Brother is too evil

Chapter 691: Immortal Passage

Chapter 691: Immortal Passage (3)
When Bai Yi came in, Qin Luoyi was cleaning himself in the hot spring pool at the back, and Bai Yi pushed open the door at the back and walked in.

The hot spring pool was full of aura and steaming mist. A figure was standing by the edge of the hot spring pool. He was combing his hair with jet-black hair. His pretty face was fair and tender, and he was clearly cleansed.

Seeing Bai Yi come in, Qin Luoyi raised his brows, a smile flashed in his eyes, he didn't expect that it was Bai Yi who drew tonight.

The black hair was already half-dried, and it hung loose behind her, swaying behind her with the movement of turning around, which made her figure even more graceful and graceful, with infinite charm.

Bai Yi walked over to take the comb at the side, combed her hair carefully, dried it, and hugged her into the inner room.

This night was naturally full of firewood and fire, and the lingering was extremely lingering. After all, Bai Yi had only just had sex for a long time, so he dragged Qin Luoyi to linger hard all night until dawn, and then let her go.

And because of the particularity of Bai Yi's physique, as soon as he touched him, Qin Luoyi immediately surrendered, all he knew was to entangle him tightly and demand nothing.

It was like this several times when they were connected together, and when everything was finally over, she couldn't help it, and asked Bai Yi and the others if this was not normal.

Now that she is not affected by the Hunyuan Dzi Bead or the evil cultivation technique, she still can't control herself, and she absorbs the power from Bai Yi's body like that, no matter how she feels it is very similar to that of picking yang and nourishing yin.

After Bai Yi heard the words, he laughed out loud, leaned close to her ear and said ambiguously, he welcomes her to pick up his yang and nourish his yin every day... But knowing that it would have no effect on Bai Yi, Qin Luoyi finally had no scruples.

Both Jian Mingjin and his wife have spiritual roots, and Jian Mingjin is the head of the Jian family. Although his cultivation talent is not as good as that of Jian Yuyan, who is a chaotic body, he is still very outstanding. Because of the strong spiritual power, he quickly cultivated to the rank of Martial Saint without much help from external forces. You must know that he had stayed in the Grand Master for more than ten years before.

Thinking of the lack of aura in Shenglong Continent, Jian Yuyan persuaded his parents to stay in Xuantian Continent.As for the members of the Jian family, if they are willing to come to Xuantian Continent, they will all move here at that time, and those who do not want to come will not be forced.

As for his son's proposal, Jian Mingjin agreed without thinking too long. This Xuantian Continent is indeed a holy place for cultivation. He might not be able to break through to the Martial Saint if he stayed in the Shenglong Continent for the rest of his life. Being closer, it can also improve the overall cultivation of the husband and wife and even the entire family, which is extremely beneficial to the individual and the entire family.

Back then, if Jian Yuyan hadn't successfully joined the Piaomiao sect, how could the Jian family have come to Xuantian Continent one day?
In the current Xuantian Continent, the Qin family occupies one region, the Huangfu family occupies another region, the Feng family, the Duanmu family, and the Tuoba family also occupy one region, and Qin Luoyi also occupies one region, no... two regions, Bai Yi Give Qin Luoyi all the domain of the Liu family that he got back then.

Qin Luoyi and Jian Yuyan personally chose several places for the Jian family. Regardless of which area, the spiritual power is extremely strong, and there are dragon veins underground. It is a good place for cultivation, and it is also a good place for establishing a sect.

Qin Luoyi also spared time to accompany the two old people with Jian Yuyan and went to those places to see them all. As expected, they were all good places. Finally, he chose two and was going to decide between the two. A place to grow as the future of the Jane family.

When Huangfu Yan found out about this, he directly dragged him to the capital of Huangfu's family.

"Where else should I look for? Our place is very good. It just so happens that your father and I can be companions. Let's practice together. You don't have to worry about your parents. It's better to be with Luoyi. Hehe, let's have a baby as soon as possible." People come out."

Huangfuyan is now able to cultivate, and the speed of cultivation is much faster. Ever since Qin Luoyi was able to refine fifteenth-level pills, she specially searched for many spiritual plants for him, and refined a fifteenth-level elixir. The first-order healing pill has completely repaired the damage in his body caused by his obsession, and now he can practice like before.

Huangfuyan likes Jian Yuyan very much, that's why he accepted her as a adopted son at the beginning. Although this has something to do with Jian Yuyan's chaotic body, if he didn't like him and he was pleasing to the eye, he would have been mad at the beginning, even if he was a member of the Huangfu family. There is no one in the territory to inherit and protect, and he will not pass on his cultivation to Jian Yuyan, not to mention Huangfuyan and several other disciples, who are actually extremely outstanding.

Maybe it's Ai Wu Ji Wu, Huangfu Yan and Jian Mingjin can also get along very well, this is obvious to both Jian Yuyan and Qin Luoyi, seeing Huangfu Yan's happy expression, the two also feel that they live in the domain of Huangfu's family Not bad, but I still plan to ask what Jian Mingjin means in private.

After all, if they want to live in the future.

Jian Mingjin himself gets along very well with Huangfu Yan, not to mention that he is closer to Huangfu Yan. The two of them practice together. In the future, they can ask Huangfu Yan if they have any questions. Jian Mingjin quickly agreed and seemed very happy .

Huangfuyan chose an excellent place in Baihu City not far from Qinglong City, the capital, as the place where Jian's family settled down, and then assigned many people to start building the house, while Jian Yuyan and Jian Mingjin were going to wait here After everything is ready, go back to the Holy Dragon Continent to pick up all the people from Jane's family.

As the emperor of a country, Emperor Chu actually has spiritual roots and can cultivate, and he has broken through the first level after being here for nearly a month. Now he has reached the cultivation level of a great master, but he is Chu The emperor of the country, unlike Jian Mingjin, cannot stay here for a long time. He is already preparing to return to the Shenglong Continent.

Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng accompanied him to see him farewell in Xiaoyaolou, the largest restaurant in Kaiyang City. Chu Huang looked at the two people who were sitting across from him with infinite affection and tacit understanding, and sighed in his heart. Take a breath.

Decided to give it a go.

As the saying goes, children and grandchildren have their own blessings.

When he first came here, he could not accept that Chu Yifeng wanted to serve a maid with someone else. Chu Yifeng is the prince of Chu. Although he has been practicing in Xuantian Continent these years, the prince He reserved the throne, even the throne for him.

He even secretly decided that after a few years, he will completely tidy up the countries that were newly incorporated into Chu State, and then call him back and give him the throne. It's almost... I didn't expect that he fell in love with Qin Luoyi, and even came to Xuantian University because of him.

But after seeing Feng Feili Baiyi and others during the big wedding, the unacceptable thoughts in my heart faded a bit.

(End of this chapter)

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