Brother is too evil

Chapter 658 Changying. Shocking Change

Chapter 658 Changying. Shocking Change (2)
That power came from the Qiankun Tianshi, which is said to be the treasure of Tiandaozong.

The Qiankun Tianshi is very strange. It has been in her body for nearly 2000 years, and her consciousness has never been able to enter it. I don't know what is in it. Because it was Jin Dongyan who put it into her body with a secret method, she tried it countless times. She has been unable to expel the Qiankun Tianshi from her body. Today is the first time she has felt the movement of the Qiankun Tianshi in these years. She did not expect the power inside to rush into Qin Luoyi's body uncontrollably like a tiger out of a box. !
"The restriction of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead has been broken!" Qin Luoyi pursed her red lips, her expression froze, and that force continuously rushed into the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. Her own cultivation could not seal it at all. The Hunyuan Dzi, the power produced by the Wuxiang Dafa, can't prevent that power from entering the Hunyuan Dzi.

Duanmu Changying was startled when he heard the words, and the strength in his hands increased, Duanmu Changqing also came to help, Feng Feili, Jian Yuyan and others went to help Qin Luoyi, trying to separate their hands from the middle.


A huge thunder fell from the sky again, and the dazzling lightning illuminated half of the sky, while the ground was still trembling violently. Accompanied by the violent roar, Qin Luoyi and Yu Haitang finally separated their hands, but everyone Not only was the expression on his face not relaxed, but it was even more dignified.

The Hunyuan Dzi actually slipped from Qin Luoyi's body into Yu Haitang's body the moment the two fingers separated!

Yu Haitang is well-informed, and she has heard about the Hunyuan Dzi in Qin Luoyi's body before, so she recognized that it was the Hunyuan Dzi that got into her body at a glance, and she couldn't help but be very confused: "Hunyuan Dzi." Yuan Tianzhu came to me?"

After being stunned, he was shocked, and then he looked at Qin Luoyi with guilt. Just now, he took the initiative to pull Qin Luoyi's hand. Although he was influenced by an inexplicable force, in the eyes of everyone, I'm afraid He misunderstood that he was holding Qin Luoyi's hand, and then used a trick to snatch the Hunyuan Dzi from her body.

From the moment she uncontrollably held Qin Luoyi's hand to the moment when the Hunyuan Dzi Bead penetrated into her body, it seemed like a long time, but in fact it was only a few minutes.

Seeing Qin Luoyi looking at herself with a complicated expression, the guilt in Yu Haitang's eyes grew stronger: "This... that power came too suddenly, and I don't know what happened. Don't worry, Luoyi, I will definitely take Hunyuan Take out the dzi bead and return it to you."

Qin Luoyi moved his lips.

It's easier said than done.

She didn't like that bead, and she wished to get rid of it as soon as possible, but Yu Haitang was the mother of Changying and Changqing, who wouldn't choose that bead, why did she choose her?
Qin Luoyi felt his head throbbing violently.

Duanmu Changying frowned slightly. He didn't know that there was a strange soul in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. Seeing Qin Luoyi hesitant to speak, he thought it was the reason for the loss of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead. He wanted to come forward to comfort him. After saying a few words, he glanced at his elder brother Duanmu Changqing beside him, as well as Qin Tian and others, and swallowed the words again.

Duanmu Changqing is different.

He knew that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was extremely strange, and his expression became extremely serious. Duanmu Jinyu had stood beside Yu Haitang a long time ago, and he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this situation. He took his wife's hand and wanted to help her get the Hunyuan Dzi Bead Forced out of the body.

Qin Luoyi didn't stop him.

Duanmu Changqing and Duanmu Changqing also had a tacit understanding and did not reveal the secrets inside the Hunyuan Dzi. Duanmu Jinyu woke up today because of the detoxification of Yu Haitang, and was very happy. And this poison is probably unsolvable, and I am very sad... At this time, I really can't bear to say anything that makes him worry.

From the corner of Qin Luoyi's eyes, he glanced at the white clothes in the distant sky.Bai Yi was still standing with her hands behind her back, her body standing straight, but even though she could see his figure, she also knew that Bai Yi was extremely far away from her at this time, millions of miles if not tens of thousands of miles.

Duanmu Changying and Yu Haitang have practiced together for nearly 2000 years. They have a tacit understanding. They sat cross-legged in the air on the spot, trying to force the Hunyuan Dzi out of the body. It took nearly a quarter of an hour. Standing up with some ugly looks.

Seeing their appearance, everyone knew that it would be difficult to force out the Hunyuan Dzi Bead without opening their mouths. Feng Feili, Qin Luoyi and the others had already expected the result. At the mercy of others, it is impossible for Qin Luoyi to wander between life and death several times because of it.

Yu Haitang pushed away Duanmu Jinyu's hand and walked towards Qin Luoyi, her expression becoming more and more guilty: "Luoyi, I'm sorry, I can't return that Hunyuan Dzi to you."

While speaking guiltily, a strange light suddenly flashed in the depths of his eyes, and he raised one hand violently, hitting Qin Luoyi's chest heavily.

Duanmu Changying was the closest to Qin Luoyi. Seeing this scene, her heart almost stopped beating, her pupils shrank suddenly, and her body rushed towards Yu Haitang like lightning, trying to block Qin Luoyi.

"Mother, what are you going to do?" The voice was shocked with disbelief, and he couldn't believe that his mother would suddenly attack Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi also sensed something was wrong, seeing Duanmu Changying pounced towards him, and wanted to stand between the two of them, his face changed, and he sternly shouted: "Don't come over!"

Her body wanted to jump away, but she suddenly found that the surrounding space seemed to be frozen, her body could not move at all, and she saw that blow from Yu Haitang coming towards her chest.


Chu Yifeng's face turned pale, he yelled sharply, and Jian Yuyan and others rushed over anxiously and angrily, and the mansion and magic weapon all attacked Yu Haitang.He wanted to force her to turn around to protect herself and stop attacking Qin Luoyi.

It's just that all the magic tools and mansions are blocked by an invisible barrier, and they can't get in at all. Jian Yuyan has already cultivated the spirit flower. To the enchantment.

Duanmu Jinyu didn't expect his wife to attack Qin Luoyi suddenly. He was startled for a while, but when he saw Jian Yuyan, Qin Tian, ​​Chu Yifeng and others attacking his wife, he reacted and shouted sharply: "Haitang, you What are you doing, stop quickly, Changqing will hold a wedding with Luoyi in two months, she is your future daughter-in-law!"

His hands were also not idle, and he also attacked the enchantment.

Yu Haitang turned her head, glanced at him, slightly curled her lips, showing an extremely charming smile, then turned her head back, and giggled: "I don't have such a wife."

With a movement of his hand, the heavy palm continued to slap towards Qin Luoyi's chest. Qin Luoyi secretly mobilized his spiritual power and added a strong layer of defense to his body. When he saw Duanmu who was also in the enchantment, Changying still rushed towards her, wanting to stand in front of her, she couldn't help shouting again: "Don't come here, she is not your mother now, she has been taken away."

(End of this chapter)

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