Brother is too evil

Chapter 701 Ascension

Chapter 701 Ascension (1)
Jin Ruihuang turned her head sharply.

There are two figures standing proudly in the blood mist, who is it not Qin Luoyi and Bai Yi?
"Not dead... how is it possible!"

Not only did he not die, but he didn't even seem to be injured!There were originally a dozen or so men who attacked the two of them, but now there are only less than two-thirds left, and all the men who survived have pale faces, bleeding from the corners of their lips, expressions of shock and fear , obviously seriously injured.

"It's Miss Qin!"

"And Mr. Bai!"

"Great, they're all right!"

"It's bad luck for that female devil now! The lackeys who killed her, the blood debts owed by these beasts are countless!"

The monks were excited and rushed towards the remaining ten or so people. Chu Yifeng and others saw that Qin Luoyi and Baiyi were fine, so they let go of their concerns and decided to kill these people first, so as not to After a while, some monster moths will appear again.

Dahei, Heidi, and the puppet in Tsing Yi, who have experienced countless thunder disasters, are now horribly cultivated. One person, two beasts and one puppet rushed over, instantly entangled the two of them, and the two of them had no choice but to parry Without the strength to fight back, they were quickly wiped out by Dahei and the others.

"A bunch of trash!"

"A bunch of trash!"

Jin Ruihuang yelled several times, the blood in his heart was churning violently, he did not expect to get the heavenly stone by accident, and meticulously found these people from another interface, so many people joined forces, they trapped Xuanyuanqing countless times!

The white clothes gracefully walked towards him, the white clothes fluttered, looking at her with unfathomable eyes, for some reason, Jin Ruihuang actually felt guilty when he looked at her.

Qin Luoyi also walked over.

What he held in his hand was a purple long sword transformed with the power of the five spirit flowers. The long sword was crystal clear, the sword energy was like a rainbow, and the eyes were like knives.

Jin Ruihuang, who was stared at by her, almost couldn't help backing away.The coercion emanating from Qin Luoyi's body at this time actually made her feel abnormally dangerous.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the tree of life not far away had completely turned dark purple, and the life energy on it surged even more violently. She knew that this was a sign that the tree of life was about to mature, and she was delighted. .

Qiangzi suppressed the steps that wanted to retreat, and instead rushed to the tree of life with a stride. When she rushed to the tree, the tree of life was completely mature. The tree was full of dazzling brilliance, and a green A stone-like thing fell from the top of the tree of life.

Qin Luoyi had an intuition that the thing could not fall into Jin Ruihuang's hands. She stomped her feet fiercely, and her body rushed over like lightning, trying to block her. The tree of life is made of white clothes, of course only white clothes can do it. Get something on the tree of life.

Jin Ruihuang didn't even look at her, he laughed, and the spiritual storm in his hand shot out, trying to pick up the green stone-like thing, but it avoided her, and went straight towards the white clothes , fell into the hand of Bai Yi who stretched out his hand and looked like a smile but not a smile, the powerful life energy of the tree of life also fell from the tree, and all flew into Bai Yi's body.

Although Jin Ruihuang was very close to the tree of life, he didn't catch even a single bit of divine brilliance.

Qin Luoyi was stunned.

Immediately, his face burst into a smile, his eyes narrowed, and his eyes looking at the white clothes were shining brightly, shining with dazzling brilliance like colored glass.

"No... how could this happen, it's impossible!" Jin Ruihuang went crazy, watching the divine brilliance on the tree enter Bai Yi's body quickly, she roared, and rushed towards the tree of life. As if he had his own consciousness, he took the initiative to avoid her and still went to Bai Yi.

After a while, all the leaves on the tree of life disappeared, leaving only one main branch, full of purple light, ten thousand rays of sunlight, and divine splendor blooming.

Jin Ruihuang couldn't grab the tree of life, and felt that the aura on Bai Yi's body became more and more unpredictable, and his heart jumped wildly. When he saw the men who were still under siege, he raised his hand and grabbed them. They came over and began to suck their soul power: "Hmph, in vain I brought you into the lower realm tens of thousands of years ago, and didn't take your lives. I didn't expect that even if I asked you to do something today, you would not succeed. , something that is more than a scandal, since this is the case, what do I leave you guys with!"

In an instant, under the unbelievable and desperate gazes of all the men, he absorbed all the strength in their bodies, and then quickly rushed towards Qin Luoyi, trying to snatch Qin Luoyi's body by surprise, then The body is suitable for her to seize the house, and if she takes ten thousand steps back, there are Hunyuan Dzi Beads and the Sky-Blocking Bracelet in it, even if there is any eventuality...she is not afraid!
The slender palm in white raised.

A powerful barrier stood in front of her, blocking her way. Jin Ruihuang conceived a long sword in his hand, trying to split the barrier, but failed, and took out the Heavenly Stone Come on, if you want to hide your soul inside, the Qiankun Tianshi can not only hide the breath, but also as long as her soul power reaches a certain state, it can pass through all space barriers and get those people from other time and space. Come here, relying on this Qiankun Tianshi.

But this time she failed to penetrate into the Qiankun Tianshi, no, she did, but the Qiankun Tianshi not only failed to become invisible, but also could not penetrate the barrier. Jin Ruihuang dashed left and right for a while, I had to run out in frustration.

"You don't need to waste your energy in vain." Bai Yi said, the voice was clear and clear, obviously not loud, but it seemed to be heard from far away, with an extremely powerful coercion, making people involuntarily want to surrender to him underfoot.

At this time, he was still bathed in the divine brilliance of the tree of life. He had a handsome face and a majestic aura, as if a god had descended into the world. He looked at Jin Ruihuang indifferently. The sleeves fluttered, as if the sparkling water waves were rippling with the wind, and the already tall figure became more slender, tall and straight, dignified and extraordinary.

Soon all the divine brilliance on the tree of life was absorbed by him, and when the purple trunk disappeared, a square thing flew out from the trunk, heading towards the white clothes.

"The World Seal!"

Qin Luoyi let out a low cry.Looking at Bai Yi with a complicated expression, he didn't realize that something they couldn't find anywhere was actually inside the tree of life.

An extremely excited look appeared on Jin Ruihuang's face: "The World Seal!"

She wanted to rush over to grab it, but when she saw the gleaming white clothes covering her body, she finally had a sliver of self-knowledge, so she didn't dare to go over.She knew that as soon as she passed by, Bai Yi... no, Xuanyuan Qing would definitely kill her!

Holding the World Palm Seal in his hand, Bai Yi walked towards Jin Ruihuang. It seemed that the power of the Great Dao was activated as he walked. His powerful aura permeated the air. He didn't deliberately exert coercion, but there was still a great coercion Seeing through the body, the eyes looking at Jin Ruihuang were cold and full of evil spirit.

(End of this chapter)

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