Chapter 699
Looking at Jin Ruihuang who was talking to himself, the corners of Qin Luoyi's eyes twitched fiercely.Jin Ruihuang's eyes fell on her again.

A hot light flashed in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes narrowed dangerously, and he sneered, seeing Jin Ruihuang like this, it's clear that he hasn't given up the idea of ​​taking her home!
"Qin Luoyi, your Chaos Dzi Bead is mine, and the sky-shading bracelet is also mine. You have owned it long enough, and now you should return it to its original owner!" Jin Ruihuang looked at her and said with a smile on her face. It was enchanting, but the smile clearly didn't reach the eyes at all.

"Your? You said it's yours, so it's yours?" Qin Luoyi looked at her with a half-smile and said, "Your name is engraved on it, or you can call it well... You really don't want it Face, when you look at other people's things, you either say harsh words and let people give it to you, or you just say it's yours... Tsk, it's really shameless to be a human being like you, oh, I forgot, you are not human in the first place , I don’t even have a physical body, so I have to speak human words. Let me tell you, this thing is mine now, and I’ve let it be my master, so don’t mess around with them.”

Feng Feili looked at her playful smile that was so fleshless, he felt itchy in his heart, he smiled so wickedly with his lips curled up, and gently stroked his chin.

Duanmu Changqing also looked at Qin Luoyi dotingly, and even Bai Yi turned his head to look at her, only to feel that her dark eyes were like gems, shining brightly, and the light inside was radiant, even Standing under the tree of life, the brilliance radiating from her body is no less than that of the tree of life.

"Think you're the master?" Jin Ruihuang suppressed the murderous aura in his heart, as if he had heard some extremely funny joke, he laughed loudly: "It's my thing, I've already recognized me as the master, you want them to recognize me as the master?" You are the master? Dreaming! I will let you see now, whether it recognizes you or recognizes me!"

Raising her hand, a black ray of light flashed across her fingertips, instantly turning into a black lotus flower, and soon the black lotus flower enveloped her whole body, and she softly drank: " rise!"

Qin Luoyi looked at her with a half-smile.

It was as if she was performing some juggling.

Jin Ruihuang's complexion changed.

The expressions of the two men following her also changed. They couldn't help but look at each other, and then quickly looked away.

The black lotus on Jin Ruihuang's body was even worse, and he drank again, but Qin Luoyi still didn't respond, and the source of chaos and the sky-shading bracelet that were supposed to fly towards her were still firmly on her body. body.

Qin Luoyi was very calm.

Ever since she knew that the two heaven-defying things on her body belonged to Jin Ruihuang, she had been bothered about these two things, and spent many years erasing the possible imprints on them, but the facts proved that she succeeded .

Jin Ruihuang can no longer summon these two things at will.

Thinking that some of the white clothes were used in the Hunyuan Dzi Bead, but there are still many sources of chaos left, and the bracelet space that can put living people and living things in it, she immediately felt very happy.

Jin Ruihuang was the exact opposite of her.

I was angry and angry in my heart.

Those two things were deliberately lowered by her, so that she could return to the fairy world in the future and climb to the peak that everyone looked up to.

She tried a few more times.

Still no response.

"How is it possible?" She had already recognized the owners of those two things, so how could there be no reaction?Jin Ruihuang glanced at Qin Luoyi in surprise, then at Bai Yi and the tree of life.

The tree of life has turned dark purple in just this moment!

She knew it was coming of age.

It was even faster than she expected!Xuanyuanqing... No, she must not let Xuanyuanqing wait until the tree of life matures... Thinking of this, she felt ruthless, and she had to act ahead of time for some things!
She wants a phoenix dish!

Success or failure is here!
"The Gate of Time and Space!"


Jin Ruihuang let out a soft drink, a powerful and dazzling light suddenly radiated from his body, and it went straight to the four directions, breaking through the sky, the void suddenly became violently turbulent, and dozens of cracks appeared in the sky, from which it seemed to be able to see to another world.

It was just a situation in another world, but everyone around Tianzhi Peak was stunned.There is a bloody world there, and tragedies are happening in every gate of time and space, just like the formations created by ghost monks back then, a huge and terrifying silver light tripod hangs in every sky.

And under each silver light tripod, dozens of huge silver beams of light shot out. In the city covered by those silver beams of light, there were thousands of human bodies exploding continuously. The formations went away, and above each formation, a figure emerged, looking down proudly and disdainfully.

Those people were all men, they didn't look very old, they were all handsome and graceful, with a smile on their faces, but they were doing the cruelest things.The Xuantian Continent back then was lucky, because with Qin Luoyi and Baiyi, even if some cities suffered disasters, they were quickly stopped...Compared to the ones I saw in front of me, it is much better!
Without Baiyi and Qin Luoyi, everything in front of them today would have happened around them... The monks who had come to Lingzhi turned red in an instant, and roared angrily: "Witch, kill her! Kill her!" !"

"Haha!" Facing the monks clamoring to kill him, Jin Ruihuang laughed enchantingly: "If you want to kill my palace master, you are not worthy!"

It was so easy to kill these ant-like humans, they were not worth her trouble at all.At this time, she was full of light, and no one could get close to her, and the opened door of time and space became very large in the blink of an eye. The door rushed over quickly.

The gate of time and space has not been closed.

Dozens of silver lights shot out from the huge formations on each light tripod are still absorbing the rich blood energy from the other side of the gate of time and space. After the breath absorbed the blood essence, it became more and more powerful.

"You guys go and kill him!" Jin Ruihuang pointed at Bai Yi with a sharp voice full of inexplicable anger, then pointed at Qin Luoyi and sneered: "I still have use for that body, kill her, but don't hurt that body." With a body!"

"Yes! I respect the order of the Palace Master!"

As soon as Jin Ruihuang's words fell, the situation on Tianzhi Peak changed again. A dozen young men who had been staying on the silver formation had murderous looks on their faces, and instantly divided into two teams. Qin Luoyi surrounded him, and the rest of them rushed towards Baiyi.

Qin Luoyi and Baiyi were surrounded in an instant, and the terrifying and fierce attacks came one after another like a tide, and soon they disappeared, only a dazzling silver light shining continuously.

(End of this chapter)

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