Brother is too evil

Chapter 641: Phoenix Blood Bell Flower

Chapter 641: Phoenix Blood Bell Flower
She recognized that the drop of purple light seemed to be the purple light that he shot into Ming Luo's body before Ming Luo died.

"That Ming Luo also seems to recognize me." Bai Yi said, with a low voice, looking at her with warm and soft eyes, exquisite facial features, and a tall and straight figure, no matter which direction you look from, they are so beautiful , so that everything in the world is eclipsed.

Qin Luoyi raised the corner of his mouth and looked at him with a straight smile, a playful look flashed in his eyes.

Of course I do.

He even called out his could he not recognize him?Thinking of Ouyang Ling, she was sure that Xuanyuanqing must be Bai Yi's name.It's just that Ming Luo, who didn't know what he did before, was killed by Bai Yi.

This time, it sadly fell into the hands of Bai Yi.

"Did you remember something?" She didn't forget that during the battle a few days ago, Bai Yi should be able to shoot him to death soon, but she didn't do that, and it took a lot of time.

"I didn't remember it, but looking at him feels a little familiar." Bai Yi said, and then he looked at the ray of purple light on his fingertips: "Later, I learned something from him."

There are some things he could have learned from Ouyang Ling, especially about the Hunyuan Dzi, but Ouyang Ling is not here now, and he thought those things were not important before, so it doesn't matter if he thinks about them or not.

But since Qin Luoyi was almost taken away, when he knew that there was a soul in the Hunyuan Dzi, he paid attention to many things that he thought were indifferent before.

From Ming Luo's memory, he got some information, but there is very little information about the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. The only thing that is certain is that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead is not his, he just saw this bead before, and What stayed in Ming Luo's memory the most was a great battle that destroyed the world, and Ming Luo died in that battle back then.

"Since you feel a little familiar when you see him...don't worry, maybe you will be able to remember the past before long. When you saw Mr. Ouyang, you didn't feel it at all."

Seeing that he actually wanted to find his own memories from Ming Luo's memory, Qin Luoyi thought that Bai Yi still cared about those, so he smiled and comforted him.

Raising her hand, she originally wanted to pat him on the shoulder. She used to do this kind of thing often, but this time she raised her hand halfway, and with a heartbeat, she dropped it inadvertently.

Bai Yi noticed it.

The perfect thin lips evoked a slight smile, and a pair of beautiful eyes were as deep and shining as if inhaling the glory of the sun and the moon.

Looking at the pink and fair pretty face in front of her, her phoenix eyes looking forward, her red lips are charming, her long lavender dress reaches the ground, her whole person is just like a bright green peach smiling in the spring breeze, very charming and charming.

There were ripples in my heart.

The corners of his eyes were bent, and the half-bright and half-dark smile on the corners of his lips quietly carried a touch of evil doting, and the elegant and fairy-like handsome face was strangely tainted with a touch of evil spirits. He disappeared quickly, just looked at her with a smile, and moved slightly closer to her.

"This is for you." He took out an unusually brightly blooming red phoenix blood bell flower from his body. The phoenix blood bell flower is a very precious spiritual plant that can refine spiritual water, and it can also be used to refine the fifteenth grade Elixir.

Qin Luoyi's eyes lit up.

She was not polite to Bai Yi, and happily took it, because she was too happy to see the Phoenix Blood Bell Flower, and ignored Bai Yi's approaching body, with a smile on her face, and she was in a very happy mood.

At this moment, the two of them were so close that they could smell the faint fragrance of her body in white clothes, their hearts became more agitated, and they quietly took a deep breath, only to feel that fragrance penetrated directly into their hearts.

Qin Luoyi took the Huangxue bell flower in his hand, looked at it over and over, then tilted his head and asked him with a smile: "Where did you get this thing?"

It shouldn't be the Liu family.

The treasure house of the Liu family was found by Xuehu, Dahei and Heidi, and Bai Yi went to those treasure houses with her to go around carefully. Apart from the piece of fairy jade, he also found four things that could be refined. Precious spiritual plants for making spiritual water.

But there is no phoenix blood bell flower inside.

Bai Yi gave her the four spirit plants that could be used to refine spirit water that he found in the Liu Mansion, plus what he got in the ice field, there would be plenty left without the lotus of extreme ice. It took thousands of years to get together the spirit plant, and she has gathered more than ten kinds in a short period of time. If this continues, after a hundred and eighty years, maybe she will be able to get together to refine the spirit plant again. All spirits of water are planted.

"There is a hidden treasure in Mingluo." Bai Yi said with a smile.Ming Luo didn't usually live in the former Liu Mansion, he also set up a barrier in a mountain range nearly 300 million miles away from Liu Mansion, that was his lair, and that lair was very secret.

The so-called Three Caves of the Cunning Rabbit, Ming Luo hid this Phoenix Blood Bell Flower very secretly, even if he didn’t use it to refine spiritual water, the Phoenix Blood Bell Flower is also an extremely heaven-defying treasure for cultivation, Ming Luo attaches great importance to this Phoenix Blood Bell Flower, If he hadn't captured a part of his memory, it might not be easy to find that there is a phoenix blood bell flower in that place.

It's just a pity that with his cultivation base, he still can't capture all of Ming Luo's memories. There are some very old things. Although he has a faint feeling, the impression in Ming Luo's heart is very vague. The time is too short, and what he can get from his memory is really limited.

Qin Luoyi knew that these things were of no use to Bai Yi, so after looking at them, he honestly put them away: "Bai Yi, thank you, that snow fox is very sensitive to babies, next time you go out to find the source of chaos, you put it away. It brings it, let it help you find it."

Cannibalism is soft and short-handed, Qin Luoyi unceremoniously kicked Xuehu out to repay his favor. Anyway, Xuehu will not suffer from following Baiyi, and there must be a lot of benefits, not to mention she has long been aware of Xuehu He was very flattering to Bai Yi.

Bai Yi didn't want to bring any snow fox.

The person he wants to take is her.

"What did you say thank you to me?" Bai Yi looked at her with a smile, but there was a gleam in his eyes, he lowered his voice and approached her: "All my things are yours, and the middle domain is also yours, it's mine. dowry……"

Because of his approach, a strange ambiguous atmosphere circulated around the two of them.

Qin Luoyi stared at her.

He was so surprised that he almost bit off his tongue... Tsk, even the dowry came out, so could it be that he didn't listen to a word of what I said before?

Caressing her forehead, she said dumbfoundedly: "Baiyi... I told you, I can't marry you."

Bai Yi looked at him closely, his eyes dimmed, and the dazzling splendor disappeared. After a moment of silence, he opened his mouth and said, "Luo Yi, you said you liked me...why can't you marry me?" His voice also changed. It was dull, with a hint of frustration and loss that had never been seen before.

(End of this chapter)

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