Brother is too evil

Chapter 687 Tree of Life

Chapter 687 Tree of Life (1)
Qin Luoyi moved his eyes away from the tiny seedling, and looked at the white clothes standing with his hands behind his back, his eyes looking up at the sky, his eyes were very complicated, and an itchy but indescribable emotion moved her body. My heart is full.

No one knows better than her how much Bai Yi attaches importance to the seed of the tree of life, but now...he wants to urge the tree of life to suppress the joyful bliss in her body!
Pursing her lips, she couldn't help but greet Jin Ruihuang's eighteen generations of ancestors in her heart.

"Close your eyes, don't be distracted!" A whisper sounded in her ears, but Bai Yi had already noticed that she had opened her eyes, and her gaze was drawn back from the distant void, and fell on her: "Life!" The tree of life has begun to germinate, you continue to use dragon energy to forge the body, and with the tree of life, the effect of forging the body will be even better."

"White clothes!"

After hearing his words, Qin Luoyi didn't close her eyes immediately. She rested her elbows on her legs, rested her chin with her palms, parted her red lips and grinned at him: "I didn't expect you to be able to manipulate the passage of time at will now." , Tsk, what a joy to congratulate."

Bai Yi raised his eyebrows, looking at her beautiful face with bright eyes and white teeth, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Thanks to you, I found this fairyland on earth, and it's only been a few days outside, and I don't know how many springs and autumns have passed inside... I have been meditating, and I am enveloped by your god-like light. I've fully realized."

There was a playful smile in Bai Yi's eyes: "Oh... have you realized it? How did you realize it..." The sound of "Oh" dragged on for a long time, obviously not believing it.

Qin Luoyi was sitting, Bai Yi was standing, the two talked like this, Bai Yi looked down at her, she had to look up at Bai Yi, Qin Luoyi suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

She gathered her brocade robe, stood up, faced Bai Yi, and continued solemnly: "I don't think there is anything wrong with that exercise, and it's okay to continue practicing."

There’s nothing wrong with it, except that when you’re cultivating, you’re going to be extremely high, and you need someone to vent your anger on a regular basis, and there’s really nothing else.

"Nonsense." Bai Yi took a deep look at her, then shook his head with a smile and said, "You can't practice that technique, unless you want to be taken away by her again."

The two of them knew who she was referring to.

Qin Luoyi's eyes flickered.

The other things that she didn't intend to continue to practice the Dafa of Joyful Bliss, what Jin Ruihuang forced into her body, could be any good things?It's just that she knows the importance of the tree of life to Bai Yi, and she doesn't want to consume his tree of life because of herself.

Just after breaking out of the shell, the power of life is so pure and powerful, even if you think about it with your knees, you know that the tree of life must be something extremely against the sky, not to mention that Bai Yi has not completely recovered his memory yet.

Isn't it just breaking the kung fu?

She didn't believe that she couldn't find a way to control it in the future, and it would just take more time... The tree of life, it's better not to use it.

Bai Yi had thrown enough at her.

"She can take away my current body if she wants?" Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly and smiled confidently.

White clothes smile.

Qin Luoyi then raised his hand to caress his chin and said: "However, it is always a disaster for that woman to live. Don't you still want to find the source of chaos on Xuantian Continent? We will go with you when the time comes. The source of chaos, I will find a way to find that woman and destroy her."

There was a sharp look in his eyes, obviously he was not joking.

While the two were talking, the four seasons were still controlled by the white clothes and were still changing ratios. The seedlings of the tree of life grew a little higher, and two emerald green leaves grew.

Bai Yi glanced at the tree of life.

Immediately, his eyes fell on Qin Luoyi's body again, but his eyes softened a lot, and he insisted: "I don't worry if Huanjile Dafa is not expelled, and you don't need to feel sorry for the tree of life, for you Removing the blissful bliss method will not exhaust it. After it grows up, just use some branches."

Putting slender fingers like jade on her shoulders, Qin Luoyi sat down involuntarily, struggled, but failed to stand up.

However, if Bai Yi said that only some branches would be used, and they would not really be exhausted, she felt at ease, and she was not so repulsed by the Tree of Life.

When the tree of life grew to a height of more than one meter, other branches began to separate from the main trunk, and hundreds of leaves grew.

At this time, the entire valley was covered by the white mist formed by the condensed spiritual power. Chu Yifeng and others outside the formation could only see the majestic glow and auspicious aura on the tree with their eyes piercing through the white mist Now, Qin Luoyi and Baiyi were completely hidden in the Xiaguang.

Qin Luoyi continued to forge his body with the spiritual power emanating from the veins of the earth and the power of life emanating from the tree of life. His body, which was already extremely strong, became even stronger, whether it was flesh or bones, or even It is the meridians, which have been washed again and again, as if they have been reborn, as if they have gained a new life.

And in this time after time of forging, her skin has become whiter and more delicate, there seems to be no pore visible from top to bottom, her hair is black and shiny, her fingers are green like jade, and her red lips are delicate... The extremely attractive figure has also become more perfect, the place that should be big is big, and the place that should be small is small.

I just sat there quietly with my eyes closed, feeling infinitely charming.

Bai Yi and Qin Luoyi sat cross-legged facing each other. After looking at her for a moment, they suddenly reached out and pinched her face. The corners of their mouths were slightly upturned, revealing the curvature of a crescent moon. , revolving the brilliant brilliance, handsome and charming.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes widened.

Some dizziness.

There was a moment of blankness in my mind.

She was actually touched by Bai Yi!

Is this flirting?
The place that Bai Yi touched was strangely hot... She couldn't control it for a moment, and reflexively stretched out her hand to cover the place Bai Yi touched just now.Seeing that the corners of Bai Yi's lips were raised higher and her eyes were as bright as stars, she put her hands down pretending to be calm.

The heartbeat accelerated slightly.

At this time, the white clothes were wearing a crescent white brocade gown, and the tree of life's radiance shrouded him, and his handsome face was covered with a layer of dazzling brilliance, making him even more magnificent and charming. suave.

"The tenacity of your body is at least ten times stronger than before, and we can start practicing exercises now." Looking at the faint peach blossom-like color on Qin Luoyi's fair and beautiful face, Bai Yi was very excited. It took a lot of self-control to resist not reaching out to caress her face again.

When he stroked the skin on her face just now, the soft and silky touch seemed to be still flowing through his fingertips, which made his heart rippling endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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