Brother is too evil

Chapter 665 The truth

Chapter 665 The truth (1)
Qin Tian's pupils shrank sharply, and he held her fingers slightly harder.The heartbeat jumped up uncontrollably, completely out of rhythm and out of frequency.

Sunlight slanted in from the window, flooded her pretty face, and coated the crystal-clear snow-like skin with a light golden halo, forming a thrilling beauty and enchantment.

"Forever? I don't want to." After a long time, Qin Tian spoke, his voice was not as clear and clear as usual, but there was a hint of hoarseness, and his eyes were deep.

Qin Luoyi blinked.

Don't want to?
Thinking of the fairy jade on his body, and his silence at the end when he and his father were talking in the pavilion, I felt mixed feelings... She just said, Qin Tian is her brother, and he has treated her as a younger sister for decades , how could he like her.

It turned out that everyone was mistaken.

Think of the incomparably complicated relationship between the two now.A hint of guilt appeared in her eyes... I think he had to have sex with her to save her life that day.Fortunately, she asked today, if she really went out in the future, and he was really forced by these things that happened between the two of them, he would never be happy for the rest of his life if he followed her.

"I see, don't worry, I will explain clearly to my father and mother what happened that night." She wanted to pull her hand out of his, and promised.

Qin Tian held onto it and did not let go.

He leaned over and kissed her red lips.

The kiss was like the touch of a dragonfly, and when Qin Luoyi wanted to get out of the way, he moved away quickly, narrowing his eyes with a smile: "This life is not enough, Luoyi, the next life, the next life... I will love you." To be with you, no matter where you are, I will find you and stay by your side forever."

Qin Luoyi's red lips parted slightly.

Suddenly I couldn't laugh or cry.

Not for a lifetime.

She thought...

"You have to think about it...Brother, you know you won't be the only one by my side." Qin Luoyi suppressed the complicated feelings in his heart, looked into his eyes, and said again.

"I will regret it if I can't stay by your side." Qin Tian reached out to hug her body, chuckled and whispered in her ear with a very happy expression.

Qin Luoyi looked sideways at him.

The joy in his eyes didn't look fake.

My heart relaxed slightly, and the guilt in my eyes gradually faded away.

The two embraced and talked.

It's just that the bed is not a good place to chat and talk. Although the lust in Qin Luoyi's body has been temporarily suppressed, if it is stimulated, the temporarily suppressed lust is still very easy to be aroused.

These days, unless necessary, Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian have been staying apart, and they have a tacit understanding to avoid being together, because not only Qin Luoyi, but also Qin Tian also thinks that the technique is extremely weird, and they are afraid that they will be together. Too many people together can have extremely serious consequences.

"Stop cultivating today, accompany me to alchemy." After a while, Qin Luoyi got off the bed, put on his clothes and said to Qin Tian.

Qin Tian raised his eyebrows, although he wondered why she wanted to make alchemy at this time, he still nodded.After the two tidied up, they went to the alchemy room that Qin Luoyi specially made.

A month passed quickly.

The cultivation in Qin Luoyi's body became more terrifying, and the five spiritual flowers of gold, wood, water, fire, and earth began to fuse together, and gradually tended to condense into one.

This should be the so-called realm of heaven and man.

Qin Tian also cultivated three spiritual flowers, which are many times stronger than when he first entered the bracelet space.

Ever since she got that weird skill, Qin Luoyi's cultivation has never encountered any difficulties, and it went smoothly. Originally, she thought that it would be extremely difficult for five spirit flowers to condense into one. Even with the source of chaos and that perverted technique, it may take several months.

Who knows that the facts are beyond her expectation.

It only took a few days from when she felt that the five spirit flowers were about to condense together, to when an overwhelming thunderstorm came.

The dark clouds in the sky quickly gathered, covering the sky and the sky, and the sky became very dark very quickly.

Just when the thunder disaster was about to come, Yu Haitang, who had been unconscious all this time, suddenly woke up and quietly appeared in front of Qin Luoyi and Qin Tian.

Qin Luoyi's face changed suddenly: "How could she wake up?" Feng's eyes were full of disbelief.

Just an hour ago, she used a silver needle to get a lot of pure anesthetic into her body.

Qin Tian's complexion was not good-looking, and his eyes were extremely cold.

Seeing the expressions of the two, Yu Haitang was very proud and giggled.He stretched out his hand to stroke the black hair on his cheeks, and said with a contemptuous expression: "It's just a little anesthetic, do you think that anesthetic can really trap me forever? It's just the first time you have sneaked up on me by surprise, and I was trapped for a few days That's all, the medicine you used on me later didn't work at all."

Qin Luoyi pursed her red lips with a solemn expression.

The anesthetic didn't work for her, and she stayed until now to show up. She must have a plan, and many thoughts flashed through her mind.

"What do you want?" A moment later, Qin Luoyi said, his voice was low, and there seemed to be a trace of impotence.

Yu Haitang smiled slightly.

"Qin Luoyi, you are about to cross the catastrophe of the realm of heaven and man. This kind of catastrophe is a narrow escape, and you can ascend to the fairy world if you pass it. between."

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply, and his pitch-black phoenix eyes stared at Yu Haitang's eyes, as if he was weighing the truth of what she said, but his expression was very moved: "Entering the realm of heaven and man, can you ascend to the fairyland?"

"Of course." Yu Haitang hooked her lips and said, "However, the thunder tribulation in the realm of heaven and man is not so easy to overcome. There are very few monks in the world who can break through the peak of the Zifu. They have the opportunity and talent to cultivate together." Those with five spiritual flowers are even rarer, and those monks who have cultivated all five spiritual flowers and finally survived the thunder disaster in the realm of heaven and man are only one or two out of a hundred."

Qin Luoyi looked at the sky, the dark clouds in the sky were still condensing, and the area thousands of miles away was shrouded in the terrifying shadow of the thunder calamity. Knowing that thunder disaster must be very terrifying.

"It's not easy to become a fairy, and it's not so easy to make a fairy." Yu Haitang stared at her, her eyes were unpredictable, there was a strange light flickering inside, full of charm, tempting to sink.

"Qin Luoyi, because he wanted to become an immortal and then go through this terrifying thunder calamity of heaven and man, but in the end he was knocked out of his wits by the thunder calamity, and he could never be reborn. Why don't you give me your body and I'll go through this thunder disaster for you Jie, don't worry, if I become an immortal, you can cultivate the Five Spirit Flower to reach the realm of heaven and man in the future, and I will definitely take care of you in the upper realm to help you, and with your aptitude, you can cultivate to the realm of heaven and man again. It won't take many years, you helped me today, and if you were to ascend smoothly when the time comes, you won't suffer from this deal."

(End of this chapter)

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