Chapter 662
Qin Luoyi's body was directly drawn to Yu Haitang's side by that force. Yu Haitang flipped her wrist and instantly grabbed Qin Luoyi's right wrist. A scorching force penetrated through the acupuncture point on her wrist, Strong and domineering, Hunyuan Dzi also took advantage of the situation and entered her body.

"Let go!"

Qin Luoyi flipped his left hand and hit her mercilessly.

Yu Haitang completely ignored her attack.

The powerful storm of spiritual power swept Qin Luoyi, and Qin Tian was blocked outside. Seeing that Qin Luoyi was restrained, he snarled, and the spiritual power around his body violently oscillated, and his whole body was covered with dazzling purple light. Wrapped in a curtain, holding the Lihuo sword, he slashed towards Yu Haitang fiercely, the storm was split open by him, and the Lihuo sword arrived in front of Yu Haitang in an instant.

Yu Haitang let out a small gasp in surprise.

"I underestimated you." Still holding Qin Luoyi's hand, don't attack Qin Tian with one hand.


With a loud noise, Qin Tian was slapped heavily and flew nearly a thousand meters away, before his body fell heavily to the ground.

"elder brother!"

Qin Luoyi's heart was shocked, and he looked in the direction where Qin Tianluo was falling, with a worried expression on his face.The power coming from Yu Haitang's hand became stronger, Qin Luoyi turned his head, his eyes were red, he looked at Yu Haitang sharply, and said sharply, "I'll kill you!"

His left hand patted Yu Haitang again, Yu Haitang smiled contemptuously, and didn't pay attention to her attack at all: "It's up to you? You don't have the ability to kill me! If I want to crush you, it's like crushing you to death." Like an ant."

She lightly raised her other hand and waved it casually, but Qin Luoyi did not retreat but advanced, her whole body rushed towards Yu Haitang, a look of absoluteness flashed in her pitch-black phoenix eyes.

Yu Haitang was startled, and her hands eased.

Qin Luoyi seized this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the silver needle hidden between his fingers quietly and quickly stabbed towards her, Yu Haitang hurriedly wanted to withdraw his hand.

How could Qin Luoyi make her wish come true?
Continue to approach.

The silver light successfully cut through Yu Haitang's skin and pierced into the back of her hand. Yu Haitang was stunned in disbelief, startled and angry in her heart, and was about to throw Qin Luoyi out viciously when suddenly There was another burst of sharp pain.

Yu Haitang reflexively let go of Qin Luoyi's hand, and threw her out heavily, a full distance of several hundred meters. However, this time Qin Luoyi was blessed with a defensive shield in advance, and did not suffer any injuries.

"It's unreasonable, you dare to sneak attack me! I'll let you never be reincarnated!" Yu Haitang turned her head fiercely, Qin Tian's figure slowly emerged behind her, looking at her coldly, with two poles on his fingers. Slender special silver needle.

And where was Qin Tian's figure in the place where he fell out before?
"Go to hell!" Yu Haitang was furious at this moment, and decided to get rid of Qin Tian first, so all the palm prints went towards Qin Tian.

Qin Tian turned around and ran away, but was caught up by Yu Haitang in a moment, countless palm prints fell on his body in an instant, and his slender figure disappeared between the sky and the earth in an instant.

Qin Luoyi didn't turn his head when he heard the crashing sound behind him, and rushed towards the distance with the force of being thrown.

And the direction she was darting was exactly the direction Qin Tian was thrown out just now.

Yu Haitang slapped Qin Tian's body and realized that she had been fooled. There was no human figure, it was clearly just a phantom. "Okay! Great!" She turned her head to look at Qin Luoyi, there was already a figure beside Qin Luoyi, who wasn't Qin Tian?

Yu Haitang laughed back angrily: "I see where you can go!" The more she thought about it, the angrier she became, and the more irritated the smile on her face became, the more radiant and enchanting the smile on her face became, and the surrounding spiritual power became violent. The hair coiled behind her had been blown away by the strong wind long ago, and her hair was full of black silk floating in the sky, and she quickly chased after Qin Luoyi in the direction where Qin Luoyi was looting.

Qin Luoyi didn't fly under the control of Shenhong, but used the power of the wind to the extreme, and didn't know the direction. He pulled Qin Tian and ran forward without turning his head. Haitang made an enchantment to seal the space around her like she did in Qilong City before, it would be a big trouble if it really did.

Especially Qin Tian.

She failed to protect Duanmu Changying before, but this time she had to protect Qin Tian no matter what.Thinking of the sneak attack just now, she couldn't help a bright smile from the corner of her lips, and glanced at Qin Tian, ​​who didn't expect Qin Tian to think of her together.

On the silver needle was her specially made extremely powerful anesthetic, which could quickly melt into the blood, and no matter how high the cultivation base was, it would not be able to force it out unless the anesthetic expired.

She has full confidence in the anesthetic. You must know that she had experimented on Bai Yi back then, and it was countless times more powerful than the drug used on Duanmu Changying. Bai Yi was stabbed by her and fell into a coma. for several hours.

No matter how powerful the woman who seized the house was, so what?

No matter how powerful she was, she was not as powerful as Bai Yi, not to mention that she was not only stabbed once, she didn't dare to put too many silver needles between her fingers for safety, but Qin Tian had stabbed her twice!Including my own clock, there are a total of three needles.

She still remembered that when she got a needle in Bai Yi, Bai Yi had a high level of cultivation, and it took three sticks of incense before the attack took place. Just don't get caught during the three sticks of incense.

Qin Luoyi's speed is not slow.

Yu Haitang's speed is not slow either.

There was always a distance of several kilometers between the two.

Qin Luoyi kept her speed at the extreme state she could achieve. Fortunately, she had been healing for a while when she came in, and swallowed two more healing pills. Support it with all your strength, otherwise I'm afraid it won't last long.

Qin Tian looked at the thin drops of sweat on her forehead, pursed her thin lips, a hint of distress flashed in her eyes, and a trace of regret, if not for his low cultivation level, the two of them would have walked together in the sky , nor would it make her so strenuous.

It was less than a stick of incense, but the speed of Yu Haitang behind him suddenly slowed down.

Qin Tian, ​​who had been keeping an eye on what was behind him, lit up.

He lowered his head and told Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi smiled with eyebrows and eyes crooked: "That's great, it seems that the medicine is still working." As he said this, his body still didn't stop, and he continued to rush forward.

Yu Haitang's speed became even slower, and soon stopped, staring at Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian angrily.As soon as she stopped, Qin Luoyi also stopped, stood shoulder to shoulder with Qin Tian, ​​and looked back at her coldly.

Yu Haitang and Qin Luoyi looked at each other for a moment, then their bodies softened and fell down. Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian didn't go over immediately, and waited for another quarter of an hour, but they didn't see Yu Haitang getting up. Only then walked over cautiously.

(End of this chapter)

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