Brother is too evil

Chapter 671: Heavenly Tribulation

Chapter 671: Heavenly Tribulation (2)
It is impossible for Jin Ruihuang to use the Heavenly Stone to take her home and occupy her body, unless she voluntarily gives up her body... Now is the best time to deal with Jin Ruihuang.


She glanced at Bai Yi again.

In case she made a move, Bai Yi listened to Jin Ruihuang's words, and really felt that there was something different between him and Jin Ruihuang... If he tried to protect Jin Ruihuang, things would be troublesome.

"You really know her?" Qin Luoyi didn't want to guess, so she asked Bai Yi directly. Of course, she asked Bai Yi with her spiritual sense, and no one else, including Jin Ruihuang, could hear her conversation with Bai Yi.

"I have a little impression." Bai Yi said.

There was a glimmer of light in Qin Luoyi's eyes, but it was just a little impression.As expected, Bai Yi did not remember all the lost memories.

"The Qiankun Tianshi is too powerful. Let her continue to absorb the power in the Qiankun Tianshi. It will be easy for her to run after a while. We have to restrain her first. Since you have an impression of her, she will also I know you... From what she said, it seems that the relationship between you two should have been pretty good before. How about the two of us working together to restrain her first? Don't hurt her life, and when you think about it later, we will decide how to deal with her... "

I made up my mind, no matter what, I'll take this woman down first.

Hearing the words, Bai Yi was slightly stunned, his eyes moved away from Jin Ruihuang and landed on her body, those long and narrow phoenix eyes with elegant and deep light, the corners of the eyes were drawn like water, very charming.

"Although I don't have any memories of the past, but... no matter how much I lose my memory, I can be absolutely sure that I never liked her before."

Qin Luoyi felt relieved, Bai Yi had been looking at Jin Ruihuang just now, and she thought... Fortunately, it wasn't.

"Let's go there together, and take her Heavenly Stone first." In the pitch-black phoenix eyes, there was a glimmer of glass-like light, scorching and bright.

Bai Yi signaled her not to move.

"I'll go over in a while, you stay here, wait for me to restrain her and then quickly destroy her soul by surprise, so that she can no longer affect the exercises in your body."

He is fully sure that taking care of Jin Ruihuang will make her lose her soul, but it is not easy to make Jin Ruihuang lose his vigilance towards him.It must be fast, ruthless, accurate, and fatal with one move.

When Jin Ruihuang spoke just now, he had already thought of many ways in his mind, but this was the most direct way with the greatest chance of winning.

Of course, he can also choose to use the power in his body to forcibly suppress the operation of Qin Luoyi's internal exercises, but it will take time after all, if he has not forcibly suppressed the power in her body, Jin Ruihuang will go crazy , the consequences must be unimaginable.

When Bai Yi said this with his spiritual sense, his voice was soft and comforting, but anger suddenly appeared on his face.

He stared at Qin Luoyi coldly.

Qin Luoyi was stunned for a moment, but when he saw a flash of joy in Jin Ruihuang's eyes in the distance, he quickly reacted.

Bai Yi clearly wanted to act like he was arguing with her, to confuse Jin Ruihuang so that he could sneak attack, the two of them communicated with their spiritual sense, although Jin Ruihuang couldn't hear her, but he definitely knew it in his heart.

There was a sudden smile in the phoenix eyes.

He took the initiative to hold Bai Yi's hand, and said: "Let's just deal with her, I have no problem with the time when I can suppress a stick of incense with her skills in my body."

One stick of incense time is enough for her and Bai Yi to clean up this woman.

After finishing speaking, she turned around and rushed towards Jin Ruihuang first.The speed was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, he was about to approach Jin Ruihuang. The pupils in white shrank sharply, and the surprise on his face was hard to hide, and he followed her past.

"Luoyi! Be careful."

Feng Feili and the others also had a sudden change of expression. They had already learned the whole story from Qin Tian just now, and they were worried in their hearts, but they didn't expect Qin Luoyi to take the initiative to fly towards Jin Ruihuang.Can't help being anxious and angry, he followed closely and chased after him.

Jin Ruihuang's slightly drooping eyes opened abruptly, a sharp cold light shot out from his eyes, and he yelled, "You're courting death!"

Directly urging the exercises in Qin Luoyi's body to rotate in reverse, she had already seen that the others in Bai Yi cared about Qin Luoyi, and knew that controlling Qin Luoyi was equivalent to controlling Bai Yi.But after all, she still couldn't bear to part with Qin Luoyi's body that was about to pass through the catastrophe of heaven and man, and she didn't take her life as soon as she came up.

Qin Luoyi's originally fair face suddenly turned crimson, as if he was about to bleed.

"I'll give you one last chance to give up your body. I'll go through this thunder disaster for you. You can find another body to practice. If not, we will die here together today!" Jin Ruihuang's voice Extremely harsh and cold.

"Want my body? You think so beautifully." Qin Luoyi snorted coldly, the blush on his face only appeared for a moment, and soon faded away.

Bai Yi's eyes lit up.

Qin Luoyi really did as she said, withstood the backlash of Huanjile Dafa.

With no more scruples in his heart, the palm prints all over the sky pressed fiercely towards Jin Ruihuang.

Dahei and Heidi jointly attacked from the other side.

Qin Luoyi stood opposite Dahei and Heidi.

Feng Feili and the others stood together, facing Bai Yi, and Jin Ruihuang was immediately surrounded by everyone.



Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi's fierce attacks landed on her first, and directly sent Jin Ruihuang flying.The soul, which had regained some vitality just because of absorbing the power in the Qiankun Tianshi, quickly dimmed.

Immediately after Daheiheidi and Chu Yifeng's attacks also arrived, Tianxin Shenbow, Yinyang Mirror, Nirvana Tower, Lihuo Sword... stirred up the spiritual power of thousands of miles in the space to riot.

Jin Ruihuang, who was besieged by everyone, went mad, and was shocked that Qin Luoyi was really not afraid of the backlash of her own bliss. That body was destroyed, and his eyes were red with anger, completely mobilizing the Dafa of Huan Bliss, wanting to make Qin Luoyi lose his wits in an instant.

Qin Luoyi's attack faltered.

Immediately, with a normal face, he attacked her again.Seeing this, Bai Yi was completely relieved, and even more mercilessly attacked Jin Ruihuang.

Jin Ruihuang's soul was getting darker and darker, and he didn't dare to love to fight any more, so he turned around and ran away.

Instantly disappeared into the bracelet space.

Qin Luoyi remembered that Jin Ruihuang said that the bracelet originally belonged to her, and there were many people in it on his side. He was afraid that the woman would play some tricks after she went out, so he quickly said to everyone: "Hurry up, we can't Stay here."

He led a group of people out of the bracelet space quickly.

Sure enough, Jin Ruihuang was outside, his entire palm turned purple-gold, and he was about to pinch towards the bracelet. When he saw them coming out, especially the white clothes, a flash of fear flashed in his eyes, and he snorted coldly: "Forget it!" Come out quickly." Turning around and running, his figure was as fast as lightning, and disappeared beyond the mountains in the blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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