, the underground formation of Xianyang City was destroyed, and the terrifying sound of human body explosion no longer came, and all the monks cheered excitedly.

The bloody beam of light leading to the formation from the sky above Xianyang City suddenly disappeared.

Ming Luo, who was frantically absorbing the blood mist through the formation in the formation, stared down at Baiyi, Qin Luoyi and the others, a savage look flashed across his face.

"Haha, it's just destroying the formation of Xianyang City. Without Xianyang City, I still have dozens of cities. This blood is enough for me to cultivate all five spirit flowers, and let you live another day. No, today is the day for all of you to die!" Ming Luo laughed out loud, and his voice spread far away, with a hint of complacency and madness in it.

Qin Luoyi looked at him, narrowing his phoenix eyes dangerously.

(End of this chapter)

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