Brother is too evil

Chapter 636 The Hell on Earth

Chapter 636 The Hell on Earth (2)
Ming Luo's cultivation base is slightly weaker than hers, and I am afraid that he has also cultivated two spiritual flowers. Now this person is so cruel and vicious, and he actually planted such a terrifying formation on the Xuantian Continent. Five spiritual flowers, this is definitely a catastrophe for the entire Xuantian Continent.

He must be stopped!

It's just that the Xuantian Continent has a vast territory, with tens of thousands of big cities, even if Bai Yi can destroy the formations he has set up on the ground in an instant, how do you know where the dozens of cities he has set up formations are in a hurry?

"We can't let him cultivate five spiritual flowers." Old Master Qin looked extremely solemn, and he looked at Ming Luo, who was frantically absorbing the blood mist in the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, and said resolutely: "There is only one day, and time is running out. All of us Separate to find!"

He had never been so depressed.Even though the enemy was right in front of him, those with bound hands and feet could not attack him. Fortunately, among the monks who came today, there were at least twenty white jade platforms.

As for Qin Luoyi, Baiyi, and Zong Wuying, they could tear the void directly without using the Baiyutai. Although this method was a bit stupid, there was no other way at this time.

The blood-colored beam of light is covered by the sky-eating formation, and the divine sense cannot detect where the other end is from one end. Even if it can fly with it, at the speed of the flying boat, the flying boat can fly a million miles a day at most, and there is no way at all. It may be possible to find the ruined city beyond through that beam of light in a day's time.

Ge Hong, Luo Shizu and others all nodded in agreement.

On the faces of Tuoba Xiaoyao and the others, there was an unconcealable look of anxiety.His eyes were deeply darkened.

A city that could be chosen by Ming Luo to cultivate those spiritual flowers and set up the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation would not be an ordinary city, just like this city of Xianyang.

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome." Bai Yi said, a pair of deep and bright eyes slowly swept across the crowd, his voice was soft but steady and powerful, slowly carrying a calming power.

"Young master Bai has a solution?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they all looked at his handsome face expectantly, and their restless mood unexpectedly calmed down a little strangely.Qin Luoyi also looked at her, his phoenix eyes were bright and shining with a scorching light.

Bai Yi's heart trembled slightly when she saw it, then nodded and said: "I can determine the locations of those dozens of cities."

As soon as the words fell, he didn't waste any more time, and raised his hand gracefully, and powerful forces rushed towards his body from all directions.

Ming Luo's pupils shrank sharply, and then he laughed strangely and said, "You want to know where they are? Huh, you can't control yourself! I got this formation from an immortal! He is truly equal to heaven and earth. Longevity God."

When it comes to immortals living the same life as heaven and earth, the yearning in Ming Luo's eyes cannot be concealed.

"Immortal?" Qin Luoyi hooked the corners of his lips in disdain, and looked at him contemptuously: "A person who can use such bloody formations to cultivate, how can he be an immortal, or a devil!"

Ming Luo glared at her angrily.

Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly, his eyes were even more disdainful, but the corner of his eyes was paying close attention to Bai Yi's movements, the spiritual power around Bai Yi's body became more violent, forming a huge spiritual power vortex, gradually the sky suddenly The color changed, and the originally sunny blue sky was covered with dark clouds, the sun disappeared into the clouds, the temperature in the air dropped sharply, and then heavy snow began to fall in the sky.

A faint smile quickly flashed across Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes.The snow fell like it was in the ice field, without any warning.

After Bai Yi woke up that day, he said that he didn't have the slightest impression of the things that caused the changes of the four seasons before, but he didn't expect that he figured it out by himself in just a few days, and he still used it today.

Except for Qin Luoyi who had seen this scene before and was not too surprised, everyone else looked at Bai Yi in shock, and even Ming Luo looked at Bai Yi with a complicated expression, a flash of surprise and shock flashed in his eyes. color.

Sure enough, perverted!
It can actually trigger the vision of heaven and earth!

The cultivators on the Xuantian Continent, as well as the mysteries that have been around for tens of thousands of years, have never recorded anyone who can trigger the phenomenon of heaven and earth with a single body of cultivation.

He raised his vigilance in his heart, and became more wary of Bai Yi. He secretly decided that he must not fight this man until today's practice is not complete. He must be in an absolute advantage.

However, he was very confident in the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation, and he didn't believe that Bai Yi could find the cities covered by his Heaven-devouring Blood Formation in a short time, not to mention that he didn't need much time, just a day.

So how powerful is he?
The strange characteristics of the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation determined that no matter how strong the cultivation base was, it would be useless to attack the formation. Instead, he could use the formation to absorb their cultivation base to cultivate.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved.

Glancing at the white clothes, and then shifting his gaze to Liu Qingcheng, who was covered in blood on the side of the altar, screaming in pain inside, smiled sinisterly: "Liu Ziyu hurt you a lot, and gave you a lot of good things from me. , I didn’t expect you to be useful in the end.”

Liu Qingcheng's voluptuous face has become bloodshot at this time, frighteningly red, even her eyes are red, very terrifying, although she kept rolling in the pool of blood, she also listened to Ming Luo's words, and even more so It was because he witnessed the process of Old Ancestor Liu being taken away by him just now, and his heart is still beating wildly at this moment.

"Let... I... as long as... you let me go, I can do whatever you want me to do in the future."

She endured the severe pain and opened her mouth to speak, but the words she spoke were intermittent, and her voice was very hoarse and unpleasant, which was still her previous voice.

Ming Luo had already moved his eyes away, ignoring her at all.The aura on his body became stronger and stronger, and a blue flower emerged above his head, although it was very small and faint, it still made Qin Luoyi purse his red lips tightly.

She knew that Ming Luo was about to cultivate another spiritual flower.

This is too fast!

A purple transparent ball of light began to appear on Bai Yi's hand. The ball of light was the size of an adult's head, exuding a dazzling purple light, and a terrifying aura leaked out of the purple ball of light.

"go with!"

With a soft shout, he threw the purple light ball out, and the purple light ball instantly turned into dozens of small light beads, one light bead was immersed in a bloody light beam of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, and then the coal split open, It completely merged into the bloody beam of light.

The monks in Xianyang City stared at this scene without blinking. After a few breaths, the beam of light did not change in any way. They were standing on the altar, contemptuously looking down at their Ming Luo and laughed loudly: "That's all."

Completely let go.

Qin Luoyi believed in Bai Yi.Since Bai Yi said that he has a solution, then there must be a solution... His slender eyelashes blinked, and he looked at Bai Yi with complete belief.

(End of this chapter)

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