Brother is too evil

Chapter 686 Nirvana

Chapter 686 Nirvana (2)
"go with!"

A moment later, Bai Yi let out a soft drink, his eyes gleaming, and he slammed the endless runes in the sky into the ground. After a loud bang, the valley completely boiled.

Countless extremely pure power spewed out from the positions of the three dragon mouths. In less than half an hour, the spiritual power in the valley, which was already extremely rich, became more than several times stronger again.

"White clothes...he has stirred up the dragon energy in the Tianzhi Peak mountain range!" Feng Feili, who had been staring at Bai Yi's movements, had a flash of light in his eyes, and said in a deep voice. "Three giant dragons are naturally formed here, and the dragon's mouth can automatically spit out spiritual energy. It should be the legendary land of dragon diving. Such a place can gather the essence of the sun and the moon, and there are huge dragon veins underground. The spiritual power in the valley The reason why it is so pure and rich is because there is some dragon energy escaping from the ground."

The land of dragon potential, also known as the land of dragon veins, has been the favorite place of monks throughout the ages. It can be said that every major sect, as well as the places occupied by several major families in Xuantian Continent, are all dragon veins. The ground, but although there is dragon energy under the dragon veins, it is completely incomparable with Tianzhi Peak.

Looking at the mountain shape of Tianzhi Peak, one can tell that the dragon aura in the underground here is too huge. After a long time, the mountain peak has also been affected, forming a tangible dragon head. Nowhere else in Xuantian Continent has I heard of such an inversion. The land of dragon veins in the sky exists.

This day, Tianzhi Peak was not discovered because the prohibition on the top of the mountain blocked the eyes of all the monks.

The ground of the land of dragon veins is nourished by the temperature of the dragon, and can also condense the essence of heaven and earth, so the spiritual power in those places is usually much stronger than that of ordinary places, which is more conducive to cultivation. Huge aristocratic families and sects, monks can use the rich spiritual power of the dragon veins on the ground to practice, but no one has ever been able to directly draw out the invisible dragon energy from the ground!
Bai Yi's cultivation is really against the sky!
Feng Feili and the others all had such thoughts in their minds, their hearts relaxed slightly, and a smile appeared on their faces.

The Great Joy of Joy in Qin Luoyi's body is weird and domineering, but no matter how weird and domineering, in this land of dragon dives, with the help of a perverted Bai Yi, it shouldn't be a problem to suppress that practice.

Powerful underground dragon aura gushes out from the mouth of the dragon, and the previously arranged formation emits a dazzling light, covering the entire valley. The dragon aura gushing out from the ground gathers in the valley without any trace. escape.

Bai Yi observed in the air for a moment, and then gracefully fell from the air.

Stretching out his palm, a fist-sized green stone-like thing suddenly appeared out of thin air, crystal clear, exuding a glistening luster, and a surge of power lingered on it.

There was a strange light in Bai Yi's eyes.

He looked at the stone for a moment, then looked at Qin Luoyi who was meditating with his eyes closed, and finally walked over and buried the green stone in the soil with his own hands, just like Qin Luoyi, at the eye of the formation.

When Bai Yi straightened up, the sun, which had no temperature at first, suddenly became extremely hot, like noon, bright colors were shining brightly, the sun burst out with golden dazzling light, and Bai Yi's entire body was enveloped by that golden light up.

His eyes are as bright as the stars, his hands are behind his back, and he looks up at the sky slightly. Just standing there, he feels that he is in harmony with the heaven and the earth, giving people an extremely harmonious feeling of Taoism following nature and the unity of heaven and man.

There was even a strange sound of waves resounding in the air.

Gradually, the golden light enveloped Qin Luoyi, and then quickly enveloped the entire valley. Standing at the formation, Chu Yifeng and the others were not affected by the golden light.

However, the golden light appeared very briefly, and soon the sun went down, and night fell suddenly. A round of bright moon rose slowly, and sprinkled down the holy silver light. Behind the white clothes, there appeared an extremely Strange picture, the blue sea is turbulent, boundless, the sound of ebb and flow rumbles like ten thousand horses galloping, the sound is getting louder and shocking.

Bai Yi looked up at the sky, his eyes were deep and sharp as if he could see through the sky, but his feet never moved.There is an innate noble and proud aura exuding from his body.

The night passed quickly, and the winter snow began to fall. The blue sea floating behind the white clothes disappeared, and the sound of the rolling tide also disappeared. The world of ice and snow.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, day and night, appear constantly on Tianzhi Peak, and three dragon heads keep breathing out the strong dragon energy of the underground dragon veins, and the spiritual power in the valley becomes more intense. Even because the spiritual power is too rich, it has begun to condense into a substantial mist. Even standing outside the formation, Chu Yifeng and others feel that the power in their bodies has begun to skyrocket, and there is even a faint sign that they will be promoted .

However, they forcibly suppressed the urge to advance, and they were unwilling to absorb the dragon energy and spiritual power in the valley. Looking at Bai Yi's formation, it became clear that Qin Luoyi would need an extremely powerful force to suppress the joy of joy in his body. Just help.

Cold and hot, I don’t know how many springs, summers and cold winters have passed, the green stone-like thing buried in the ground by white clothes suddenly made a crisp sound, as if it had cracked its shell, and there was a strong The essence of life overflowed from the ground, making people feel as if they were going to soar, and the whole body glowed with light.

"Such a powerful force...what the hell is that?"

Chu Yifeng's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help murmuring.

No one speaks.

Because not only him, but several other people have never seen this thing that looks like a stone, but it is clearly not a stone. They are even sure that there has never been such a powerful life essence in the ancient books on the Xuantian Continent. records of things.

Qin Luoyi, who had been meditating with her legs crossed and her eyes closed at the eye of the array, also felt this extremely pure essence of life, and she opened her eyes.

A tender green shoot has emerged from the ground.

There was only one leaf, that leaf was so green and glowing, it seemed to contain an immortal aura, others didn't know what it was, but she knew it.

That is the tree of life.

It is something in Baiyi's storage ring. It has been placed on Baiyi's body and is kept very well by Baiyi. Even if he has no memory, Baiyi seems to know that it is an extremely important thing to him. He put it in the storage space and specially set it up. There are several restrictions to protect it.

After Bai Yi had an epiphany in the ice field, he suddenly remembered something about that thing, and told her that it was the seed of the tree of life, which contained extremely powerful essence of life.

After that, Bai Yi specially added several restrictions on it.

(End of this chapter)

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