Brother is too evil

Chapter 651 Let Her Marry If You Like It

Chapter 651 Let Her Marry If You Like It (1)
Chu Yifeng's body froze suddenly.

The hand holding the cup was even a little unsteady, Qin Luoyi smiled silently, and his subordinates continued their efforts.

Now Chu Yifeng stopped teasing her, that arm was pulled back from her as if it was burning, and then he drank the wine in his hand.

"Although this wine doesn't have much stamina, don't drink it too hastily." Qin Luoyi leaned over, looked at him with a smile and said, and thoughtfully gave him a big chicken leg.

But the light in his eyes quickly caught the faint burning desire in Chu Yifeng's eyes, and he didn't dare to go too far. After holding the chicken leg, he quickly returned to his seat and sat down.

Chu Yifeng resisted the urge to hold her in his arms.

Here is his courtyard.

He was placed there when he arrived in Xuantian Continent, and he was not in Kaiyang City, but it was not far from Kaiyang City. At this moment, his heart was full of excitement and depression, and Gong Li just left. Come in.

Nan Zheng came to the other courtyard to look for Chu Yifeng for something.

Chu Yifeng stood up and went out to meet Nan Zheng.

After sending Nan Zheng away, he came back. When he arrived at the gate of the courtyard, he saw Qin Luoyi walking out alone, so he stopped and stood outside the courtyard. When she walked out of the courtyard, he stretched out his hand and pulled her over. He hugged him into his arms and kissed him fiercely.

Qin Luoyi had discovered him long ago.

So he wasn't too surprised when he stretched out his hand to pull himself, but he didn't expect that he would hug him so eagerly and wanted to kiss him, his slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and when he parted his head, Chu Yifeng's kiss fell on her face.


Chu Yifeng was a little annoyed.

I went to look for her red lips again.

Qin Luoyi gave him a funny and angry look.

While dodging, Qin Luoyi raised her hand to cover his lips, and the hot kiss fell into the palm of her hand.

Chu Yifeng's eyes dimmed.

Taking advantage of the opportunity, she began to bite on her palm, Qin Luoyi was the most impatient. In fact, when she was teased by him in the hand just now, it took her a lot of effort to hold back from jumping up.

At this time, he kissed the palm of his hand again, and hurriedly took it back reflexively.

There was no barrier between the two, Chu Yifeng finally got his wish and kissed the long-awaited bright red, tossing and turning and sucking.It took a long time to let her go, and looked at her with burning eyes, the lust in the eyes was even stronger.

"What did Nanzheng come to see you for just now..." Qin Luoyi pushed him, his cheeks became even more flushed, his phoenix eyes became foggy because of the passionate kiss just now, more charming and seductive, and his chest heaved slightly .

Chu Yifeng didn't want to discuss Nanzheng with her now.

It's inconvenient here, and now he just wants to find a place to continue loving her, so not only did he not let go of his arms around his waist, but he hugged her horizontally and headed towards the inner courtyard with Shenhong in his arms.

Qin Luoyi had black lines all over his head.

The arms that hugged her were surprisingly hot, and when they kissed just now, she had already noticed the changes in his body, and the idiot knew what he wanted to do now.Although the two have been very familiar with each other for a long time, they are not the only two of them in this other courtyard. If Feng Feili and the others haven't seen her for a long time, they will find her in case...

"Chu Yifeng, let me down." Qin Luoyi said with anger and phoenix eyes wide open.

Chu Yifeng raised his eyebrows, and put her down obediently, but still did not let go of her hand.At this time, we have arrived at the inner courtyard, and the interior decoration is very delicate, and the most eye-catching thing in the room is a large jade bed.

Qin Luoyi instantly had the urge to roll his eyes.

While slightly dazed, Chu Yifeng wrapped her arms around her slender waist from behind, and lightly kissed her earlobe and neck like a butterfly, murmuring her name softly, and kissed Qin Luoyi Chu Yifeng has long been familiar with Chu Yifeng's body and knows where her sensitive spots are.

Qin Luoyi's body was softened by his lingering kiss, but even so, she was still rational, and she wasn't going to have sex with him at this time.

Soon she broke free from Chu Yifeng's arms, took a deep breath secretly, and her somewhat chaotic heartbeat finally calmed down a bit.

Chu Yifeng's expression darkened, his eyes were a little annoyed, he took the good hand and raised it to caress her pretty face, staring fixedly into her eyes, with a low voice: "Yi'er, with Bai Yi and Qin Tian , you not like me anymore?"

Qin Luoyi was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry, just because he didn't have sex with him, did he not like him?
"Nothing, what are you thinking about... I don't like you, why should I marry you?"

She is not too idle to panic.

There was no joy on Chu Yifeng's face.She pulled the corners of her lips, but no matter how you look at it, the smile that came out was a bit bitter: "Is it because I am thinking wildly? You have been avoiding me these days, and you think I don't know? Yi'er... Are you Regret marrying me?"

When he said this, there was a touch of uncertainty in his voice.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered.

She did avoid him, not only him, but also Feng Feili, Duanmu Changqing, and even Jian Yuyan.

Seeing them, she couldn't help thinking that because of her inexplicable determination, she had an oolong as big as Bai Yi. It had been several days, and she hadn't thought of a real solution other than keeping the agreement and marrying him.

Unless Bai Yi regains his memory and no longer wants to marry her.

"Why didn't you speak? Am I right? Do you really regret it?" Chu Yifeng reached out and pinched her chin, a dangerous light flashed quickly in the depths of his eyes where no one noticed.

Some dazed Qin Luoyi came back to his senses suddenly, suppressing the complex strangeness in his heart because he thought that Bai Yi might soon recover his memory, he hesitated slightly when he met Chu Yifeng's dark eyes , simply wrapped his arms around his neck and gave him a lingering kiss.

After a while, he let go of him, and when she backed away, she lightly bit his lips with her snow-white teeth, her eyes glistened, and she squinted at him pretending to be angry: "You actually suspect that I don't like you, Don't you understand my heart for you?"

Her initiative made Chu Yifeng smile.

There seemed to be glass-like brilliance flickering in the originally gloomy eyes, which was very dazzling, but he still felt a little dissatisfied in his heart. He glanced at the jade bed in front of him, and missed the first time when they were in the Holy Dragon Continent. Her initiative when meeting.

"We are almost married, but you still avoid me, so that I can't see you all day, so why don't I think too much?" Gently hugging her, Chu Yifeng rested his chin on her head, and sighed He breathed a sigh of relief, paused, and said again: "Back then in Tiandaozong, how did you...and Qin Tian fall into Jin Dongyan's soul-stirring technique?"

Qin Luoyi rested his head on his chest.

Listen to the strong heartbeat in his chest.

(End of this chapter)

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