Chapter 700
"Hehe, Xuanyuanqing, I really don't want you to die, but... if there is really only one of us who can live, you should die! This time, I will make you never resurrect again!" Jin Ruihuang, who was successfully surrounded by his own people in white, muttered to himself, his eyes bewitching and seductive.

If it wasn't for the fact that the tree of life was about to mature much sooner than she expected, she wouldn't have activated the gate of time and space in advance, which was her last trump card.Even she herself rushed over from another interface because she felt the strange breath of the tree of life.

Her soul power has not yet reached its peak, and the time for her to wake up from the Hunyuan Dzi is still too short. If she can be given a few more months, everything will be different... The eyes with hidden pity are on again. Skimming over the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

If there are a few more months, with the support of countless monks' blood essence, the strength of her contractors will not only return to the previous state, but also reach the peak state in the lower realm!
These people were the ones who annoyed her and were severely punished by her to enter the lower realms. She never expected that they would come in handy after countless years, and because she accidentally got back the Qiankun Tianshi and let them be used by her at the same time.

The tree of life has not yet matured, the combined combat power of these people, and the help of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation... She is confident that she can defeat Bai Yi.

"Damn woman!"

Seeing that Bai Yi and Qin Luoyi were besieged by men with the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation at the same time, Jian Yuyan's face became extremely ugly, and he shouted angrily, wanting to rush in to help, but was stopped outside the formation.

Feng Feili, Chu Yifeng and others also rushed over quickly.

Mr. Qin also rushed over.

Even old man Feng Jin, Qin Mo, Qin Mu, Head Master Ge and the others rushed over, Dahei, Heidi, Tsing Yi Puppet, Demon Emperor... Everyone joined forces, and waves of terrifying attacks were directed at the formation. They went up to shoot, but still failed to slap the formation away. The positions occupied by the dozens of Heaven-devouring Blood Formation actually formed a strange formation. The formation is at least dozens of times stronger!
Jin Ruihuang was tightly protected by those formations, making it impossible for them to catch her and threaten others.Those formations are still absorbing blood essence from the other side of time and space.

"We can't let them absorb the blood essence anymore!" Duanmu Changqing, who couldn't rush in, forced himself to calm down.

Qin Tian nodded in agreement, his handsome face was extremely gloomy: "In any case, their gate of time and space must be destroyed. Even if we can't rush in to help them for a while, the people who destroyed Jin Ruihuang, the gate of time and space, have no follow-up power, so we can relieve the pressure." The pressure from Luoyi and Baiyi!"

Jian Yuyan and the others not only cultivated the spirit flower, but also because they practiced in Tianmen Cave and felt the mystery of that day. In the enchantment that slows down time, it has been practiced for more than a hundred years. Naturally, he has made great progress, and has already vaguely touched some of the mysteries of the time-space barrier.

And because they wanted to find Jin Ruihuang and destroy them, they practiced very hard, and they often sparred with Qin Tian and the others. A pair of three, all of them headed towards the gate of time and space as quickly as lightning.

One person guards the gate of time and space to prevent it from being suddenly closed, while the other two rush to the other side of the gate without hesitation, find out the cities where the heaven-devouring blood formation is placed, and destroy the formations one by one .

The energy of blood essence absorbed by the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation decreased rapidly.

Jin Ruihuang, who had been standing within the defensive power of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation, had also been absorbing the blood energy. Seeing that the formation he had worked so hard to arrange was destroyed, he couldn't help being extremely angry, snorted coldly, and said to himself The two men beside him ordered.

"Go! Kill them!"

The two men hesitated for a moment, they saw Jin Ruihuang's gloomy face out of the corner of their eyes, so they had to rush out quickly, one of them rushed up a gate of time and space, and met Chu Yifeng and Feng Feili who were guarding the gate of time and space .

Chu Yifeng and Feng Feili, who were guarding the gate of time and space, were not at ease at this time. They had been resisting the fierce attack of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation against them. Tightly guarding the gate of time and space, with a fierce look in his eyes, he became more and more courageous as he fought, and he was not at a disadvantage in the slightest.

All the cultivators on Tianzhi Peak hated the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation so much, they all rushed over to help out. The sound of killing shook the sky, and soon the two cultivators were chopped into flesh, and their souls were completely scattered. At that time, the two gates of time and space guarded by Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng no longer had blood essence entering the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

Obviously the formation inside has been completely destroyed.

"A group of ants dare to ruin my business!" Jin Ruihuang was extremely angry, with a strange light shining in his eyes, and shouted sharply: "The gate of time and space! Close!"

He actually wanted to close the two gates of time and space while the people inside had just destroyed the formation and hadn't come out yet.The powerful force instantly turned many monks around into blood mist.

It's just that the gate of time and space failed to close at the first time. Both Chu Yifeng and Feng Feili resisted for a while, and only jumped out of the gate of time and space after the people inside came out.

Immediately afterwards, several Heaven-devouring Blood Arrays were unable to absorb the blood essence energy from another time and space, and Jin Ruihuang's face turned blue. Unexpectedly, after not seeing each other for a few months, the monks on this continent have all grown up. become so powerful.

Seeing the remaining five Heaven-devouring Blood Arrays, she stomped her feet fiercely, and wanted to rush out. After taking half a step, she saw that the tree of life had become more purple, and stopped abruptly... while continuing Quickly absorbing the blood essence energy in the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation, while personally manipulating the Heaven-devouring Blood Formation to attack them.

Many monks who helped guard the Gate of Time and Space lost their lives, but no one flinched. Everyone's eyes were extremely firm at this time, and there was a gleam of hatred in Jin Ruihuang's eyes.Soon, the remaining five Heaven-devouring Blood Formation's silver beams of light absorbing the color of blood essence all disappeared.

It's a long story, in fact, since Chu Yifeng and the others entered the gate of time and space to destroy the formations, and now all the formations have been destroyed, it is only a short period of time. Seeing the formations that I have worked hard for a year Jin Ruihuang couldn't bear the fact that the law was completely destroyed by people in such a short period of time, and decided to eliminate these people first no matter what, otherwise she would not be able to dispel her anger.

"Go to hell you guys!"

She rushed out of the defense of the Heaven Devouring Blood Formation.

Chu Yifeng and the others looked at her expressionlessly, but their eyes were full of murderous intent, and they were ready to fight.



But before Jin Ruihuang rushed in front of them, two loud bangs suddenly came from the sky and the earth, followed by violent fluctuations of spiritual power like a tsunami. The Heaven Devouring Blood Formation instantly turned into nothingness, leaving only a monstrous mist of blood filling the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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