Brother is too evil

Chapter 642 Unexpected

Chapter 642 Unexpected (1)
Qin Luoyi sensed it sensitively, and his heart tightened, then he turned his eyes away, stopped looking at him, his eyes fell on the lotus pond in front of him, and was about to explain the difference between like and love to him again.

Although she has mentioned it a few times before, if she can get rid of Bai Yi's idea of ​​marrying her, she doesn't mind saying it again... In order to completely get rid of Bai Yi's idea this time, she is going to say it again. Some.

"White clothes..."

She opened her mouth and was about to speak when Bai Yi suddenly reached out and grabbed her hand. His fingers were slender and moist. Although he only held her gently, Qin Luoyi found that he couldn't break free at all.

"Are you going to reject me again...Luoyi, don't tell me that liking and love are different. I want to be with you. In my opinion, liking is love, and love is liking. It's just a different way of saying it." Forget it, you... keep rejecting me, is it because they don't agree with you marrying me?"

At this moment, the two of them were very close because of Bai Yi's movement of holding her, and when Bai Yi spoke, his hot breath blew on Qin Luoyi's face.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered.

Feng Feili and the others would definitely not agree.

From the day Bai Yi Bai Yi proposed to her master to marry her, she never missed the expressions on their faces.

At the beginning, because of one Chu Yifeng, they had already quarreled with each other, and the three of them were quite jealous. It was beyond her expectation that they could accept Jian Yuyan so quickly.

But Jian Yuyan is different from Bai Yi.

She has never thought about marrying Bai Yi, let alone she has enough men. Originally, when she first came to this world, she only thought about cultivation, and she didn't plan to think about feelings at all. She even had this life all alone. plan.

It's just that later, with Chu Yifeng and the others, they made mistakes, and the Hunyuan Dzi Bead made troubles. They became more and more involved with each other. Now they are inseparable. She can no longer let them go. As for marrying them Well, the four of them are all arrogant people, and now she feels a little wronged by them, how could she provoke love debts again?
Even if the peach blossom in Bai Yi is so good that people really have the urge to selfishly take it as their own, but that's just a thought. Mystery, such a character is suitable for standing on the top of a high mountain, making people look up to and admire, and can be crooked in her heart. If she really wants to take him as her own, she has no such heart on the one hand, and on the other hand, she is really afraid of being struck by lightning .

Thoughts in her mind were spinning rapidly.

Thinking about how sure she would succeed if she really used Feng Feili and the others to reject him... But this thought just passed by, and she quickly dismissed the idea.

Bai Yi's cultivation is too perverted, although he is very kind to her, but what if I really follow him...Feng Feili and the others are only Zifu's cultivation, they are absolutely strong in Xuantian Continent , but compared with Bai Yi, after all, it is weaker.

Thoughts were turning in her mind, but Bai Yi misunderstood this moment of silence, and Bai Yi sighed.

Hold her hand tightly.

"Luoyi... It would be great if I met you sooner. I know they like you first, but I really want to be with you forever. If... If they really don't want me to be with you, I will I won’t embarrass you, I… would like to bless you.”

When he said this, the sadness in his eyes grew stronger, and he held her hand even tighter, but in the end he let go of it, and just stood quietly by her side.

Seeing such white clothes, Qin Luoyi's heart suddenly twitched.

Just now she had made up her mind to settle her own affairs, and she was afraid that if Bai Yi got upset, she would really follow his words and put Feng Feili and the others in danger, but she was a little shaken after Bai Yi said this.

She knows Bai Yi's temperament, and his cultivation base is strong, but he has always said what he says. He said he would not embarrass her, and he was willing to bless them, so he really thought that way.

"Bai Yi..." Qin Luoyi looked at Bai Yi, his phoenix eyes were shining with water, his pretty face was shining, and his face was touched, and he murmured: "Bai Yi, you are so kind."

Bai Yi looked at her like that, but he almost couldn't help hugging her into his arms, but he suppressed it forcibly, squeezed the hands in his sleeves tightly, then raised his hands, and hugged her tightly. A strand of hair on the side of her cheek ran gently behind her ear, her eyes were full of doting, and there was a hint of embarrassment in her eyes, and he promised again in a low voice: "Luoyi, if they don't agree, I will follow you , I will be like Qin Mo from now on, be your elder brother, if they agree, Yi'er, you are not allowed to refuse me again."


That is impossible!

So Qin Luoyi nodded.

The white clothes who had been staring at her closely saw her nodding, a quick flash of relief flashed in her eyes, the smile on her lips became a little dazzling, Qin Luoyi looked at his smile, his heart tightened, suddenly there was a kind of strange feeling.

Jian Yuyan came from a distance, and his slender figure landed on the bank of the lotus pond in the blink of an eye. He was not surprised to see the white clothes there, with a smile on his handsome face, and the two greeted each other with a smile.

Hearing about the white clothes, Jian Yuyan just raised her eyebrows slightly, then raised her hand to caress Qin Luoyi's coiled hair intimately, with no displeasure on her face: "It's just as long as you like it." It turned out to be a little There is no objection.

When Qin Luoyi saw this, the corners of her eyes twitched fiercely. She stared at Jian Yuyan's eyes, thinking that he was just pretending to be generous, but who knew that his eyes were as dark and bright as ever, and she really didn't feel dissatisfied at all. and barely.

Immediately, I had the urge to stroke my forehead.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood in his heart that the word that Bai Yi wanted to marry him had been spread before he went to Xianyang City last time, and Jian Yuyan was there back then, no wonder he was not surprised at all.

And looking at him like this, he clearly thought that he also liked Bai Yi, and it would be a pleasure to marry him, so he said so straightforwardly that as long as he likes it, that's fine.

She secretly sighed deeply, but a corner deep in her heart became extremely soft. Whether it was the Shenglong Continent before or the Penglai Immortal Island later, Jian Yuyan was really good to her.

Everything goes with her and accommodates her, even now that she hears that she is going to marry another man, as long as she likes it, she has no objection.It's just that this time he will be wrong. She obviously wants to use his words to reject Bai Yi.

Bai Yi was very happy when he heard this.

His eyes were unusually bright and filled with joy that couldn't be concealed. Under the sunlight, his handsome face looked more elegant and charming. There was a deep warmth in his beautiful eyes, and he looked at her with an affectionate smile.

Qin Luoyi, who was stared at by him, suddenly felt a little dry, and his heartbeat also slightly lost frequency.

Bai Yi may have been gentle to her before, but he had never looked at her with such blatant eyes, let alone her, as long as anyone stared at him like this, he would not be able to remain indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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