Brother is too evil

Chapter 672 The Soul of Changying

Chapter 672 The Soul of Changying (1)
Bai Yi followed closely, and the originally clear sky suddenly changed, with dark clouds covering the sky, turbulent and turbulent, extremely terrifying, and even lightning rolled in it.

"The calamity is coming!"

Bai Yi paused.

He looked solemnly at the cloud-covered sky.

As Qin Luoyi came out, Jie Lei also moved from the inside of the bracelet space to the outside, the speed was jaw-dropping.

"Jie Lei is coming, everyone disperse!"

Bai Yi yelled at the crowd, and shot out quickly, but in the blink of an eye, he was hundreds of miles away from Qin Luoyi.

Others followed suit and jumped out.

This is a lush primeval forest, and there are few people on weekdays. Qin Luoyi also knew that the thunderstorm was coming, looked around, and then jumped straight up to one of the highest mountains.

Bai Yi looked at her.

He looked at the direction where Jin Ruihuang was escaping, and a struggle flashed in his eyes. He finally stood on the top of the mountain and didn't go after Jin Ruihuang. Just now, he faintly remembered something from the past. Regarding the cultivation of the spirit flower, if you have cultivated all five spirit flowers, the five spirit flowers must be united to reach the realm of heaven and man, and every thunder calamity is extremely dangerous.



A dazzling Ulei lightning in the black cloud instantly tore through the sky and shot down from the sky. The flashing silver dragon was as thick and fierce as a giant python. It was thousands of feet long and extremely frightening. Straight towards the top of the mountain where Qin Luoyi was standing!

Qin Luoyi stood on the top of a mountain towering into the sky, facing the turbulent wind, with his skirt fluttering and black hair flying, he looked up at the strange and unpredictable dark sky, with a calm expression and calm phoenix eyes.

The puppet in Tsing Yi stood next to her, his eyes were cold and quiet.

Qin Tian was a little far away, with his hands behind his back, seemingly indifferent, but in fact the hands behind him had already been clenched, even his breathing slowed down a lot unconsciously.

In the Xuantian Continent, there is no record of anyone successfully cultivating a spirit flower, and of course, there is no record of the fusion of five spirit flowers. It is also unclear how powerful the thunder calamity that breaks through into the realm of heaven and man is.

Just looking at the Ulei formed in the sky at this time, it is more than ten times thicker than the thunder calamity that usually cultivates the spirit flower. It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying this thunder calamity will be.

What is even more disturbing is that no one knows how heavy the thunder tribulation is to enter the realm of heaven and man.

In the center of the Thunder Tribulation, if one more person crosses the Tribulation, the power of the Thunder Tribulation will also increase exponentially. If he passes by, the Thunder Tribulation will be several times more powerful... Even if there is a puppet in Tsing Yi, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist.

Fortunately, although the puppet in Tsing Yi has begun to form spiritual consciousness, the spiritual consciousness is still extremely weak, and Lei Jie can't perceive it. Regarding this point, he paid special attention to this point when he crossed the tribulation the first two times.


Accompanied by the terrifying thunder, the Tsing Yi puppet's body suddenly soared into the air, and before the thunder robbery landed on Qin Luoyi's body, he went up to meet it.



The terrifying lightning strike collided with the Tsing Yi puppet, and dazzling and dazzling sparks shot out instantly. The sound of the impact resounded even more, and the earth trembled violently due to this huge force.

Qin Luoyi stared at the Tsing Yi puppet.

The terrifying flames enveloped the entire body of the puppet in Tsing Yi, but the sparks could not stop Qin Luoyi from penetrating his consciousness. Watching the puppet in Tsing Yi finally absorb all the power of the first thunder calamity, there was nothing on his body. When something went wrong, the corners of her lips twitched, and a happy smile appeared... It seems that after the baptism of the previous thunder disasters, the body of the puppet in Tsing Yi has become extremely strong and tough.

Northern Territory.

Purple Yin Mountains.

The Ziyin Mountains in the Northern Territory are right on the dividing line between the Central Territory and the Northern Territory, traversing from north to south, like a gigantic wandering dragon, entrenched on the Xuantian Continent.

The peaks of the Ziyin Mountains are extremely dangerous and steep, and many peaks soar into the sky. They are a natural barrier between the Central Region and the Northern Region. Although the mountains are not as huge as the Tianlong Mountains, they stretch for millions of miles from north to south. There are many forests, and the spiritual energy is extremely strong. The more complicated geographical environment and climate allow many rare spiritual plants to grow in it. Every year when the spiritual plants mature in late autumn, many monks and alchemists on the Xuantian Continent will come to the mountains to gather together. Gather, treasure hunt and adventure among the mountains.

Because of the precious spiritual plants inside, the Ziyin Mountain Range is also very famous in the Xuantian Continent.

It's just that the terrain in the mountains is complicated, and some places are full of poisonous barriers, and there are few people. Even the cultivators of the Zifu who are self-reliant and powerful, they dare not set foot in those places easily, so the monks who are looking for various spiritual plants are just in the mountains. Searching in the outer direction of the Ziyin Mountains.

The place where Qin Luoyi crossed the catastrophe is the Ziyin Mountain Range, and it is the famous forbidden place Yan Luo Mountain in the Zi Yin Mountain Range. The weather on Yan Luo Mountain changes several times every day, and the mountain is a natural labyrinth. If ordinary monks enter Yan Luo Mountain , that is equivalent to entering the Hall of Yama, and you will never want to come out again for the rest of your life.

The catastrophe in the realm of heaven and man is extremely terrifying. The first thunder catastrophe covered Yan Luoshan with dark clouds stretching for thousands of miles. The people in white were not far from Yan Luo Mountain because they were worried about Qin Luoyi. When they arrived, they were afraid that they would be too close to cause the superimposed power of Thunder Tribulation, so they retreated again, until they retreated thousands of miles away.

And the movement here has already alarmed all the monks near the Ziyin Mountain Range, especially some sects and families that are closer to Yan Luo Mountain in the Ziyin Mountain Range. The direction of the mountain rushed over.


Half a quarter of an hour after the first thunder calamity passed, the second thunder calamity finally landed, and the terrifying power of the thunder calamity made the entire Ziyin Mountain Range tremble.Silver lightning illuminated the entire sky on Yan Luo Mountain, and Qin Luoyi standing proudly on the top of the mountain appeared in front of the monks.

"It's Miss Qin Luoyi!"

"Beside her is that puppet!"

"I heard that Miss Qin has already broken through to the peak of the Purple Mansion and cultivated two spirit flowers... Every time she successfully condenses a spirit flower, there will be a terrifying catastrophe. Is she going to condense the third spirit flower again? it took?"

"It must be so. I didn't expect Miss Qin to choose Yan Luoshan to condense the third spirit flower. That mountain is very strange."

"It seems that Miss Qin has only a few months to cultivate the first spiritual flower... Now she is about to condense the third spiritual flower. The speed of this cultivation is really abnormal!"

It was clear that Qin Luoyi was crossing the catastrophe. The monks who didn't know what happened in the Tianziyin Mountain Range and were waiting in full force were completely relieved. They all gathered together in small groups, looking for Standing in a place with a good line of sight, he looked at Qin Luoyi on Mount Yanluo with burning eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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