Brother is too evil

Chapter 677: Yin Cup Pill

Chapter 677: Yin Cup Pill (1)
Qin Luoyi thought that he was stimulated by the five spiritual flowers he cultivated, so he persuaded him tactfully.

Duanmu Changqing's aptitude and talent are excellent, and she is only a hundred years old now, and she has already cultivated to the peak of Zifu. Although it has a lot to do with her spiritual water, if it is not for her good aptitude and understanding, she has reached a bottleneck When you can't break through the barriers of each level and advance smoothly, no matter how good things are, it is in vain.

"I cultivated the spirit flower earlier to achieve the unity of the five spirit flowers, and then I can help you break that blocked passage together. We will definitely make our Yi'er become a fairy in the sky as soon as possible, shining brilliantly." Duanmu Changqing favored Drew stretched out his hand to pinch her face, and said with a smile.

It is as delicate as fat in the hands, making people really reluctant to let it go.

It's just that when he thinks that Jin Ruihuang is staring at her from some unknown corner, and maybe he still wants to take her away, he can't completely indulge himself in her beauty.

Only when he is strong can he protect her well.

And my own family.

Qin Luoyi was amused by him.

Seeing that his eyes fell on the bodhi seed in her hand several times unconsciously, knowing that he was afraid that he had made up his mind, he would no longer persuade him, but instead patted him on the shoulder jokingly: "For the sake of the future fairy ...It's really hard work for you."

Fair skin, bright black eyes, rippling water, slightly pouty red lips smiling, and a hint of narrow play in the eyes, the more you look at it, the more you look like a seductive enchantress, Duanmu Changqing's heart swayed, the handsome head He lowered himself down again, and buried it directly into her neck: "It's not hard... But, Yi'er, I won't be able to see you for at least ten days during this retreat. You have to make it up to me."

Smelling the faint fragrance on her skin, he took a bite.

Breathing becomes heavy.

He looked up at her expectantly.

Eyes full of longing for her.

"Okay." Qin Luoyi blinked, and replied very simply: "When you leave the customs, what do you want, or how do you want me to compensate you, just ask."

Duanmu Changqing threw her down with a smile, and said with a light smile, "I only want you...but, Yi'er, I want it now, you don't need to wait until I leave the customs."

When he left the customs, it was almost time to get married. Yi'er was not the only husband. Originally, the senior brother said that Qin Tian should be dealt with before the wedding, but now it seems impossible. Qin Tian But they stayed in the bracelet space together with Yi'er for a whole month and a half, because of the hellish joy of bliss, the two of them had already done what they should do and what they shouldn't do, and Qin Tian became one of them. A member of the group is already a sure thing.

And white clothes.

Jian Yuyan.

There are six of them, but there is only one Yi'er.

"This... Actually, the future is long." Only then did Qin Luoyi, who was pressed upright by him, realize that the compensation he said was for her to pay.

Stretching out his hand and counting, he said to him earnestly: "Second senior brother, the peak of the Zifu can live seven or eight thousand years. Although there is no record of cultivating a spiritual flower, it will be one or two thousand years longer. Yes, this matter... no hurry, no hurry."

Duanmu Changqing directly pulled her hand down to his belly.There was a charming smile with infinite temptation on his lips: "Luoyi, I can wait, but it can't wait, you should make it up to me now."

Qin Luoyi was crushed under him, and finally let him succeed again.

When Duanmu Changqing finally let go of her, it was almost midnight, looking at Duanmu Changqing who was obviously still in high spirits, Qin Luoyi was a little speechless.

She simply closed her eyes, pretending to be extremely tired and drowsy—in fact, as her cultivation level got higher and higher, even rolling the sheets overnight would not have any effect on her. I feel very surprised.

But of course she won't let anyone know about it.

The second senior brother was a little too enthusiastic tonight. You must know that she is in good spirits, maybe she will be alive again soon.He succeeded again, with his stamina and endurance, there is no doubt that it will be daylight when it is over.

She didn't feel sleepy at first, but after closing her eyes for a while, she really started to feel drowsy, and soon fell asleep completely. Duanmu Changqing, who was hugging her, felt her breathing was steady and gentle, knowing that she was asleep, He hugged her tighter.

With his arms propped up, he kept staring at her with dark eyes, with a smile on his lips, and his eyes were full of deep affection and lingering meaning.After he took the bodhi seed to his father to see, he met the elder brother and the others together with Bai Yi.

Bai Yi said that Yi'er was halfway through her ascension, and she didn't know that the passage was blocked, but because she didn't want to let them go, she didn't want to ascend and insisted on coming back.


In Yi'er's heart, they really do exist...and between Feisheng and them, she chose them without hesitation.This made his heart that had been a little uneasy for a long time finally completely calm down.

Although Yi'er had promised to marry them before and accepted them, but at the root of the matter, they were together in the first place because of the Hunyuan Dzi.

When she woke up the next morning, the sky was already bright, and she was the only one left in the room. Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness, and soon found that the second senior brother had gone to another courtyard to practice in seclusion.

Thinking that Zong Wuying still had the poison on the body of a group of cultivators from the Purple Mansion of the Heavenly Dao Zong, she went straight to find Bai Yi after washing up. Other things could be delayed, but this matter could not be delayed any longer.

It is only a few months away from the poisonous hair.

After leaving the gate of the courtyard, he turned around the long corridor and met Tuoba Yuanxu in a pavilion.

Qin Mo was by his side.

Tuoba Yuanxu was wearing a sky-blue brocade robe, the clothes were exquisite and expensive, and he looked even more elegant and elegant when he wore them. When he saw her, his eyes dimmed.

Qin Mo walked out of the pavilion with a smile.

Tuoba Yuanxu also walked out of the pavilion with him.

Qin Luoyi was in a hurry to find Bai Yi, and after exchanging pleasantries with them, he left quickly.But after walking a long distance, she could still feel two eyes chasing behind her.

He sighed to himself.

She didn't look back, and knew that it was Tuoba Yuanxu who was looking at her.

Just before she disappeared, Tuoba Xiaoyao had come to the Qin Mansion to propose marriage to Tuoba Yuanxu. When Mr. Qin told her, she directly refused.

It's not that she doesn't know that Tuoba Yuanxu likes her, but she already has enough husbands. Tuoba Yuanxu is very good and likes her very much, but she always only regards him as an ordinary friend. How could it be possible? Even marry him?

Even if the life of the monk is long, she has no plans to build a huge harem.

Bai Yi is practicing.

(End of this chapter)

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