Brother is too evil

Chapter 652 Let Her Marry If You Like It

Chapter 652 Let Her Marry If You Like It (2)
But there was a chill in my heart.

She knew that it was not easy for Chu Yifeng to pull her in. It turned out that he was waiting for her here. "Then Jin Dongyan's cultivation is very perverted. If he wants to use the soul-hunting technique, even if he doesn't look into his eyes, he will restrain him."

After pondering for a while, Qin Luoyi decided to tell him the truth, but concealed the fact that Duanmu Changying also suffered from the soul-dementing spell at that time.

"It's just a kiss? Damn Duanmu Changying!" After hearing her words, Chu Yifeng couldn't help cursing in a low voice. You actually said it so ambiguously that everyone misunderstood it!"

Knowing that she was drunk and stayed with Qin Tian that night and nothing happened, she was completely relieved, but the person who tied the bell had to be untied, and as he was about to become Yi'er's husband, some words could not It was not suitable for him, and he secretly made up his mind to find a way to get Duanmu Changying to explain the misunderstanding that day to everyone.

Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng were talking about Qin Tian and Duanmu Changqing in the room, and since Qin Luoyi left in the outer courtyard, the topic of Feng Feili and others also turned to Qin Tian and Duanmu Changying.

It was too late when Jian Yuyan and Bai Yi arrived in the pavilion. At that time, Duanmu Changying had already left, and they did not see the scene where Qin Luoyi and Duanmu Changying hugged each other in the pavilion. After speaking, Bai Yi's dark eyes flickered, and then said: "As long as Yi'er likes it, if she is willing to marry, then marry her."

Jian Yuyan twirled the exquisite jade wrench on her finger, did not speak, but her expression moved slightly.

Feng Feili's pupils shrank sharply.

The monstrous figure looked unusually cold in the night, and there was no trace of a smile in the beautiful peach blossom eyes.

"Marry if she likes it? You are so generous!" He said coldly, "Tuoba Xiaoyao went to Mr. Qin to ask for marriage again yesterday, and there are several elders of the hermit family who also intend to marry the Qin family Well, according to what you said, Yi'er can marry them, if that's the case, hmph, I think the current Qin Mansion is too small, and it should be expanded several times."

Duanmu Changqing's already cold and handsome face became even colder, and he could naturally see Tuoba Yuanxu's thoughts on Qin Luoyi clearly.

It's fine if it was before, but now Yi'er is marrying, not marrying.

The dark eyes of the white clothes passed over them, and the magnificent and charming faces bloomed like a clear water white lotus under the light of the jade stone. Tsinghua Wushuang: "Those people don't like clothes, but Duanmu Changying...Yi'er likes them."

Jian Yuyan and others were silent.

Even Bai Yi, who had lost his memory, could see it, so why didn't they see it?Yi'er's feelings for Duanmu Changying are obviously unusual.

"Marry Duanmu Changying, if you don't agree with me, Yi'er won't open her mouth. She would rather feel uncomfortable in her heart than see you suffer, but... don't let her marry Duanmu Changying, you really have the heart to look at her Do you want to force yourself to smile every day in the future?" Bai Yi spoke again, a glint of darkness flashed in his eyes, but his voice was as clear and warm as ever.

On the one hand is the woman he loves, on the other is his own brother, Duanmu Changqing is most conflicted in his heart.

There was silence in the room.

Jian Yuyan thought of herself.

From the first acquaintance in Shenglong Continent, at that time Qin Luoyi was the daughter of the Zhennan Prince's Mansion and the fiancee of the third prince. Since he had fallen in love with him a long time ago, he could only bury his heart deeply in his heart and listen to her. Determined to break off the engagement with Chu Yixiu, although he persuaded her to be cautious and think carefully, the unconcealable joy in his heart let him know that he was really happy that he could break off the engagement with her.

After coming to Penglai Xiandao, I thought that I finally had a chance, and I had the amazingly talented senior brother and second senior brother, and even Chu Yifeng chased after him... If it wasn't for his cultivated solar nerves, and clothes The Hunyuan Dzi Bead in her body is causing trouble, I am afraid that he will not be able to accompany her as he wished now.

No one knows better than him the feeling of deeply suppressing that kind of love, looking at her with a smile, and guarding her.

He was silent.

But he made up his mind like Bai Yi, if Yi'er really wanted to marry Duanmu Changying, he would accept it sincerely.

"If the Hunyuan Dzi is not resolved for a day, we need someone to follow Yi'er every day." After a long time, Feng Feili finally spoke.

Duanmu Changqing glanced at him with a complicated expression, but secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The meaning of what the senior brother said...wouldn't he object to Yi'er marrying Changying?
"You sealed the Hunyuan Dzi, are you really okay in a short time?" Jian Yuyan looked at Bai Yi with a serious expression.

Qin Luoyi didn't know, and had been wondering that Bai Yi would be accepted by all of them as her husband without any hindrance. In fact, if it wasn't for the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, because of the strange soul that once took her home in it, Bai Yi would be able to accept her as her husband without any hindrance. Powerful, and she didn't take the initiative to ask to marry Bai Yi, how could Bai Yi get the approval of Feng Feili and the others so quickly.

At that time, it was just a scene that everyone played together with Bai Yi.

"Nothing will happen for the time being." Bai Yi's expression also became serious, and a gleam flashed in his eyes: "These days I remembered another exercise, although I still couldn't successfully expel the Hunyuan Dzi out of the body, and the It is still possible to wipe the soul and restrain it from falling into a deep sleep for a longer period of time, and then we will slowly find a solution."

Hearing this, Feng Feili's slightly gloomy face finally eased. They all valued her life more than sharing Yi'er's love with one more person. He would not allow her life to be lost in the slightest. Can not afford.

Duanmu Changqing's perfect fingers tapped the table lightly. He thought that Hunyuan Tianzhu liked the source of chaos very much. He once heard Yi'er said that every time he met the source of chaos, if she hadn't had Wuxiang in white Dafa suppressed it, and all the sources of chaos had already entered the Hunyuan Dzi.

"Why does Chaos Dzi like the source of chaos so much?" He asked, looking at Bai Yi.

Jian Yuyan and Feng Feili also looked at Bai Yi.

"If my estimation is correct, the reason why the soul has never been destroyed, and the body that was able to wake up and snatch Qiang Yi'er is because there is a source of chaos nourishing it." Bai Yi pondered.

"The cultivators from Xuantian Continent and Penglai Immortal Island would desperately snatch the Hunyuan Dzi every time they saw it. They thought it was a good thing. In my opinion, it was a magic bead." Feng Feili sipped Tightening her thin lips, she snorted coldly.

"If that soul is nourished by the source of chaos, that soul is really willing to spend the cost, and is willing to release the source of chaos to the human body where it resides through the chaotic dzi, so as to help people cultivate. It's no wonder that all the monks are flocking to it Already." Duanmu Changqing thought for a while and said, "However... I always feel a little uneasy. It releases the source of chaos in this way, I'm afraid it has another purpose, maybe it's just to make it easier for it to seize..."

(End of this chapter)

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