Brother is too evil

Chapter 706 You Never Have to Be Afraid of Me

Chapter 706 You Never Have to Be Afraid of Me (2)
As a last resort, she had to go out to show her face, and this face was quite big. The people who came to the banquet included not only the dozen or so people who followed Lu Xiao, but also those very prominent figures in Water Demon City.

She went in with Lu Xiao, and when everyone greeted Lu Xiao respectfully, they naturally greeted her who was new to him.Lu Xiao asked her to sit in the first seat on his right, which attracted many people's attention.

There were many beautiful and young female nuns among the people who came.

Sitting there, she could even feel those nuns looking at her with envy and envy, and couldn't help but smile in her heart.

A great demon king is really popular no matter where he goes, especially in front of female cultivators, and to be honest, this Lu Xiao is not bad looking.It's no wonder that he, who was sitting closest to Lu Xiao, became the stare of all the female cultivators.

Even the two female cultivators who followed Lian Qi also appeared, and kept scratching their heads to get Du Xiao's attention, but unfortunately it didn't work. Naturally, Lu Xiao couldn't see the excitement of being successfully seduced by them on the surface.

Naturally, Qin Luoyi was not interested in staying in there, and he didn't go to form cliques to chat with the demon cultivators after dinner, and he didn't bother to accept other people's flattery, and even a few female cultivators wanted to come forward He came to strike up a conversation with her, but she also pretended to avoid it inadvertently.

After going out, she headed towards a secluded place with few people. After walking, she came to the edge of a rockery. The other side of the rockery was next to a crescent-shaped lake. There were unknown flowers blooming in it, and the fragrance was overwhelming. It was very quiet and elegant. Qin Luoyi, who originally planned to go for a stroll and then return to the backyard, couldn't help but sat down by the lake.

Stretching out her hand to carelessly pluck the emerald green lake water, looking at the stars in the sky, there was a faint noise coming from the front yard... She began to think about how to get out.

She has stayed in the Demon Realm for three years, and now that she has become a Demon Lord, she has much greater confidence in leaving the Demon Realm at this time. The Yinshan Mountains are not too far from the current border between the Northern Demon Realm and the Southern Demon Realm.

Three years was enough for her to understand many things. The so-called devil emperor that Lu Xiao said was only self-proclaimed. There was no emperor in the devil world, and there was only one big devil king, none other than the devil lord.

When she heard this name for the first time, she was surprised and shocked for a long time. She didn't expect that her natal contractor would have such a big background. He was actually a great demon king who commanded most of the demon world.

And the few places not under his command are the places originally occupied by the new devil emperor.

It seems that the place where the devil emperor stayed before had extremely powerful barriers and barriers, and if the barriers and barriers were not opened from the inside, it would be impossible to attack from the outside. Unite.

It's just that in the past few years, Demon Xiao seems to have disappeared from the Demon Realm suddenly, and there is no news at all. Even she can't use the natal contract between the two to contact him. If she is not still alive, even she will doubt it. Did Mo Xiao have been invited to drink tea by the king of Yama, and then the king of Yama liked him so much that he left him as his son-in-law?

The current demon world is divided into two, the south is the territory of the demon owl, and the north is the territory of the devil emperor. After the demon owl had no news four years ago, the devil emperor suddenly emerged with a group of subordinates and proclaimed himself emperor. The devil emperor is extremely belligerent, with an extremely ruthless personality. He vowed to kill the devil owl, truly unify the devil world, and become the real devil emperor of the devil world.

In the past four years, the Devil Emperor led his men to continuously invade the Southern Devil Realm and annexed many cities and territories. Of course, the most successful annexation was three years ago, when the Devil Emperor who had been dormant in the forbidden area of ​​the northern barrier suddenly He came out and caught the Southern Demon Realm by surprise. In addition, the Demon Lord was not around. In just one year, the Demon Emperor took over many territories in the Southern Demon Realm.

Even this Water Demon City was originally the territory of the Southern Demon Realm, and was forcibly snatched from the Northern Demon Realm by the Devil Emperor's people. However, the merger was only in the first year, and the two realms fell into a stalemate after that. In the battle, both sides have their own winners and losers.

Although Mo Xiao is not there, he still has several devil kings under him, and all of those devil kings are not weak in cultivation, leading people to quickly form an extremely powerful defense system, and in addition, the Southern Demon Realm also has a powerful force under the hands of Mo Xiao. Barriers and restrictions, they repaired the barriers and restrictions that were destroyed by the Northern Demon Realm, and their defense power was several times stronger.

The Northern Demon Realm could no longer plunder and massacre unscrupulously like it did in the first year.

And when she first ascended, she ascended from the Tianmen of Penglai Immortal Island. She originally thought that she would ascend directly into the fairy world, but unexpectedly, she ascended into this chaotic demon world full of chaotic battles, and even lost Feng Fei completely. drip their news.

Thinking of his husbands, Qin Luoyi secretly sighed, a gloomy look flashed in his phoenix eyes, and he didn't know what was going on with them or where they were.

There is also Bai Yi, no, he should not be Bai Yi now, he should be called Xuanyuan Qing... I remember that the person Jin Ruihuang found called him King Xuanyuan. I have already remembered the previous memories, and the palm seal they have been sending people to look for is actually in his hand, hidden in the tree of life...

During these years of penance, she couldn't help but wonder when he recovered his memory... But she didn't know it at all, and she couldn't see it before.

Xuanyuan Qing is the Great Heavenly King of the Immortal Realm, like a demon owl, commanding the entire Immortal Realm. Ouyang Qing is one of the Four Great Heavenly Kings under him. The Heavenly Gate was opened, and she ascended to the realm of harmony between man and nature through cultivation. Xuanyuan Qing ... Now he has returned to his position, because his return to the throne is a big event, and this news has spread to the Demon Realm. Even after three years, the monks in the Demon Realm often talk about it with great excitement. Speaking of When he came, he was even more in awe.

And she soared to the Demon Realm and became a Scattering Demon, perhaps because she had been practicing under the tree of life all these years, and because she had understood a lot of the way of heaven in the Yin-Yang Cave. After a few days, she ate several [-]th-level elixir, plus there were many sources of chaos in her Hunyuan Dzi Bead, and she directly attracted Thunder Calamity. , advanced to the rank of Earth Demon.

The person behind Lian Qi should have seen her at that time. When she crossed the catastrophe, she was so lucky that she encountered a great battle between the Southern Demon and the Northern Demon. The great battle broke out in Liyuan City. A lot of monks died in the first battle, and finally the Northern Demons lineage was defeated. The Southern Demon Realm monks in Liyuan City, those with high cultivation levels either died in battle or ran away. Those who did not escape were all slaughtered by the Northern Demon Realm.

Although after she ascended, she quickly advanced to the high level of dispelling demons, and finally succeeded in attacking the earth demons, but in this kind of battle, her cultivation level really could not gain the advantage, and in the end she survived by relying on the space of the bracelet.

(End of this chapter)

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