Brother is too evil

Chapter 692 Finding the Wrong Direction

Chapter 692 Finding the Wrong Direction (1)
Qin Luoyi's several husbands are all dragons among men with extraordinary identities. He knows that his son is good, but if he wants to defeat these people, it is really impossible to embrace a beauty alone...Since this is his Choice, he respects his choice.

There is also Qin Luoyi, who was unparalleled in the limelight because of her miraculous alchemy skills when she was in the Shenglong Continent, and was lucky enough to be a disciple of Penglai Xiandao. Even now, when people on the mainland talk about her, they are still amazed and envious. Unexpectedly, in just a few years, her cultivation base and alchemy skills have become even more perverted, and she has already stood at the top of Xuantian Continent and Penglai Immortal Island!

Of course, his son is not bad either.

His eyes fell on Chu Yifeng, and the pride in his eyes could not be concealed.His son is already a peak monk in the Zifu!With his current cultivation base, he is a character who would shake the entire continent three times if he stomped his feet on Xuantian Continent. He is proud of this son.

Chu Yifeng poured a glass of wine for his father himself.

"Father, after you go back, practice hard, and then choose one of my younger brothers to inherit your lineage. When you think about it, your son will come to pick you up to Xuantian Continent. If you don't want to part with your younger brothers and your mother Concubines, living on the Holy Dragon Continent is the same, and the speed of cultivation with those crystal stones will not be slower than that on the Xuantian Continent." Seeing his father's joy, there was a touch of reluctance to hide, Chu Yifeng smiled and comforted.

Then he talked a lot about the cultural customs of Xuantian Continent, and even told jokes, until Emperor Chu was aroused and temporarily forgot about Lichou, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Not only did Chu Yifeng give the Emperor Chu a lot of crystals for him to practice, but Qin Luoyi also took the crystals obtained from the fire domain, and the crystals containing strong life essence obtained from Tianzhi Peak. A lot of them came out and gave them to the Emperor Chu.

The three of them were drinking and talking in Xiaoyao Pavilion, because they were sitting by the window facing the street. When Shangguan Qiuyu and his daughter, who had been living in Kaiyang City, came back from outside the city, After passing by, seeing them, Shangguan Hong's eyes lit up, and hurriedly walked in from the outside to kowtow to Emperor Chu and Chu Yifeng.

Look very respectful.

Shangguan Qiuyu silently followed behind him without speaking.Qin Luoyi's eyes turned around the two of them, and quickly moved away.

Chu Yifeng's eyes were slightly cold.

The expression of paying respects to Shangguan Hong was indifferent, he only nodded in response and stopped talking, his attention fell on Chu Huang, pouring the best wine in Xiaoyao Tower for Chu Huang from time to time, the wine was mellow and delicious, but Not drunk.

Shangguan Hong spoke respectfully to Emperor Chu, knowing that he was about to leave, he couldn't hide his disappointment in his eyes, and his mind was spinning quickly, thinking about how to get in touch with Chu Yifeng.

Their father and daughter are unaccompanied in Xuantian Continent, and they don't know many people. The relationship with Jian's family is only average, and their cultivation level is also low. can crush them to pieces.

With Chu Yifeng as the backer, it will be different.

He is a disciple of the Qin family, he is also the husband of Qin Luoyi, and he is a top cultivator in the Zifu... With such a cultivation level, in the eyes of those who have not cultivated the Xuanfu, they are like gods.

As for taking on Qin Luoyi with a higher level of cultivation... He didn't even dare to think about it.He hadn't forgotten the grudge between his daughter and Qin Luoyi back then, I'm afraid Qin Luoyi hadn't forgotten either, his daughter was so angry that she couldn't bear to bow her head first.

Thinking of this, he secretly sighed.

He racked his brains to flatter the Emperor of Chu, and of course he didn't let Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng fall behind, but Chu Yifeng's expression was still indifferent, and the powerful aura emanating from the peak monk of the Zifu made him feel uncomfortable at all. He dared to step forward to answer presumptuously, and his expression became a little anxious.

Chu Huang saw all this in his eyes.

But he pretended not to know.

After talking for a while, he signaled them to back down.In view of the fact that Miracle Doctor Valley has refined many pills for the Chu royal family in those years, it is already an exception for him to agree to his request and bring him to Xuantian Continent. As for what happened to them when they arrived in Xuantian Continent , it's none of his business.

This is not his territory, and he will not care about them anymore, not to mention that he has long seen that his son and Qin Luoyi are not happy with the two father and daughter, so it is even more impossible for them to ask Chu Yifeng to take care of them.

In the end, Shangguan Hong, father and daughter, left in great disappointment.

Walking out of the Xiaoyao Building, looking back at the direction of the Xiaoyao Building, Shangguan Hong hesitated for a moment, and said in a low voice: "Qiu Yu, although this Xuantian Continent is good, I don't think it's a place where we can stay safely... just as the Emperor Chu wanted to Go back, why don't you go and beg for your father again, let's go back with Emperor Chu."

At any rate, when they arrive on the Holy Dragon Continent, they will be flattered and flattered by others, but it is better than being looked down upon here, and their lives may be lost at any time.They couldn't rely on the big tree of Emperor Chu and the prince, he had already fully understood just now.

In the one month since they came to Xuantian Continent, they have already seen the dark side among monks, they are indifferent and cruel. They are considered casual cultivators who are so helpless, and they are still low-level casual cultivators. Team up with other casual cultivators to kill monsters and pick Lingzhi, and they look down on them.

Both of them are good at alchemy, but he is old, and the alchemy at this age is only at the sixth level. Those better sects don't like it at all. As for Shangguan Qiuyu, it is not easy for her to enter the sect with good aptitude. Well, she looked down on those smaller sects, and said that if she joined such a sect, she would never be able to achieve anything in this life.

Because there is no support behind them, they have been in danger several times this month, and they even got away with Chu Yifeng's name once.

"No!" Shangguan Qiuyu turned her head abruptly when she heard the words, staring at him with a strange fire flickering in her eyes, with a strong sense of unwillingness: "If you want to go back, you can go back alone. Since you have come to Xuantian Continent, don't Chuang is also a piece of heaven and earth, I will never go back to the Holy Dragon Continent!"

She didn't believe it, she was really not as good as Qin Luoyi in this life, Qin Luoyi was just luckier than her, hmph, she is still young now, just practice slowly, one day, she will also stand at the top of the world , Let the world look up!

Putting these words aside, Shangguan Qiuyu didn't care what Shangguan Hong's expression was, and walked past him with his legs, heading towards the city gate.

Snow fell like goose feathers in the sky, one after another, and soon wrapped Kaiyang City's silver makeup, and it was all silvery outside. Qin Luoyi looked at the direction where Shangguan Qiuyu left from the window, hooked his lips, and smiled .With her current cultivation base, even if she doesn't listen deliberately, she can still hear the words of the two father and daughter.

That night, Emperor Chu went back. It was Qin Luoyi and Chu Yifeng who tore through the void and sent him back directly. After sending Emperor Chu back, Chu Yifeng became excited.Looking at Qin Luoyi, his eyes were extremely hot.

(End of this chapter)

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