Brother is too evil

Chapter 660 See you in the next life

Chapter 660 See you in the next life (2)
"Don't believe it? Could it be that you think I can plot anything against you?" Yu Haitang smiled disdainfully: "You are all over your body, what else can I plot against?"

Qin Luoyi was silent for a moment, his expression seemed to be a little shaken.

Yu Haitang hooked the corners of her lips, and a smug gleam flashed in her eyes.But that light soon faded away.He still looked at her with the same disdain as before.

"What you said is true? In the Hunyuan Dzi, you just want to heal your wounds?" Qin Luoyi pursed his red lips and said.

Yu Haitang snorted lightly.

Qin Luoyi lowered her eyes, hiding the anger and pain in her eyes, her heart jumped wildly, it was worthwhile for her to delay for so long, she already felt that her spiritual consciousness had begun to recover slowly, no Like just now, she was completely controlled by Yu Haitang.

If she succeeded in delaying for a while, it shouldn't be a problem for her to successfully sneak into the Sky-Shielding Bracelet.

Something the size of a tiny mung bean on the ground caught her attention.

It turned out to be a bodhi child.

It was the bodhi seed she gave to Duanmu Changying. Unexpectedly, in the hands of Yu Haitang, the heaven-defying disc instrument was not preserved, but this bodhi seed was preserved intact.

She gently squatted down and picked up the bodhi seeds. The bodhi seeds were emerald green and crystal clear, very inconspicuous, because they were too small, but when she took them into her hands, a very pure power was quickly transmitted to them. Her body caused the spiritual power in her body to fluctuate violently.

Yu Haitang only glanced at it, and frowned slightly, but she didn't stop Qin Luoyi from picking up the bodhi seeds.Obviously, he didn't put the Bodhisattva, which is extremely rare and jealous among many monks in Xuantian Continent, into his eyes.

Holding the bodhi seed, Qin Luoyi's heart became even more sour. The bodhi seed was warm and warm, as if it still had the body temperature of Duanmu Changying.

Yu Haitang waited for Qin Luoyi to compromise with her, she stood there proudly, exuding an arrogance like a king who ruled the world from top to bottom, the barrier vibrated even more, but she still didn't take it seriously.

Just when she was sure that everything was in her own hands, Qin Luoyi suddenly disappeared, leaving only a delicate bracelet on the scene.

Yu Haitang's complexion changed drastically.

Her first reaction was not to pick up the bracelet and kill Qin Luoyi, but to reflexively look at the white clothes in the distant sky. The white clothes were originally looking at the demon lord Ouyang Ling and others in the sky passage, but turned abruptly. Turning around, looking in the direction of Qilong City, he waved his hand and quickly tore apart the void.


Yu Haitang knew something was wrong.

Angry and furious in her heart, she picked up the bracelet on the ground with a flick of her finger. At this moment, the barrier she set up also burst with a bang.

At this time, Yu Haitang couldn't care about Feng Feili and the others who were rushing up, and picked up the nearest person, tearing apart the void in an instant.

Jian Yuyan followed closely behind.

Dahei and Heidi also jumped into the void.

Duanmu Jinyu had the Baiyu Terrace, so he also rushed in, followed by Duanmu Changqing.

The rest of Chu Yifeng and others were weaker, and they were a little far away from Duanmu Jinyu, so they couldn't go up to Baiyutai to chase after him. However, since Qin Luoyi disappeared outside Kaiyang City, Feng Feili had been secretly following There was a tracking technique on her body, Qin Luoyi naturally discovered it, but she didn't reveal it, nor did she wipe away the tracking technique, Chu Yifeng and others naturally knew about it, with the tracking technique, they Although the few people were anxious, they did not rush in in a reckless rush, but waited for Bai Yi to come over.

Qin Luoyi had Bai Yi's soul jade slip on him, and they all knew about it. Judging from Bai Yi's appearance just now, it must be that Qin Luoyi used the jade slip after entering the bracelet space just now.

Sure enough, in just a few breaths of time, a figure in white appeared in the sky above Qilong City, and Feng Feili led the crowd to greet him.

Knowing what happened, and it was the Hunyuan Dzi Bead who caused the trouble again, and Qin Luoyi was not only seriously injured, but was also taken away, the pupils in Baiyi shrank sharply, and a icy light shot out from the black eyes, there was a frenzy The storm billowed in his eyes.

It's just that the soul jade pendant has been broken, and it's impossible to use the soul jade pendant to sense Qin Luoyi's existence. At this time, Feng Feili also doesn't care that the tracking secret technique is the unique secret technique of the Feng family, and it cannot be easily spread to the outside world. Almost told Bai Yi without reservation, Bai Yi felt it carefully, and led everyone to tear apart the void.

At this time, the sky was dark, and there were only deafening lightning and thunder around. Except for the sudden disappearance of the white clothes in the sky, which attracted everyone's attention, what happened in Qilong City did not attract too many people's attention.

After a while, the thunder in the sky became quieter, and the sky passage gradually changed from clear to blurred. Looking at the passage that could not be opened again, Mo Xiao's face was very ugly.

For a moment just now, he felt an inexplicable palpitation. His own body is very good. There is nothing wrong with it. Strong, then there is only one reason.

Something happened to Qin Luoyi!

Guessing this possibility, his eyes suddenly became extremely cold, and he glanced at Ouyang Ling coldly.Ouyang Ling's heart skipped a beat when he saw his evil eyes.

Just when he thought that Mo Xiao would not give up today, Mo Xiao yelled lightly: "Let's go!" and quickly left with a group of people following him.

When he was far enough away, he slowed down, looked towards the direction of the void behind him, and ordered in a cold voice: "Send the order, pay close attention to the whereabouts of Ouyang Ling and others, and report to me at any time." As for San's jumping out to obstruct his affairs, don't blame him for being cruel and taking their lives once and for all.

"Yes!" One of his confidantes retreated at the command. He was no stranger to the cold and domineering aura emanating from Mo Xiao's body at this time. This was a sign that he was going to kill.

Taking advantage of Yu Haitang's unpreparedness, Qin Luoyi got into the sky-shrouding bracelet, and then directly threw two healing pills into his body.

No matter what happens afterwards, the injury must be healed first. Those two elixirs are not ordinary elixirs. When dealing with the soul in the Hunyuan Dzi, she dared not take it lightly. He swallowed the two fourteenth-order healing elixir.

It's a pity that she hasn't had time to refine the fifteenth-order healing pill.Otherwise, her injury could heal faster. With her current cultivation base, even if there are more pills, the spiritual power inside is very powerful and terrifying, she is not afraid. He was forged to be extremely strong in the promotion rank.

She just sat down cross-legged when a black shadow flew into the bracelet, it was actually Qin Tian.

(End of this chapter)

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