Brother is too evil

Chapter 673 The Soul of Changying

Chapter 673 The Soul of Changying (2)
Those cultivators with higher cultivation bases, who had already reached the Zifu cultivation base, even blinked at Qin Luoyi and Tsing Yi puppets on the mountain.

Qin Luoyi, Jian Yuyan and others successfully broke through the peak of the Zifu, and cultivated a powerful spirit flower. The facts proved that the peak of the Zifu is not the end of cultivation. After breaking through the peak of the Zifu, there is a broader The road of cultivation is waiting for them to conquer.

At the moment when the second thunder calamity fell, the puppet in Tsing Yi who was standing next to Qin Luoyi soared into the air again, and met the silver lightning like a giant dragon. They were all enveloped by the dazzling silver light, forming a silver sea of ​​light around his body.

The monks were dumbfounded.

"God, I read that right, that puppet actually met the thunder calamity!"

"Such a terrifying thunder tribulation, the puppet is probably destroyed."

Someone sighed regretfully.

After the second thunder calamity fell, the entire Yan Luo Mountain turned into a silver ocean, and the sky was temporarily quiet, only the dark clouds kept rolling, and soon the sky around Yan Luo Mountain, tens of thousands of miles away, was dark. down.

After a while, the silver light on Yan Luo Mountain disappeared, and Yan Luo Mountain fell into darkness again.But the smile on the corners of Qin Luoyi's lips, who was standing on the top of the mountain, was even brighter, and the eyes of Jianshui shone with a brilliance like glass, and his lips were a little red, against the fat and jade skin, he looked even more beautiful. The beauty is unparalleled, and the elegance is peerless.

The puppet in Tsing Yi easily resisted the second thunder calamity and absorbed all the power of the thunder and lightning.


The third level of lightning tribulation quickly fell again.

The terrifying light of Thunder Tribulation once again illuminated the entire Yan Luo Mountain. Seeing that the puppet in blue appeared in sight again, his movements were as fast as lightning, and he was facing the Thunder Tribulation in the air. At first, he thought that he might have been shattered into nothingness by the Thunder Tribulation. All the cultivators were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: "It's too perverted! I didn't expect a puppet to have such a perverted cultivation base."

After being shocked, I was envious in my heart.

Such a puppet that can help people overcome lightning calamities is a priceless treasure. Having this puppet is equivalent to saving several lives!
Fourth weight.

Fifth weight.


Afterwards, the thunder tribulations fell one after another quickly, without giving anyone any room to breathe. The shock made the world change color, and the faces of many monks who were waiting and watching also changed greatly. Those people were wiped out from the world, leaving no trace of life at all!
"The lightning tribulation of this spirit flower... is too terrifying!"

This kind of thunder calamity becomes more and more frightening, and makes many originally ambitious cultivators of the Zifu fearful and disappointed. There is no way to survive such thunder!
Qin Luoyi looked at the thunder calamity falling one after another from the sky, his eyes were dark and deep, but his expression was very solemn.

It has already passed the seven thunder tribulations.

Because no one on this continent has survived the catastrophe of the realm of heaven and man, and there is no record about it in the secrets, she doesn't even know how heavy the thunder catastrophe is.

Looking at the appearance of the dark clouds in the sky, not only did they not decrease, but they became more and more dense, as if they were about to crush the sky. It is conservatively estimated that there should be at least three thunderstorms behind... The body of the puppet in blue has been tempered to the extreme, Although he was not afraid of the terrifying power of the thunder catastrophe, the thunder catastrophe in the back fell too quickly, and the power inside was too terrifying. The thunder catastrophe fell one after another, and the powerful force made it impossible for the green-clothed puppet to absorb it quickly.All the power was gathered around him, Qin Luoyi worried that the puppet in Tsing Yi would be destroyed by that powerful power.

The puppet in Tsing Yi has been with her for many years, and many times it is because of it that she was able to turn the corner. She really does not want him to be destroyed by the thunder robbery, not to mention that the puppet in Tsing Yi has begun to develop spiritual consciousness. Maybe in the near future, He can become a real person, and she doesn't want him to be destroyed in the thunder disaster.

After pondering for a while, a decision was quickly made in his heart.

When the eighth level of thunder calamity descended, she removed the protective cover on her body, and faced the thunder calamity together with the puppet in Tsing Yi. The puppet in Tsing Yi continued to absorb the power in the thunder calamity, while she used exercises to gather the power in her body At the peak state, he clenched his fist with one hand, and a powerful force shot out from his hand, blasting towards the thunder and lightning.



The silver light of Lei Jie was struck and quickly splashed around. Qin Luoyi's black hair fluttered against the strong wind in the thunder light, and his clothes fluttered like a nine-day fairy falling into the mortal world.

The beautiful and delicate face flickered in the thunder light, exuding an extremely powerful coercion all over her body. All the monks who were watching thousands of miles away from Yan Luoshan were shocked by the powerful coercion, and they couldn't help but knelt down. , bowed to her, hurriedly controlled Shenhong, and quickly retreated to the distance, tens of thousands of miles away, only to feel that the coercion was a little less.

Qin Luoyi and the Tsing Yi puppet cooperate tacitly, one absorbs the power of the thunder calamity, and the other breaks the power of the thunder calamity. The power of the eighth level of thunder calamity is quickly eliminated, and Qin Luoyi successfully survives the calamity again The light fell on the left hand, and the phoenix eyes were astonishingly bright.

She wears a string of pearls on her left wrist. The pearls are all made of very crystal clear green crystals the size of mung beans, and one of them has a special emerald green crystal. Bodhi seeds obtained from the stone.

Just now, this bodhi seed actually emitted a crystal green light in the thunder calamity, and it was also absorbing the power of the thunder calamity like a puppet in Tsing Yi!

"The devil...hehe, it seems that he really didn't lie to me! The Bodhi seed he has refined can condense the power of the soul, and can absorb the soul that is about to disappear at a critical moment, so that people will not be completely dissipated. Changying... ...Really at least there is still a ray of soul in the bodhi seed." She looked at the bodhi seed and muttered to herself, her heart was ecstatic, and the smile on her face became bigger and brighter.

He glanced sideways at the puppet in Tsing Yi.

He looked back at his hands again.

The puppet in Tsing Yi absorbed the power of the thunder calamity, and a divine soul was produced in its body. The divine soul continued to absorb the power of the thunder calamity, and then continued to become stronger... Could it be that the Bodhizi absorbed the power of the thunder calamity because of the needs of Changying's soul inside?He also needs the power of thunder disaster to restore the damaged soul?

Mo Xiao said that everyone's soul is different, and the things needed to make the soul stronger are also different... When she cultivated the spirit flower before, she always gave the thunder robbery to the puppet in Tsing Yi to help him cultivate the soul , I didn't realize that the bodhizi and the puppet in Tsing Yi both need the power of thunder calamity!
(End of this chapter)

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