Brother is too evil

Chapter 663 Heavenly Fire

Chapter 663 Heavenly Fire
Yu Haitang's breathing was very steady.

Qin Luoyi looked at her with a complicated expression.

Then he took out the silver needle soaked in medicine, squatted down, and stabbed a few important acupuncture points on Yu Haitang's body a few times to make sure everything was safe.

She was about to probe into Yu Haitang's body for a search, when suddenly a hot feeling rose from her body.

That feeling was no stranger to her.

A chill in my heart.

He stood up abruptly.

Spiritual consciousness quickly probed towards the Hunyuan Dzi, unlike before, the Hunyuan Dzi just stayed there, not glowing or glowing.

The raging fire was burning violently in the cave. The fire was not ordinary fire, but the sky fire of the ten-layered fire zone. The temperature in the whole cave was extremely high at this time. The fire had been burning for a whole day and night, but the knot in the cave There is still not a single crack in the world.

Qin Tian, ​​who had been keeping an eye on the situation outside in the bracelet space, became a little dignified, pondered for a moment, turned around and swept towards the row of houses in the distance.


When he came to the door of one of the rooms, he was about to open the door to enter, when a suppressed moan sounded faintly from inside, as if he was feeling very uncomfortable, Qin Tian's heart tightened, and his body shot into the room like lightning.

Qin Luoyi was sitting cross-legged on the bed, with his eyes closed tightly, and a thick white mist shrouded his body, which was formed by the condensation of extremely pure spiritual power.

A pretty face is looming in the white mist, the skin is creamy, pink and translucent, the cheeks are smoky red and attractive, only a light and elegant single dress is on, a small piece of jade creamy skin is exposed under the beautiful long white neck, jet black Her long black hair hangs loosely behind her, and hangs softly down her waist, making that beautiful little face even more charming and seductive.

After sizing her up carefully, seeing that she was fine, Qin Tian's heart was finally relieved.

As soon as he felt relieved, he immediately felt a faint and quiet fragrance in the room rushing towards his face, penetrating into the bottom of his heart, making his body heat up, and the blood all over his body rushed down, secretly thinking that something was wrong, he turned around and wanted to go out.


There was another muffled groan from behind.

Qin Tian stopped the steps he was about to take, and looked back.Sitting on the jade bed, Qin Luoyi's lips unexpectedly had a dazzling ray of bright red, his brows were slightly furrowed, his snow-white teeth bit his red lips tightly, his chest heaved violently, and the smoke on his face The red is more vivid.

Qin Tian's expression changed, he turned around and rushed over, and arrived at Qin Luoyi's side in the blink of an eye.


He opened his mouth to call Qin Luoyi's name softly, so softly that he was afraid of startling her.

Qin Luoyi opened his eyes to look at him.There was a haze in the dark eyes, and they were full of affection, and the slender eyelashes trembled a few times.

Qin Tian breathed a sigh of relief, sat down beside her, and stretched out his hand to wrap her shoulders lightly.

At this time, Qin Luoyi's body was weak, and his body was so hot that he couldn't stand it, and he was slightly stiff. He really couldn't resist the seductive man's breath emanating from Qin Tian, ​​so he fell into his arms and leaned his head on the bed. Rubbing lazily on his shoulder.

"Is it uncomfortable?" Qin Tian took out a clean handkerchief and gently wiped away the blood from the corner of her lips. He saw that the eyes on the top of her head were full of pity and affection, and there was an unconcealable feeling deep in the bottom of her eyes. anger.

Qin Luoyi closed his eyes, nodded, twitched the corners of his lips and said, "That exercise is too domineering, and I still haven't been able to suppress it. The Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra has almost been completely suppressed by that exercise."

He sighed to himself.

Remember how overbearing the scriptures were when Mo Xiao first gave her the Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra?

As long as she exercises her kung fu, she will automatically start to practice the Heavenly Demon Heart Sutra, even the Taiyin nerves cannot be cultivated, but the woman who seized Yu Haitang's body forcibly introduced the kung fu into her body, unexpectedly the Heavenly Demon Dafa in her body also suppressed.

She couldn't use the Heavenly Demon Dafa to cultivate, and she couldn't even use the Wuxiang Dafa to bind the Hunyuan Dzi. From yesterday to today, what was running in her body was always the woman's kung fu. The weird thing is that it keeps running.

It's just a day and a night, and her cultivation base has been advancing by leaps and bounds, the speed is shockingly fast.

The spiritual power in the body has been circulating along the unknown technique, and the Hunyuan Dzi Bead has been releasing the power of chaos inside. According to her estimation, it will take another ten days and a half months at most. I'm afraid that the third spiritual flower will be cultivated.

Originally, even if the power in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead was continuously released, the spiritual power in this bracelet space was exhausted. Although the bracelet was against the sky, people could also enter, but it was only a space. The source of absolute chaos, without the support of strong spiritual power, the woman's soul was temporarily sealed by her. If she didn't swallow the elixir to replenish her spiritual power, she didn't have to worry about advancing. The woman did her hands and feet, and the spiritual power inside became extremely abundant, far exceeding the concentration of spiritual power in the air on the Xuantian Continent. Even she and Qin Tian were able to leave the bracelet space except for their spiritual sense, but their bodies couldn't get out at all. .

What Mo Xiao said before he left was obviously that he didn't want her to advance too quickly. She didn't understand it before, but now she vaguely guessed that it had something to do with the Hunyuan Dzi and the weird soul inside.

Qin Tian pursed his thin lips.

"The barrier is still not broken?" Qin Luoyi changed the subject and asked Qin Tiandao.

"No." Qin Tian shook his head, seeing the disappointment quickly passing over her face, he couldn't help but hugged her shoulders even more, and comforted her: "Don't worry, it's only a day and a night, it's ten layers of fire The fire in the domain burns slowly, and there will always be a time when the barrier will be burnt." Having said that, his eyes are a bit dignified.

"I can't go out earlier, I'm always a little uneasy." Qin Luoyi pulled the corners of his lips, secretly thinking that to form a spirit flower, it needs a thunder disaster. The space inside is isolated from the outside, maybe it won't attract thunder disaster at all , her worries are purely unfounded.

The qi and blood in the body churned even more violently, the burning sensation in the meridians and viscera became more intense, and the lust rushed towards her like an overwhelming sea, her body trembled violently, and a muffled groan escaped from her mouth .

The pretty face was even more blushing, fine beads of sweat slid down her forehead, and a hint of fishy sweetness welled up on her throat.

Qin Tian, ​​who had been paying attention to her all the time, knew that she might not be able to bear it any longer, his eyes dimmed, and his arm slipped from her shoulder, wrapping around her slender waist.

She also lowered her head, kissed her extremely smooth forehead and pretty face, then held the bright red in her mouth, rolled and sucked pitifully, and murmured softly: "Luoyi, I'm here, don't bear it. "

Qin Luoyi looked at his handsome face with his phoenix eyes open. Compared to before, the light in his eyes was more hazy, but the expression at the bottom of his eyes was a bit complicated.

(End of this chapter)

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