Brother is too evil

Chapter 659 See you in the next life

Chapter 659 See you in the next life (1)
Her movement was restricted and trapped by the barrier, but Duanmu Changying didn't. Hearing her words, Duanmu Changying was stunned, and the movement of rushing over still didn't stop, and soon blocked Qin Luoyi in front of.

"Want to be a hero to save the beauty? Hehe, I will help you." Yu Haitang's eyes flashed a bright and dazzling light, and she chuckled. It was obviously the same face. With her chuckle at this time, there was more endlessness on her body for no reason. The enchanting charm of the gas.

With her speed, her attack could have landed on Qin Luoyi's body early in the morning, but she waited until Duanmu Changying stood in front of Qin Luoyi. shot down.


Duanmu Jinyu, who was standing in front of Qin Luoyi, was slapped heavily, a bright red blood stain escaped from the corner of his lips, his body was even sent flying, and hit the barrier heavily.


He quickly stabilized his body, but let him see that Qin Luoyi was also hit, and he was sent flying, but Qin Luoyi was locked there and received a slap. The defenses around her body were directly hit. He was easily scattered, and a mouthful of blood spewed out from his mouth.


Duanmu Changying felt a pain in his heart, Qin Luoyi's injury was probably no worse than his own, he endured the boiling blood in his heart, and stood in front of Qin Luoyi again.

Yu Haitang's strength displayed at this time is really abnormally strong. One must know that Qin Luoyi has already cultivated two spirit flowers. Except for a heaven-defying existence like Ouyang Ling in white, there are few people who are her opponents.

At this time, she was completely suppressed by Yu Haitang. Not only could she not fight back, she even couldn't take out the jade slips in white clothes and put them in her storage space. They all seemed to be displaced, and the pain was severe.

There was a flash of understanding in the phoenix eyes.

She knew that Yu Haitang wanted to kill her!
No, it wasn't Yu Haitang, it was the soul that stayed in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead that woke up and took Yu Haitang's house, and she wanted to take her life!

If she hadn't moved fast enough just now and sensed something was wrong, she immediately added a strong layer of defense on her body, maybe she would have died by now.

"Get out of the way, I told you not to come over!" Seeing that Duanmu Changying had been seriously injured and was still standing in front of him, Qin Luoyi's face darkened instantly.

At this time, if he didn't stay well and avoid the sharp edge, he would simply die. Although he was poisoned, he might only have a few months to live, but with the white clothes around, there was still a great hope of detoxification.

Jian Yuyan and the others saw that Qin Luoyi was injured, but they couldn't help her, and their minds were torn apart. They all pursed their lips and continued to attack the barrier fiercely with cold faces.

Dahei and Heidi also came to Qilong City together, their cultivation level is no longer the same as in the past, this time they came out of Death Valley, and brought a lot of elite spirit beasts from Death Valley, and they were also red-eyed and fierce to attack the enchantment.

Qilong City is the center of the Duanmu family, and here is the most powerful support of the Duanmu family.Duanmu Jinyu directly launched a powerful formation attack that can only be activated at the moment of life and death in the mansion, and thousands of colorful rays of light all attacked the barrier.

The enchantment is already crumbling.

Duanmu Changying glanced at the enchantment, he knew that as long as he persisted for a while, maybe Yi'er could be saved.

Hearing Qin Luoyi's angry shout, he didn't move his body away, turned his head and smiled at Qin Luoyi, his eyes were dark and bright, full of affection at this time, and whispered softly: "Yi'er, I have no luck in this life I'm by your side, in my next life... I will find you before all of them, and I won't make you angry..."

Yu Haitang glanced at the precarious enchantment, then looked at the white clothes in the distant sky, slapped Changying hard, and said with a sneer: "I hate people who live out their next life the most. clean up."


Qin Luoyi watched helplessly as Duanmu Changying's body disappeared instantly in front of her, turning into nothingness, leaving nothing behind, even the golden disc magic weapon turned into nothingness, completely disappearing into the air .


Duanmu Jinyu's mind is torn apart.

His own son actually died at the hands of his wife... No, that was not his wife, Chang Qing told him just now, it was a strange soul, that soul took his wife's body and killed him son!
This hatred is inseparable!

Duanmu Jinyu's eyes were red with anger and grief, Duanmu Changqing's face also turned livid, eyes full of evil spirit and pain.

Qin Luoyi looked at Yu Haitang in front of him, his heart was blank, and there was only one thought in his mind.

Changying is dead!


Not even a ray of soul was left behind, and he completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth... From now on, she will never see him again.She felt that she wanted to cry, but the tears couldn't flow, her eyes were so dry, her heart seemed to be being torn apart by hands, the pain was so uncontrollable.


Yu Haitang slapped her again.

This time, Qin Luoyi couldn't even mobilize the spiritual power to protect his whole body, and was directly slapped out by her palm.

All the bones in her body seemed to be broken, and she thought she was going to die, but when she fell from the sky and hit the barrier heavily, she realized that she was not dead and had a life left behind.

Blood gushed out of her mouth, Yu Haitang saw her and smiled even more charmingly, her eyes were full of contempt and ridicule.

"Since I got my Hunyuan Dzi, if I want to gain the power inside, I have to practice double cultivation. Dual cultivation can speed up the recovery of my soul. This is no loss for you, right? You can read all the beautiful men in the world, enjoy the blessings of equal people, a good thing that others can't ask for, I didn't expect you to be so bold, and after a long time, you would actually dare to find someone to harm me, and you will be punished!" Her eyes changed. Leng, as soon as he finished speaking, he slapped Qin Luoyi's body heavily again.

Qin Luoyi leaned on the barrier, his face was pale, but there was no fear on his face, he looked at her coldly and said, "Mutual benefit? Do you think I will agree with you?"

Trying to suppress the severe pain in her heart, she continued to mobilize the spiritual power in her body quietly, and used talking to her to delay time.

She can't just die like this!

That's so stupid.

She is not reconciled.

Let alone let Changying die in vain because of her.

Thinking of Duanmu Changying, her heart tugged again, like a huge rock was pressing on her heart, making her breathless.

This woman... seems to be taking a breath in her heart, just because she didn't follow her way of double cultivation, and she wanted to show her some strength. She probably didn't intend to take her life for the time being, otherwise she would completely If she couldn't resist, she would have lost her life long ago!

(End of this chapter)

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