Brother is too evil

Chapter 666 The truth

Chapter 666 The truth (2)
"So you want to take my home?" Qin Luoyi's eyes turned cold when he figured out her purpose.

Yu Haitang did not deny it.

A proud smile appeared on the corners of his lips: "I think highly of your body, you should feel honored, thunder calamity is coming soon, you have to think about it quickly, the cultivation world pays attention to cause and effect, my Hunyuan Dzi chose you, That means that the two of us are destined, as long as you take the initiative to give up your body, the deal I just said will count, if you don't want to have to wait for me to do it yourself, don't blame me for being cruel, and just let you die!"

At the end, the smile on her lips disappeared, and her expression became extremely cold.

"Deal? Believe you?" Qin Luoyi stared at her, bent his lips, and a mocking smile appeared in his eyes: "More than a month ago, you still said that it was just the Hunyuan Dzi staying in my body, you It’s just repairing the damaged soul in the Hunyuan Dzi, but today you said you want to take my home, it’s only been more than a month, and you have changed... After countless years, you want to help me fly immortal? Hehe, you How can I trust you?"

"You have no choice but to trust me!" Yu Haitang raised her foot and walked towards her, her eyes were sharp, a powerful and terrifying coercion shot out from her body, and she rushed towards Qin Luoyi's turbulent crush. Come.

Qin Luoyi was forced back a few steps by the coercion, and finally stabilized his figure, his face changed several times, he pursed his lips, looked at Yu Haitang and said in a deep voice: "Last time, why did you Pass on my skills?"

If it is to seize the house, the last time was obviously a better opportunity.

Yu Haitang, who clearly had the upper hand in terms of coercion, smiled enchantingly: "You have practiced my exercises to ensure that I will be more compatible with your body. Now your body is tailor-made for me!"

He looked at her from top to bottom, and the more he looked, the more satisfied he became.

He clearly regarded her as his own.

Qin Luoyi was very upset.

She suppressed the anger in her heart, and said in a deep voice again: "Let me cultivate all five spirit flowers, and now the five spirit flowers are about to merge into one... The higher my cultivation level, the more difficult it will be for you to seize it. If you use force, even if I can't die with you, I can seriously injure you, and you have not taken the body all this time to make the soul and body more compatible? Hmph, when I am a three-year-old child? You think you can just make an excuse, I will trust you?"

Yu Haitang raised her eyebrows, looked her over from head to toe again, and covered her lips with a giggly smile: "You are smart, but smart people generally don't live very long, since you want to know the reason so much, then I'll tell you it's alright."

The murderous look in his eyes flashed away.

"The exercise I gave you is the most domineering and precious double-cultivation exercise in the Upper Realm - the Dafa of Joyful Bliss. I created that exercise myself. Using this exercise can often get twice the result with half the effort. There are not many in the Upper Realm. I am blessed to practice this way, but unfortunately my soul is damaged, so I am not suitable for practicing this exercise now." While talking, Yu Haitang walked towards Qin Luoyi again, with a strange light in her eyes, There is also a strange hot color.

Is it not suitable to practice the Dafa of Huan Bliss?
For her statement, Qin Luoyi believed it a little. This woman actually waited until she was about to advance to the realm of heaven and man before finally taking her home. She had been a little puzzled at first. The Hunyuan Dzi was in her body. Originally, there were many opportunities to seize the body. If she wanted to, after the original owner of the body died, she could seize the body and be reborn!

What's more, there have been several hosts of the Hunyuan Dzi Bead for hundreds of years, and her nominal mother Yu Lian is one of them, and Yu Lian's cultivation aptitude is also one of ten thousand, extremely outstanding.

She didn't take away Yulian's house either.It should be waiting for the host to cultivate the spirit flower and advance to the realm of heaven and man, so that she can sit back and enjoy it.It's just... If she didn't have the sky-shading bracelet, the terrifying vision produced by the Hunyuan Dzi Orb when she was promoted, let alone cultivated to the realm of heaven and man, even when she cultivated out of the Xuanfu, the shocking strange phenomenon would have been long ago. It caused everyone in the world to peep and move their hearts.

I also noticed that she kept talking about becoming immortals in the upper realm just now.Obviously she should not be from Xuantian Continent.

"Since you want to become an immortal and return to the upper realm, why do you let the Hunyuan Dzi Bead make such a big fuss every time you come out of the Profound Palace from cultivation?"

Yu Haitang's expression became distorted.

"The movement I made? Huh, if the bead hadn't been tampered with, I would have been trapped in that bead for 10,000+ years and never recovered? Without that vision, I would have returned to the fairyland long ago!"

The voice also became unusually sharp and piercing.

It turned out to be the case.

Qin Luoyi suddenly understood.

She quickly figured out the key to this, and made a good guess about the matter. It turned out that the Hunyuan Dzi Bead had been manipulated, and she only needed to find a host, and the host could use the source of chaos in the Hunyuan Dzi to cultivate it. In the Xuanfu, the powerful abnormality will be discovered by people, and then people who peep at the powerful power in the Hunyuan Dzi will be chased and killed...

There was a mocking smile on the corner of his lips.

Thinking about these years, people in Xuantian Continent have regarded this Hunyuan Dzi as a treasure, countless people are extremely jealous, even the biological parents of this body died on the Hunyuan Dzi!

If Liu Hanqing, Shangguan Qi, and the others knew that what they wanted to snatch was not a treasure at all, but contained infinite murderous intentions, which would bring them life-threatening danger, I wonder if they would try their best to get this bead.

If she didn't have the Sky-Blocking Bracelet, before she broke through to the peak of the Zifu and could look down on the Xuantian Continent, she would probably have to hide in XZ and find a place inaccessible to practice.

Ouyang Ling's figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Ouyang Ling has been looking for the Hunyuan Dzi, and his cultivation base is extremely powerful. Could it be that he is the one who tampered with the Hunyuan Dzi?

"Although my Hunyuan Dzi Bead has been tampered with, hehe, but people are not as good as heaven, and the sky-shielding bracelet has returned to my hands, covering up all the visions of the promotion, Qin Luoyi... ...Hehe, maybe I should call you Lan Qiaoyue. You should have died a long time ago. If you weren't attached to this body, how could you have survived to this day? Since you are not willing to take the initiative to sell your body today, you know My secret, I will not allow you to live any longer."

The murderous intent in her eyes grew stronger.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at Qin Tian.

Naturally, she would not let Qin Tian off.

"The sky-shading bracelet is yours?" Qin Luoyi was startled, her phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, she was not surprised that she knew whether she was the original owner of this body.

But she really didn't expect that the sky-shading bracelet would be hers.

After her soul traveled to this world, she also wore this bracelet that she had accidentally obtained in the original world, and she guessed that it was inseparable from this bracelet that she could come to this world.

(End of this chapter)

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