Chapter 661
Qin Tian also saw her.

"Luoyi." Qin Tian moved towards Qin Luoyi quickly, took her hand and said, "How is your injury?"

It was hard to hide the anxiety on his handsome face, and then he took out the healing pill on his body in a flash.

"I'm fine, she didn't intend to take my life." Qin Luoyi said.Thinking of Duanmu Changying again, his expression darkened, and his heart ached again like a needle prick.She secretly swore that one day, she would crush that person's soul to ashes, and not killing her would not be enough to relieve the hatred in her heart.

She told Qin Tian that she had already taken the healing pill, and motioned him to put away the healing pill. Knowing that Yu Haitang had only caught Qin Tian before leaving, and everyone else was fine, she relaxed a little, and immediately He couldn't help worrying about Yu Haitang's purpose of arresting Qin Tian.

It must have been to threaten her.

I don't know what kind of vicious thoughts that woman has.

"Yu Haitang won't kill me. If she comes in later, no matter what she does to me, don't worry about me, do you hear?" Qin Luoyi whispered to him, she was afraid that Qin Tian would be like Duanmu Changying again Couldn't help but rushed out to stand in front of her, innocently killed.

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Qin Tian didn't answer her directly, but urged her to heal quickly, looking at her pale face, feeling very reluctant.

There was even a smear of blood on the corner of her lips.

Qin Tian raised his hand and gently wiped away the blood from the corner of her lips. His slender fingers touched the slippery buttocks. The soft touch made both of them startled at the same time.

Qin Tian let go of his hand slowly, his eyes softened: "Hurry up and heal your wounds, the devil may come in soon."

Qin Luoyi nodded and closed his eyes.

Qin Tian stood up, only to realize that the space here is boundless, but the surroundings are very empty, only a few not very important things are placed, and several houses are built inside, the houses are very elegantly built, there are no trees, the ground is There is no grass growing, and it is extremely desolate.

In the far distance, the sky was glowing fiery red, and the flames were constantly flickering. Even if he didn't get close to the past, he could still imagine that the temperature there was extremely high.

He knew that it must be the fire of the tenth floor of the fire domain.

Unexpectedly, this bracelet is so heaven-defying. Not only can people come in, but it is not afraid of the fire of the tenth floor of fire.

Not long after, Yu Haitang entered the bracelet space.Qin Tian was standing beside Qin Luoyi and looking around, when he saw her coming in, a sharp cold light shot out from his dark eyes.

Although Qin Luoyi was healing his wounds, he left a trace of his consciousness outside. The moment Yu Haitang came in, she opened her eyes.

I have to admit that Yu Haitang is very beautiful, but at this time her beauty has a strange taste, she is completely different from when she just woke up in Qilong City.

Especially those eyes, too charming.It was those eyes that made Qin Luoyi realize that she had been taken away at the first time.

Thinking that Duanmu Changying died at the hands of this woman, Qin Luoyi's eyes became sharp and full of evil spirit... If this body was not for Yu Haitang's body, she would have summoned the fire from the sky to burn her to ashes.

Yu Haitang's eyes fluttered, she took a look at Qin Tian who was guarding Qin Luoyi's side, giggled, and walked towards the two of them slowly.

Qin Tian's pupils shrank sharply, but he still looked at her expressionlessly, holding the Lihuo sword lightly in his hand, seemingly not moving, but his body was already on full alert.

Qin Luoyi stood up from the ground, her consciousness quickly glanced at the outside of the sky-shading bracelet, and quickly saw that there should be a cave outside, and a tough barrier was laid in the cave, and her consciousness could not penetrate it That enchantment.

Immediately my heart trembled.

With such a powerful barrier on the outside, and they are inside the bracelet, I'm afraid it will not be easy for people to find here.

You can't just wait for someone to find you.

That's too passive, Yu Haitang... Although she can't be killed, she has to find a way to restrain her first.

She carefully recalled all the things that happened after rescuing Yu Haitang, and concluded that there must be something strange on Yu Haitang's body, it was that thing that woke Yu Haitang from a deep sleep, and she was lucky enough to break free from the seal of the white clothes!
If he could find that thing and take it back, maybe the real Yu Haitang could regain control of his body.

What's more, you can't let Yu Haitang's own soul be suppressed for too long. If it is suppressed for too long by the soul of the seizing body, it will eventually become weaker and weaker, and will eventually be completely refined and absorbed by the soul of the seizing body. It's useless to drive out the souls that seized the house and exterminate them.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind quickly.

Yu Haitang seemed to see through her thoughts.

A flash of disdain flashed in her enchanting eyes, she hooked her lips, and said, "You want to escape? Hmph, I advise you not to waste your time in vain, unless you have cultivated all five spirit flowers, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth." The five spiritual flowers unite to reach the realm of heaven and man, otherwise, if you want to get out of the enchantment outside, this life will be a dream!"

Qin Tian tightened his hand holding the Lihuo sword, his eyes darkened, and the vigilance in his heart grew stronger.His spiritual consciousness had already touched that barrier, and that barrier was so tough that it could not be shaken at all.

"What do you want?" Qin Luoyi said coldly, but from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Qin Tian, ​​knowing in his heart that Yu Haitang had no good intentions in capturing Qin Tianlai.

"Anyway, my Hunyuan Dzi Bead has also stayed in your body for more than ten years. Your cultivation talent is good. My soul was able to wake up. Your credit is not small. Before you, there was no one in Xuantian Continent. I was able to break through the peak of the Purple Mansion and cultivate a spirit flower. Hehe, according to my estimation, it should take tens of thousands of years for me to fully wake up. Although you have found someone to seal me, fortunately, I am fine. The most important thing is that there is a clear distinction between grievances and grievances. You are unkind to me, and I have to repay this kindness. I will leave a demon in my future cultivation. How about this, I will teach you a set of exercises, and you practice hard. It will take a few years. Maybe you can get out of the barrier, and after you get out, we will have nothing to do with each other." Yu Haitang looked at her with raised brows and said with a smile on her lips.

Qin Luoyi's body suddenly felt cold.

Pay back?

The devil believed what she said!
"No need!" Qin Luoyi rebuffed flatly: "I don't lack skills." His eyes seemed indifferent and casual, but in fact they passed over her carefully. There is only one chance to stop her, only a sneak attack, and one must be won. Hit must hit.

Yu Haitang snorted.

She wasn't negotiating with her.

"How can your skills compare with mine?" As soon as the words fell, the sky and the earth suddenly changed color, and a powerful storm of spiritual power attacked towards the direction where Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian were standing.

(End of this chapter)

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