Brother is too evil

Chapter 705 You Never Have to Be Afraid of Me

Chapter 705 You Never Have to Be Afraid of Me (1)
Secretly annoyed that he was only a mysterious demon, and he was afraid that he would not be able to enter the eyes of the Great Demon Lord. If he was also a Demon Lord... If he met the Great Demon Lord today, if he also got the blue eyes of the Great Demon Lord and sent this Black Moon Token, it would be like the Great Demon Lord. As the devil said, let alone the lord of a city in the future, it is possible to be the lord of a domain.

The people who followed the Great Demon Lord were also a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiao just met once, and he didn't even check the woman's background thoroughly, so he used the Black Moon Order to recruit this woman.

Among them, there were only two people who were solemnly invited by the Great Demon Lord Hei Yueling, and the rest of them had performed their own hard work and made great achievements in battle, so they were paid by the Great Demon Lord Qingyan.

Qin Luoyi looked at the Black Moon Token, and the corners of her eyes twitched fiercely. Although she had never seen this token, she had heard of it. It was sent in the name of the emperor, if she didn't accept it, she might have to turn against these people immediately, and with so many people on the other side, it was obviously the most unwise choice.

In the blink of an eye, she had already made a balance in her heart, and she stretched out her hand to take Hei Yueling over.The Black Moon Token is refined from a special kind of magic stone in the Demon Realm. It is warm and moist, and its shape is a black half moon, which is very true to its name.

She looked down at Hei Yueling, and many thoughts flashed through her mind, thinking about how to get out at this time.

Maybe it's because the thunder calamity advanced in the demon world is too powerful, and even the sky-shielding bracelet can't block the thunder calamity. Unlike before, she can survive the spiritual flower calamity in the bracelet, and there will be no thunder calamity in the outside world... Ever since she ascended into the Demon Realm, every time she advances, she can only advance outside the space of the bracelet.

Of course, it can also be in the bracelet space, but the bracelet can't cover the thunder calamity. Even if she finds the most secret place during the thunder calamity, it's hard to guarantee that she won't be discovered. The bracelet is crossing the catastrophe... Things will explode.

Seeing Qin Luoyi accepting the Black Moon Order, a satisfied smile flashed across Lu Xiao's eyes, and his gaze swept across her delicate face.

A middle-aged man behind Lian Qi looked at Qin Luoyi with a very strange expression, but he only dared to look at it quietly. Qin Luoyi is now the cultivation level of the Demon Lord, and he has just been promoted to the Xuanmo That's all.

After watching for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, but his expression was even more shocked, and he couldn't help but muttered: "She has actually become a Demon Lord, how is it possible?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Lian Qi quickly scolded, the woman in front of her was invited by the Great Demon Monarch, and now there is no room for anyone to be slighted.

Lu Xiao looked back at them.

He looked at Qin Luoyi again.

There was a hint of playfulness in the long and narrow eagle eyes, and there was also a touch of inquiry, and he smiled and said: "You tell me, why can't she be promoted to the Demon King?"

Qin Luoyi glanced at the man who spoke.

His expression was indifferent.

The man who was reprimanded by Lian Qi and personally questioned by the great demon lord Lu Xiao hurriedly bowed and replied: "My lord, this subordinate is not saying that the blue devil can't be promoted to the devil, but that he shocked the blue devil. The speed of cultivation is too astonishing, to be promoted again in a short period of time."

"Oh?" Lu Xiao raised his brows, "Have you met Lord Lan Mo before?"

"Yes, this subordinate was lucky enough to meet Lord Lan Mojun in Star Demon City three years ago. At that time, Lord Lan Mojun was crossing the Great Tribulation of Earth Demon..." Having said that, he looked at Qin Luoyi again.

There was still excitement in his eyes.

In the demon world, the earth demons are divided into three levels, the elementary level of the earth demons, the middle level of the earth demons, and the high level of the earth demons. After successfully surviving the terrifying thirteenth heavenly calamity, it means that they have officially entered the elementary level of the earth demons. On top of the Earth Demons, there is also the Mystic Demons. The Mystic Demons are also divided into junior high school and high school level three, and after that is the fifteenth level of Thunder Tribulation of the advanced Demon Lord!
If a general monk wants to advance from the elementary level of the earth demon to the intermediate level of the earth demon, no matter how talented the cultivation is, it will take thousands of years, or even more, and some even tens of thousands of years cannot advance to the rank!
And the Blue Demon Lord in front of him, in just three short years, has surpassed several levels of cultivation from the Earth Demon, and has cultivated to the current level of Demon Lord, how could he not be surprised?
"three years ago?"

As soon as his words fell, everyone looked at Qin Luoyi in shock. Even the light in Lu Xiao's eyes was astonishingly bright. He turned his back to other people, and others couldn't see the shocked expression on his face. Yi clearly saw it.

"No wonder my lord wants to send the Black Moon Token." Everyone marveled at how extraordinary the Great Demon Lord is. Not only is his cultivation strong, but his ability to recognize people is also extremely powerful. He can spot a person with such a perverted cultivation at a glance.

It takes three years to advance from Old Demon to Great Demon Lord. There are dozens of people here, but no one has ever done this, and they have never heard of it.

The Water Demon City is located in the north of the Demon Realm. In the extremely vast Demon Realm, it occupies only tens of thousands of miles. It can only be regarded as an extremely small town, but this is compared to the entire Demon Realm.Compared with the lower realms, the area under the jurisdiction of the Water Demon City is already quite large. In the Water Demon City alone, there are hundreds of thousands of demon cultivators.

It was the first time for Qin Luoyi to come to the Water Demon City. When she arrived in the city, she looked indifferent and didn't care about anything. In fact, she let go of her consciousness and imprinted the entire layout of the Water Demon City into her heart.

The people who followed Lu Xiao along the way all looked at her with strange and fiery eyes, even Lu Xiao was also observing her in a vague way, and she knew that all these came from the man's words just now.

Three years of training from an old demon to a demon lord is indeed a bit astonishing.

She has tried to keep a low profile every time she advances, and three years ago, she did not cultivate from the earth demon to the demon king, but directly from the scattered demon to the demon king after ascension.

It's just that she wouldn't take the initiative to mention such things. She had tried her best to be careful when she was promoted before. Every time she was promoted, she used the sky-shading bracelet to leave as soon as possible. She didn't expect to meet Lu Xiao and his party today... Fortunately, she is now a demon king, and she has some confidence to walk on this demon continent.

Lian Qi arranged them all in the City Lord's Mansion of Water Demon City.

The City Lord's Mansion is very large, and Lian Qi arranged a courtyard for Qin Luoyi alone, and the place where Lu Xiao lived was naturally the best in the entire City Lord's Mansion. Lu Xiao stood in front of the window and looked in Qin Luoyi's direction, with his eagle eyes Shining sharply, he beckoned for someone to find the magic cultivator who had seen Qin Luoyi advance three years ago.

Qin Luoyi took the opportunity to freshen up, and then meditated for a while.

When she came out again, it was already dark and the willows were on the moon. Lian Qi prepared a luxurious feast to welcome Lu Xiao, and came to ask her to go out to the banquet in person.Qin Luoyi naturally didn't want to go and refused, but he didn't expect that after a while, Lu Xiao, who was the Great Demon King, would come in person.

(End of this chapter)

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