Brother is too evil

Chapter 678: Yin Cup Pill

Chapter 678: Yin Cup Pill (2)
Sitting cross-legged in the training room, his body was shrouded in a layer of dazzling purple light, and strange runes surrounded him, filling the entire training room. The wide-sleeved gown, worn on his slender body, made him more airy, as if he seemed to be out of the dust.

A powerful but extremely gentle force faintly emanated from his body.

Qin Luoyi stood far away.

He slowed down his breathing and didn't make any noise to disturb his cultivation.

It is said that during the month of searching for her, Bai Yi accidentally harvested several pieces of the source of chaos on the Xuantian Continent, which together were twice the size of the piece of source of chaos she got in the ice field.

Yesterday Qin Mo was amazed when he talked about this matter.

He said that he never knew that there would be so many sources of chaos on the Xuantian Continent. In the past, not to mention the size of a fist, the source of chaos was the size of an egg. Envious, like the source of chaos in the Paradise of Paradise in the past, it was also obtained by accident due to the deep blessings of the ancestors in the door.

And white clothes.

It seems to be extremely sensitive to the source of chaos by nature.

No matter how hidden the source of chaos is, even the source of chaos hidden in the origin stone, as long as it is within a hundred miles around him, he can perceive it.

Qin Luoyi has now cultivated to the realm of heaven and man, but she knows that there is still a big gap between her cultivation base and Bai Yi's. At least she can't swallow those sources of chaos like him.

No matter how strong her body was, she couldn't bear the impact of the powerful and terrifying force in the source of chaos. If she swallowed it like Bai Yi, she would explode and die.

Qin Luoyi didn't stand in the courtyard for long, and soon, the strange runes surrounding Bai Yi's body got into his body.The purple light also slowly disappeared, and Bai Yi opened his eyes, looking in the direction where she was standing.

Obviously found her.

Qin Luoyi walked over with a smile.

The body in white fell from the air.

"Bai Yi, tell me... when will I be able to practice like you?" Qin Luoyi raised his phoenix eyes, stroked his chin, looked him up and down, and said slightly teasingly.

Bai Yi thought for a while.

Look serious.

"You have already cultivated to the realm of heaven and man. Although I don't quite remember what realm is above the realm of heaven and man, but on this continent, if you only absorb the power of heaven and earth, you can also refine pills to assist you. It is very unlikely that you will be able to advance further through cultivation, but with the Hunyuan Dzi in your body, it is no problem to continue to practice."

Qin Luoyi's lips drooped slightly.

There is a Hunyuan Dzi in her body.

But cultivation... what is she practicing now?What is in her body is still the Dafa of Blissful Bliss, and she has no way to practice the Dafa of Demon Xiao's Heavenly Demon at all.

There is also the Formless Dafa that still cannot work.Even though she has advanced to the realm of heaven and man, she has not been able to suppress the joy of bliss.

She asked Bai Yi if there was any way to completely eliminate the Dafa of Joy and Bliss in her body.


Bai Yi's eyes flashed, he nodded, and he answered very simply, but there was a scorching fire in the bottom of his eyes, and the way he looked at her became a little strange.

Qin Luoyi's heart tightened.

"How to do?"

Even though he felt that the flash of light in Bai Yi's eyes was a little weird, Qin Luoyi still asked, she didn't want to practice that kind of joyful bliss for the rest of her life.

The name of that exercise is extremely evil upon hearing it.

Compared with it, Mo Xiao's Heavenly Demon Dafa is much more pleasing to the eye, even if Heavenly Demon Dafa cannot suppress the Joyful Bliss Dafa, she would rather choose to practice Heavenly Demon Dafa.

Bai Yi watched her silent for a moment, then smiled and said: "Don't worry, after you get married, I will help you completely suppress that exercise. Your current cultivation base has just entered the realm of heaven and man. It won't be too difficult to suppress."

Qin Luoyi breathed a sigh of relief, a beautiful smile appeared on his white face like jade.

As long as there is a way to do it.

She also didn't think about why Bai Yi wanted to help her practice after getting married, so she quickly put this matter behind her and took out the jade bottle containing the blood taken from Duanmu Changying's body.He told Baiyi Jin Dongyan about poisoning Duanmu Changying, Zong Wuying and others.

"This poison is very strange. I have been identifying it for a long time, but I have not been able to identify what kind of poison it is. There is no record about this poison on this continent."

Bai Yi reached out to take the jade bottle.

First, I took a closer look.

A few more drops of blood poured out.

After being poisoned by Jin Dongyan, Duanmu Changying's blood was a bit different from that of ordinary people. There was a strange light golden color in the blood, but the golden color was not obvious. Can't tell the difference at all.

The blood poured out by him floated in the air.

Bai Yi returned the jade bottle in his hand to her, and a purple light suddenly appeared on the tip of his finger, shooting into the blood drops, and the few drops of blood were instantly disintegrated by the purple light.

What remained in the air was a golden blood line several times thinner than a hair, and there was a strange light flickering in the blood line, vaguely, as if there was a living thing swimming in it.

Qin Luoyi's pupils shrank sharply.

She has always known that Duanmu Changying was poisoned, and she also saw the strange pale gold in the blood, but she couldn't clean the toxin out of the blood as easily as Bai Yi, the golden light seemed to melt into his blood In general, inseparable.

"Could it be that the poison among them is not the poison, but the cup?"

Bai Yi looked at the extremely thin golden blood line carefully, nodded and said: "It is indeed a blood cup, and it is a very powerful blood cup. If the antidote is not fed on time to suppress the worm, this blood cup can Swallow all the strength in the body and refine it into a golden blood pill. If I guessed correctly, Jin Dongyan poured the cup on them. One is to control them, and another purpose is to arrive at the right time. , Let them all become Golden Blood Pills to help him cultivate."

Do not know why.When he saw this golden thread, he naturally thought of the Golden Blood Pill.

Bai Yi's eyes flickered, thoughtful.

It's just that although he can suddenly think of many things when he touches them, he can't remember his own life experience and past forgetting.

"Damn bastard."

Qin Luoyi murmured.

What kind of holy son, what kind of saint... People of Tiandaozong, especially high-level monks, are all supplements prepared by Jin Dongyan selfishly for themselves, and they are all to plunder other people's achievements to help themselves advance to cultivation.

Fortunately, that bastard was completely wiped out by Mo Xiao, he died completely, and could no longer come out to make trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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