Brother is too evil

Chapter 709 Pure Yang boy body

Chapter 709 Pure Yang boy body (2)
Qin Luoyi hugged the snow fox, smiled and patted it on the head, scaring it and said: "Little thing, it's a mess here, and you're still running around, be careful if someone catches you and cooks it in soy sauce." The meat ate you!"

When Xuehu heard the braised pork, Yuanyuan's body couldn't help shaking a few times, and looked at her with a sad expression. It likes to eat braised pork, but it doesn't want to be eaten by others.

Seeing its cute and wronged look, Qin Luoyi couldn't help but patted its head again, and giggled.

However, the snow fox's pitiful look only lasted for a moment, and soon it became excited again, looking at Qin Luoyi with bright eyes, and stretched out its small and cute paws to pull her out: "Let's go, this time I found a good treasure... But I can't get it by myself, you have to help me."

Xuehu is born to be good at treasure hunting. No matter how deep or well hidden, many treasures are easily found by it. Seeing how excited it is, Qin Luoyi knew that the treasure it set eyes on this time must be very good. generally.Even she had to admit that the snow fox's eyes were too deep, too ordinary to be able to get into its eyes.

Some curious followed it.

I thought it was looking at some treasure in the city lord's mansion, but who knew that it led the way straight out of the city lord's mansion, and ran towards the west of Water Demon City.

After running for dozens of miles, it stopped. In front of it was a huge house built against the mountain. As soon as Qin Luoyi approached there, he faintly felt that the house was a bit unusual. There were dozens of demons inside. Cultivation is inside, and the cultivation bases of those demon cultivators are not low, and many of them are above the elementary level of mysterious demons.

At this moment, a black-clothed monk came out of the door. The monk looked familiar. Looking carefully, she recognized that the demon cultivator was the monk who came to Water Demon City with Lu Xiao. After he came out, he looked carefully. Looking around, he whispered a few words to the person who sent him out, and then left quickly.

Qin Luoyi carefully hid his body when he saw him, and only leaned out again after he left.Let go of your spiritual sense and take a look, except for the dozens of monks staying inside, you can't find any other abnormalities.

It is obviously not the first time Xuehu has come here, and he does not go in from the front yard, but goes around to the back of the house. The back of the house is built against a mountain. In a very secret place, there is actually a secret passage, a secret passage There is an extremely powerful phantom array in front of it covering the secret passage.

Entering the phantom array, walked into the secret passage, and found that the secret passage was just enough for one person to pass through easily, Xuehu ran ahead excitedly.

The secret path inside is quite long and twists and turns, and there are quite a few side paths, like a maze. It took half an hour to walk quickly before reaching the end, and there was another phantom array at the end.

Coming out of the phantom formation, she suddenly found that she had arrived in a stone room, which was only two meters in size, and there were many iron chains in it. There were some dark marks on the walls and the ground, and there was a layer thick dust.

Xuehu stood on it, so smart that he didn't leave any footprints. Qin Luoyi also used his mentality to walk an inch in the air while walking, and one person and one beast came out of the stone room silently.

Passing through several vacant stone rooms, Qin Luoyi faintly felt the presence of a human being in front of him. Qin Luoyi let go of his consciousness and saw that it was a man who was caught by Lian Peng yesterday and was imprisoned in it. Sitting in a corner with eyes closed, there was no sound at all.

Qin Luoyi paused.


It turned out that Lian Peng actually locked people here, and the secret place he was talking about was here. Unexpectedly, Xuehu found it by accident.

As soon as she stopped, Xuehu also stopped, blinking her eyes and looking at her suspiciously, full of cuteness.Qin Luoyi signaled it to wait a moment.

Then he directly took out a black veil from the storage space and tied it on his face. This veil was refined from a special material, and it was found by Xuehu in the square market of the Demon Realm two years ago. It didn't cost much, because the people who sold it didn't know what it was for.

This veil is simple and unsophisticated, it doesn't look very good, but it can very well block the visitation of other people's spiritual consciousness. Wearing it will not be afraid of being seen through.

Although all the people imprisoned here are from the Southern Demon Realm, they are all from the Demon Xiao, but she is not prepared to be seen by others, not to mention that she is still by Lu Xiao's side now, and she wants to rely on Lu Xiao to leave The Northern Demon Realm should be more cautious in everything.

She put on a black veil, and saw that her white dress was a little eye-catching, so she changed into a black dress when she was in a good mood. The black dress only showed two eyes, which was quite mysterious. walked out.

She intentionally restrained a lot of her breath, but the passing of a man and a beast in front of the locked stone room still alarmed the people inside. The man opened his eyes suddenly, and there was a sharp gleam in his eyes. The snow fox on the ground, and the veiled Qin Luoyi, had a flash of surprise in their eyes.

Qin Luoyi glanced at him, then continued to walk forward, passing through several stone chambers, before Xuehu stopped and jumped into one of them.

Qin Luoyi also stopped.

Inside the stone room was a middle-aged man who looked a bit haggard and was not seriously injured. When he saw Qin Luoyi and Xuehu who jumped in, his eyes flashed a look of wariness.

Qin Luoyi raised his hand and rubbed his chin through the veil, thinking about what kind of treasure this person has, which is worth the Xuehu's special effort to come here, and this person has suffered such serious injuries, the treasure has not been found by Lian Peng's people It is considered capable to come out, but I don't know where he is hiding.

Xuehu circled around him twice, a look of disappointment flashed in his eyes, he opened his eyes and looked around, wrinkled his nose and sniffed, suddenly his dim eyes suddenly lit up, jumped out quickly and He rushed towards the stone room in the farthest corner.

Qin Luoyi followed again.

In this stone room was a very young man, his body was also stained with blood, his hair was not very messy, his face was very ordinary, he could only be regarded as handsome, not outstanding, after the snow fox rushed in, he opened his eyes Now, after seeing the snow fox whose eyes were shining and excitedly staring at him inexplicably, his dark eyes fell on Qin Luoyi who was standing outside the stone room.

Meeting his eyes, Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

Although this man's appearance is not very outstanding, he can only be regarded as handsome, but his eyes are particularly expressive. At a glance, they are pitch-black, burning, and infinitely deep. An ecstatic smell.

After taking a look at Qin Luoyi, he couldn't help but take another look.

(End of this chapter)

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