Brother is too evil

Chapter 685 Nirvana

Chapter 685 Nirvana (1)
On the afternoon of the second day of their wedding, Qin Luoyi left the Qin Mansion with her husband and went to a huge mountain range on Penglai Xiandao - Tianzhi Mountain Range.

They were newlyweds, and they didn't attract much attention when they left the Qin Mansion. They thought they were going out to enjoy their newlyweds, but Mr. Qin and the others knew that Qin Luoyi was going to suppress the exercises left by Jin Ruihuang in his body.

After exhorting her carefully, he let her go.

In order to suppress the Dafa of Joy and Bliss in Qin Luoyi's body, the Tianzhi Mountains were the place Bai Yi deliberately searched for.

The Tianzhi Mountain Range is a little far away from the Piaomiao Sect, but it is very close to the Yaochi Wonderland, but it does not belong to the Yaochi Wonderland. The Tianzhi Mountain Range has a very wide area, and the Yaochi Wonderland is on one of its branches.

The tallest peak in the Tianzhi Mountains is Tianzhi Peak. Because of the extremely high peaks, the terrain of Tianzhi Peak is even more strange and complicated. Since ancient times, very few people have been able to successfully set foot on it. The restriction set by the warriors, but never found out where the restriction was set.

In Yaochi Immortal Realm not far from Tianzhi Peak, during the last wave of monsters and beasts, the monks in this sect suffered heavy losses, and all kinds of spiritual plant treasures in the sect also suffered heavy losses.

Even the very important hilltops of the Yaochi Wonderland where they planted Lingzhi were looted. The Yaochi Wonderland suddenly changed from a first-rate sect on Penglai Xiandao to a third-rate sect, and the person who robbed Yaochi Wonderland, she I heard from Duanmu Changying that apart from Tiandaozong, there are many other sects on Penglai Xiandao taking advantage of the fire to loot.

The current fairyland of Yaochi is nothing to fear on Penglai Xiandao.

Penglai Xiandao is also very vast. Although Qin Luoyi lived on the island for several years, to be honest, he didn't go to many places. He spent a lot of time practicing, except for participating in the alchemy competition. The accidental appearance of Duanmu Changying, she had traveled many places, and she came out later when the wave of monsters broke out.

It was the first time she came to the vicinity of Yaochi Wonderland, and it was the first time she saw the Tianzhi Mountain Range. Looking from a distance, she saw a vast expanse of snow-capped mountains.

Tianzhi Peak pierced through it, covered with snow, soaring into the sky, before approaching that mountain peak, I felt a strange aura coming from above the mountain peak, that aura was very rich and pure.

Can't help but shine in the eyes.

"I didn't expect Penglai Xiandao to have such a good place." Looking at the Yaochi Fairyland hundreds of miles away on the other side, even though she hasn't seen the true face of it, she already knows that this place is definitely a treasure land for cultivation .

The fairyland of Wuyao Pond is next to the treasure land, but it is a pity that there is no good fortune. If the sect can enter that mountain to practice, the current number one sect in Penglai Immortal Island must not be the Piaomiao sect.

It was also the first time for Chu Yifeng to come here, and he didn’t feel anything compared to each other, but it was not the first time for Duanmu Changqing and Feng Feili to come here. This time, they clearly felt that this place was different from before, and they looked at each other in blank dismay. With one glance, a sharp light flashed in all eyes.

He knew in his heart that maybe it wasn't because of any changes in Tianzhi Peak, but because of their cultivation base, so they could feel the faintly pure, rich and incomparable spiritual power escaping from Tianzhi Peak.

A group of people rushed towards the top of Tianzhi Peak quickly, like blue smoke, flying over the heads of many monks in the fairyland of Yaochi in the snow mountain, because the speed was too fast, those monks did not notice them at all.

The top of the mountain is covered with snow, and there is nothing.

Qin Luoyi found a powerful restriction on the top of the mountain, but although the restriction is powerful, it has no effect on Qin Luoyi now. Suddenly changed.

The trees are shady, the flowers are in full bloom, and the aura is compelling. The concentration of aura in the mountain exceeds that of any place in Xuantian Continent or Penglai Xiandao. Normally, everyone was still so shocked that they couldn't recover for a long time.

This place seems to be a piece of pure land on earth.

The terrain inside is beyond common sense. From a distance, Tianzhi Peak is clearly a mountain peak, but after entering the restricted area, it is discovered that there is clearly three peaks, but the peaks are hidden by the restriction. People can't see it.

The three peaks look like three dragon heads, with the dragon head facing inward and the dragon tail facing outward, clustered together, forming a valley in the middle.The aura in the valley is dense, transpiring and condensing in the valley, creating this fairyland on earth.

The shape of the dragon's head is lifelike, as if carved by a ghostly axe, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but look carefully, it was not carved by man, but by pure natural force.

"This place is born by nature, not to mention people with outstanding aptitude, but ordinary aptitude. If you continue to practice here, I am afraid that it will not be difficult to cultivate the Jade Mansion or the Purple Mansion." Qin Tian sighed.

He glanced at Bai Yi.

I didn't expect such a place to be found by Bai Yi, and I couldn't help but look back at the direction of the Yaochi Wonderland that I just passed, secretly feeling sorry for them, there is a treasure mountain in the sky without knowing it, the restrictions here are extremely powerful, the peak of the Purple Mansion The monks may be able to find something strange in this, but they will definitely not be able to break through the restriction.

With the fact that he has cultivated two spiritual flowers, he tried it just now, and he can't break through the restriction here... I don't know who set up the restriction here in the first place.

"With such a good place, if we want to suppress the bliss in Yi'er's body, we will definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Chu Yifeng smiled, his expression relaxed a lot.

"What do we need to do?" Jian Yuyan and Feng Feili looked at Bai Yi.

"We still need to arrange a few formations to make the spiritual power inside more intense." Bai Yi said, then pointed to the surrounding terrain and told them what to do.

The formation that Bai Yi said was huge, enclosing the entire valley, and everything needed to set up the formation was priceless.

It has to be said that a large number of people is powerful, but in one morning, the huge and complicated formation was set up, and Qin Luoyi was in charge of watching from the side, without even inserting his hand, the formation was already set up .

Afterwards, Bai Yi led them to arrange four smaller formations in the east, west, north and south corners respectively. There were also a few spirit beasts in this valley, and their cultivation bases were not weak, but because of the evil spirit emitted by Qin Luoyi and the others. With a strong breath, knowing that these people are not good, they have consciously hid for a long time, not daring to show up.

Qin Luoyi sat cross-legged at the eye of the formation in white clothes, with his eyes closed and a peaceful expression on his face.

Standing in the sky in white, his skirt flutters, his hair is flying in the wind, his hands are constantly scratching in the void, as if he is calculating something.Endless runes emerged around him, like phoenix feathers, dazzling and breathtaking.

(End of this chapter)

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